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  • microeconmics
Micro Lecture Plan: Compensating Wage Differentials
Read the Fine Print
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Lecture Objective: Students understand what “there ain't no such thing as a free lunch” really means. In other words, they can identify different types of nonmonetary compensation and how they form part of real wages.

The lesson incorporates two MRU videos about compensating wage differentials from our Principles of Microeconomics video course. We also mix in discussion prompts, exercises, practice questions, graphs and charts, and pre- and post-class assignments. Finally, we provide supplementary resources such as additional data sources, relevant news articles and blog posts, two episodes of Planet Money, and a podcast conversation between Tyler Cowen and Peter Thiel.


What is Marginal Revolution University (MRU)?

Many of us can remember our first great economics teacher who fundamentally changed how we see the world. At MRU, we try and deliver that experience to millions worldwide through video.

Founded as a nonprofit in 2012 by George Mason University economics professors Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok, MRU is building the world’s largest online library of free economics education videos -- currently weighing in at more than 800 videos.

Social Science
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Lesson Plan
Marginal Revolution University
Alex Tabarrok
Mary Clare Peate
Date Added: