Deciding on attending college is a big decision. What college should I …
Deciding on attending college is a big decision. What college should I attend? Can I afford college? Can I succeed without college? Use this KQED collection to help inform your decision on whether college is the right path.
Over the course of this five lesson unit, students will explore how …
Over the course of this five lesson unit, students will explore how their preferences, interests, needs, and strengths (PINS) connect to a future career. Lessons can be taught as stand alone or as a comprehensive unit.
In this mini-unit, students begin by creating a career plan and an …
In this mini-unit, students begin by creating a career plan and an education plan. After learning financial aid vocabulary concepts, students will play an online game called “Payback” to apply knowledge learned about paying for college. The activity concludes with students creating a personal resume and taking notes on job interview tips.
This curriculum, written for graduate social work students and child welfare workers, …
This curriculum, written for graduate social work students and child welfare workers, is designed to improve the quality of care and services provided to children in out-of-home care. It highlights the importance of providing child welfare services that are responsive to the needs of children who must prepare for emancipation and the responsibilities of adult life. While more research efforts are aimed at tracking youth emancipating from the foster care system, little is known about those who are currently enrolled in post-secondary education. Further, research on youth exiting the foster care system tends to highlight negative outcomes. Little is known of former foster youth who go on to lead healthy and productive lives and what the contributing factors were that enabled them to succeed. Understanding their pathways to college and identifying the factors related to educational achievement can help inform program and service delivery to youth currently in the foster care system. (186 pages)Merdinger, J. M., Hines, A. M., Lemon, K., Wyatt, P., & Tweed, M. (2002).
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