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  • soil-systems
Introduction to Physical Geography OER Course
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0.0 stars

GEO 131: Introduction to Physical Geography is an OER course that provides a comprehensive overview of Earth's natural systems and the forces that shape its physical landscape. Students will explore key topics such as weather, climate, hydrology, ecology, geology, and tectonics. Through both lectures and hands-on lab exercises, students will examine the processes of volcanism, erosion, soil formation, and glaciation, and learn to apply geographic theories to real-world issues. The course emphasizes understanding the distribution of natural features and the scientific principles that explain Earth's physical geography.

Physical Geography
Material Type:
Full Course
Linda Neff
Duane Marshall
Duane Marshall
Date Added:
Topsoil microbiomes in sub-Saharan Africa: structure, drivers, and predicted climate-driven changes
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0.0 stars

This resource is a video abstract of a research paper created by Research Square on behalf of its authors. It provides a synopsis that's easy to understand, and can be used to introduce the topics it covers to students, researchers, and the general public. The video's transcript is also provided in full, with a portion provided below for preview:

"The microbes found in topsoil are a vital part of the Earth’s ecology. While several recent studies have explored these microbiomes on a global scale, their data on sub-Saharan Africa was sparse, despite the looming threat of climate change to the region. To close this gap, researchers recently examined the microbial ecology of 810 sites across 9 sub-Saharan African countries. The topsoil microbiomes were shaped by a broad range of environmental factors, particularly pH, precipitation, and temperature, and each nation had a quantifiably distinct topsoil microbiome. Computer models based on the data also predicted how country-specific microbiomes might respond to climate change. In Kenya, for example, higher temperatures and lower rainfall could diminish microbial diversity, whereas in Benin, the predicted increase in precipitation is likely to boost fungal biodiversity..."

The rest of the transcript, along with a link to the research itself, is available on the resource itself.

Life Science
Material Type:
Research Square
Provider Set:
Video Bytes
Date Added: