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Physical Science Textbooks

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University Physics Volume 2
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

University Physics is a three-volume collection that meets the scope and sequence requirements for two- and three-semester calculus-based physics courses. Volume 1 covers mechanics, sound, oscillations, and waves. Volume 2 covers thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, and Volume 3 covers optics and modern physics. This textbook emphasizes connections between theory and application, making physics concepts interesting and accessible to students while maintaining the mathematical rigor inherent in the subject. Frequent, strong examples focus on how to approach a problem, how to work with the equations, and how to check and generalize the result.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Rice University
Provider Set:
OpenStax College
Jeff Sanny
Samuel J. Ling
William Moebs
Date Added:
University Physics Volume 3
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

University Physics is a three-volume collection that meets the scope and sequence requirements for two- and three-semester calculus-based physics courses. Volume 1 covers mechanics, sound, oscillations, and waves. Volume 2 covers thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, and Volume 3 covers optics and modern physics. This textbook emphasizes connections between between theory and application, making physics concepts interesting and accessible to students while maintaining the mathematical rigor inherent in the subject. Frequent, strong examples focus on how to approach a problem, how to work with the equations, and how to check and generalize the result.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Rice University
Provider Set:
OpenStax College
Jeff Sanny
Samuel Ling
Date Added:
Variational Principles in Classical Mechanics
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0.0 stars

Two dramatically different philosophical approaches to classical mechanics were proposed during the 17th – 18th centuries. Newton developed his vectorial formulation that uses time-dependent differential equations of motion to relate vector observables like force and rate of change of momentum. Euler, Lagrange, Hamilton, and Jacobi, developed powerful alternative variational formulations based on the assumption that nature follows the principle of least action. These variational formulations now play a pivotal role in science and engineering.

This book introduces variational principles and their application to classical mechanics. The relative merits of the intuitive Newtonian vectorial formulation, and the more powerful variational formulations are compared. Applications to a wide variety of topics illustrate the intellectual beauty, remarkable power, and broad scope provided by use of variational principles in physics.

Physical Science
Material Type:
University of Rochester
Douglas Cline
Date Added:
Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

This virtual textbook allows for visualization of 3D-molecular models while teaching principles of Organic Chemistry. Before his retirement in 1999, Professor William Reusch began working on a virtual organic chemistry textbook that could be used by anyone with an interest in the subject. On this site, visitors can take advantage of his labors, and the introduction to this important subject offered on the homepage is a great place to start. After entering the main area of the site, visitors will find two columns of links that serve as the main table of contents. There are over twenty five topics covered here, and they include aromaticity, alkyl halides, alcohols, and amines. Each area contains lucid text accompanied by well-organized diagrams. Additionally, the site contains practice problems, incorporated into the text, along with links to external institutions such as the University of Wisconsin that offer additional problems. One area that shouldn't be missed is the "Chemicals and Society" area. Here visitors will find a narrative essay that addresses how the incorporation of different chemicals into air, water, and soil may affect human society over time.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Michigan State University
William Reusch
Date Added:
Vulnérabilités, santé et sociétés en Afrique contemporaine
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0.0 stars

Expériences plurielles

Short Description:
Comment, en Afrique francophone, comprendre la vulnérabilité médicale de personnes ou de groupes sociaux au regard de leur genre, de leur âge ou de leur statut socioéconomique? Quelles stratégies déployer pour endiguer les facteurs qui fragilisent la santé et l’accès aux soins de santé des plus vulnérables? L’intérêt des sciences sociales pour la notion de vulnérabilité n’a fait que s’amplifier durant la dernière décennie. Cet ouvrage collectif aborde ce thème en neuf contributions d’auteurs et d’autrices aux profils variés qui, dans leurs travaux de recherche, ont privilégié la parole des patient-e-s et de leurs accompagnant-e-s qui font face à ces vulnérabilités, ainsi que celle du personnel soignant. Les nombreux témoignages permettent de saisir avec plus d’acuité les dimensions non seulement sanitaires, mais également historiques, socioculturelles, économiques, relationnelles, juridiques qui interviennent dans la vulnérabilisation des individus et des populations face aux questions de santé. Les différents chapitres de cet ouvrage apportent des pistes de réflexion et de solution utiles pour les scientifiques et les soignant-e-s préoccupé-e-s par la réduction des inégalités dans l'accès à un droit fondamental : la santé.

Long Description:
Comment, en Afrique francophone, comprendre la vulnérabilité médicale de personnes ou de groupes sociaux au regard de leur genre, de leur âge ou de leur statut socioéconomique? Quelles stratégies déployer pour endiguer les facteurs qui fragilisent la santé et l’accès aux soins de santé des plus vulnérables? L’intérêt des sciences sociales pour la notion de vulnérabilité n’a fait que s’amplifier durant la dernière décennie. Cet ouvrage collectif aborde ce thème en neuf contributions d’auteurs et d’autrices aux profils variés qui, dans leurs travaux de recherche, ont privilégié la parole des patient-e-s et de leurs accompagnant-e-s qui font face à ces vulnérabilités, ainsi que celle du personnel soignant. Les nombreux témoignages permettent de saisir avec plus d’acuité les dimensions non seulement sanitaires, mais également historiques, socioculturelles, économiques, relationnelles, juridiques qui interviennent dans la vulnérabilisation des individus et des populations face aux questions de santé. Les différents chapitres de cet ouvrage apportent des pistes de réflexion et de solution utiles pour les scientifiques et les soignant-e-s préoccupé-e-s par la réduction des inégalités dans l’accès à un droit fondamental : la santé.

