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  • WA.SS.C2.6-8.3 - (US) Analyze the structure and powers of government at the national le...
  • WA.SS.C2.6-8.3 - (US) Analyze the structure and powers of government at the national le...
Decisions That Define Us
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Students learn about the controversial history of a mural in Anacortes, WA, and consider what it would take to create a more inclusive and accurate mural in Anacortes today. Then students learn about the tribes, immigrants, and settlers in the region where they live and how their stories are represented in local murals in public spaces. Students draw on what they have learned to respond to the unit driving question: What decisions and whose stories define Washington state? Then, drawing on local resources such as tribal members, historical societies, and museums, students work in teams to propose a new mural that tells an inclusive story of the people and place where they live.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Unit of Study
Educurious .
Educurious .
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