Word Count: 76100

ISBN: 9782924661802

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Physical Geography
Physical Science
Material Type:
Éditions science et bien commun
Date Added:
Wading Through the Past
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Infrastructure, Indigeneity & the Western Water Archives

Short Description:
Wading Through the Past is a collection of essays based on the 2021 Western Water Symposium, sponsored by The Claremont Colleges Library. An assortment of scholars, librarians, and advocates have virtually gathered to discuss the process of digitizing, making accessible, and using the Western Water Archives in the hope that we might better understand and improve our relationship to water.

Long Description:
In 2017, the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) funded a three-year collaborative project to digitize and make available California water documents from seven participating institutions: the A.K. Smiley Public Library; the University Library at California State University, Northridge; the Water Resources Institute at California State University, San Bernardino; The Claremont Colleges Library; the National Archives at Riverside; the Ontario City Library; and the Upland Public Library. That project resulted in the Western Water Archives, an online repository of 19th and 20th century materials documenting the development, management, and exploitation of water in Southern California. The collections contain a rich assortment of blueprints, correspondence, ephemera, ledgers, legal papers, maps, pamphlets, photographs, plans, reports, scrapbooks, and technical documents.

In 2021 The Claremont Colleges Library hosted a virtual symposium to promote the Western Water Archives, featuring a range of librarians involved in the digitization process and scholars who have made use of the collections. This collection of essays is based on the symposium presentations.

Western Americana Manuscripts Librarian Lisa Crane outlines the logistics of a collaborative digitization project, from material selection and establishing metadata templates to hiring and training student workers. Drawing from these sources, politics professor Heather Williams provides an account of the rise and fall of the Bear Valley Irrigation Company, whose environmental miscalculations reflect contemporary water management decision making. Engineering professor Sami Maalouf considers the declining availability of water in Southern California and ways of improving sustainability. Teri Red Owl, Executive Director of the Owens Valley Indian Water Commission, provides a history of the Bishop Paiute Tribe and its irrigation methods in their Payahǖǖnadǖ homelands. Finally, data librarian Jeanine Finn and project manager Catalina Lopez discuss computational accessibility in the Bending Water Project, whose goal is to expand the reach and use of digitized California water documents.

Together, these essays reveal new ways of thinking about and improving water usage in Southern California.

Word Count: 21163

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Computer Science
Environmental Studies
Physical Science
Material Type:
Claremont Colleges
Char Miller
Date Added:
Wind Energy
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Word Count: 2004

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Jim Trepka
Date Added:
World Regional Geography: People, Places and Globalization
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

The discipline of geography bridges the social sciences with the physical sciences and can provide a
framework for understanding our world. By studying geography, we can begin to understand the
relationships and common factors that tie our human community together. The world is undergoing
globalization on a massive scale as a result of the rapid transfer of information and technology and
the growth of modes of transportation and communication. The more we understand our world, the
better prepared we will be to address the issues that confront our future. There are many approaches
to studying world geography. This textbook takes a regional approach and focuses on themes that
illustrate the globalization process, which in turn assists us in better understanding our global
community and its current affairs.

Physical Geography
Physical Science
Material Type:
University of Minnesota
Provider Set:
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Royal Berglee
Date Added:
World Regional Geography: People, Places and Globalization
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

World Regional Geography takes a regional approach to globalization and world geography. The textbook was designed to provide accurate and current information regarding world regional geography in an easy-to-read format. Fundamental geographic concepts and regions are presented in concise chapters that provide a foundational framework for understanding development patterns around the world. Essential topics include location, the environment, and global economic dynamics. Important theories, concepts, and principles are utilized throughout the textbook for each region.

Physical Geography
Physical Science
Material Type:
The Saylor Foundation
Jonathan E. Campbell
Michael Shin
Date Added:
ims-compliant zip file to upload to d2l (aka brightspace)
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

I've converted the collection.xml file in the zipped version of OpenStax Chemistry v 12.1 https://cnx.org/exports/85abf193-2bd2-4908-8563-90b8a7ac8df6@12.1.zip/chemistry-12.1.zip to an imsmanifest.xml file so that one can import the whole book into D2L (Brightspace). Attached here is the imsmanifest.xml file alone. I don't know a lot about IMS compliance, but I think this imsmanifest.xml file could work for other LMSs as well. Please let me know if it does, or if you have other ways of importing the textbook to a LMS.

I have also "prettied up" the html files in the zipped version of OpenStax Chemistry v12.1 by:

- removing the path for the images,
- using

for objectives, summaries and solutions, and
- creating a .css file which takes advantage of the various environments defined in the .html file

That new zip file is attached.

Finally, I'm also attaching the perl script that I used to change the .html files, in case you want to make systemic changes to what I did or try something else.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
x-2019-Douglas College Physics 1108 Physics for the Life Sciences
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This is a textbook for life science students. It is calculus based. The author, Jennifer Kirkey, used material from a variety of Open Stax books. It is organized such that topics are introduced conceptually with a steady progression to precise definitions and analytical applications.

Long Description:
This is a textbook for life science students. It is calculus based. The author, Jennifer Kirkey, used material from a variety of Open Stax books. College Physics is organized such that topics are introduced conceptually with a steady progression to precise definitions and analytical applications. The analytical aspect (problem solving) is tied back to the conceptual before moving on to another topic. Each introductory chapter, for example, opens with an engaging photograph relevant to the subject of the chapter and interesting applications that are easy for most students to visualize.

Word Count: 253276

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Physical Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
x-Douglas College Physics 1107 Fall 2019 Custom Textbook
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Douglas College custom textbook for first year college physics. Physics 1107 based on Open Stax College Physics. Algebra based, designed primarily for biology and earth science majors.

Word Count: 255352

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Physical Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
x-MSTE5120 - Teaching Physics and Chemistry for Elementary School Teachers
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Word Count: 10046

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Physical Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Évaluation des interventions de santé mondiale
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0.0 stars

Méthodes avancées

Short Description:
Une couverture universelle des soins de santé en 2030 pour tous les êtres humains, du Nord au Sud? Réaliser cet objectif de développement durable aussi ambitieux que nécessaire exigera une exceptionnelle volonté politique, mais aussi de solides données probantes sur les moyens d’y arriver, notamment sur les interventions de santé mondiale les plus efficaces. Savoir les évaluer est donc un enjeu majeur. On ne peut plus se contenter de mesurer leur efficacité : il nous faut comprendre pourquoi elles l’ont été (ou pas), comment et dans quelles conditions. Cet ouvrage collectif réunissant 27 auteurs et 12 autrices de différents pays et de disciplines variées a pour but de présenter de manière claire et accessible, en français, un florilège d’approches et de méthodes avancées en évaluation d’interventions : quantitatives, qualitatives, mixtes, permettant d’étudier l’évaluabilité, la pérennité, les processus, la fidélité, l’efficience, l’équité et l’efficacité d’interventions complexes. Chaque méthode est présentée dans un chapitre à travers un cas réel pour faciliter la transmission de ces savoirs précieux.

Long Description:
Une couverture universelle des soins de santé en 2030 pour tous les êtres humains, du Nord au Sud? Réaliser cet objectif de développement durable aussi ambitieux que nécessaire exigera une exceptionnelle volonté politique, mais aussi de solides données probantes sur les moyens d’y arriver, notamment sur les interventions de santé mondiale les plus efficaces. Savoir les évaluer est donc un enjeu majeur. On ne peut plus se contenter de mesurer leur efficacité : il nous faut comprendre pourquoi elles l’ont été (ou pas), comment et dans quelles conditions.

Cet ouvrage collectif réunissant 27 auteurs et 12 autrices de différents pays et de disciplines variées a pour but de présenter de manière claire et accessible, en français, un florilège d’approches et de méthodes avancées en évaluation d’interventions : quantitatives, qualitatives, mixtes, permettant d’étudier l’évaluabilité, la pérennité, les processus, la fidélité, l’efficience, l’équité et l’efficacité d’interventions complexes. Chaque méthode est présentée dans un chapitre à travers un cas réel pour faciliter la transmission de ces savoirs précieux.

Word Count: 144929

ISBN: 978-2-924661-60-4

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Cultural Geography
English Language Arts
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Physical Geography
Physical Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Éditions science et bien commun
Christian Dagenais
Sous la direction de Valéry Ridde
Date Added:
Υπολογιστική Φυσική: Ένα βιβλίο του Κωνσταντίνου Αναγνωστόπουλου - δεύτερη έκδοση (Computational Physics)
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0.0 stars

Το βιβλίο αυτό είναι μια εισαγωγή στις υπολογιστικές μεθόδους που χρησιμοποιούνται στη φυσική και άλλα επιστημονικά πεδία. Απευθύνεται σε κοινό που έχει ήδη εκτεθεί σε μαθήματα γενικής φυσικής που διδάσκονται στα δύο πρώτα έτη πανεπιστημιακών τμημάτων θετικών επιστημών και επιστημών του μηχανικού. Δεν υποθέτει κανένα υπόβαθρο αριθμητικής ανάλυσης, προγραμματισμού ή χρήσης υπολογιστή και παρουσιάζει ό,τι είναι απαραίτητο για την επίλυση των προβλημάτων που παρουσιάζονται στο βιβλίο. Μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί ως κύριο σύγγραμμα σε εισαγωγικά μαθήματα υπολογιστικής φυσικής και επιστημονικού προγραμματισμού.

Physical Science
Material Type:
National Technical University of Athens
Anagnostopoulos, Konstantinos
Date Added: