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K-12 Blended Teaching

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This book is your guide to blended teaching in K-12 spaces. It was designed to help both pre-service teachers and in-service teachers prepare their classes for blended teaching. This book begins by orienting you to the foundational dispositions and skills needed to support your blended teaching practice. Then you will be introduced to four key competencies for blended teaching: Online Integration – ability to effectively combine online instruction with in-person instruction. Data Practices – ability to use digital tools to monitor student activity and performance in order to guide student growth. Personalizing Instruction – ability to implement a learning environment that allows for student customization of goals, pace, and/or learning path. Online Interaction – ability to facilitate online interactions with and between students

Material Type: Reading, Textbook

Authors: Cecil R. Short, Charles R. Graham, Jered Borup, Leanna Archambault

100th Day of School Activities

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Resources to mark the 100th day of school with math activities. Challenge students to generate 100 different ways to represent the number 100. Students will easily generate 99 + 1 and 50 + 50, but encourage them to think out of the box. Challenge them to include examples from all of the NCTM Standards strands: number sense, numerical operations, geometry, measurement, algebra, patterns, data analysis, probability, discrete math, Create a class list to record the best entries. Some teachers write 100 in big bubble numeral style and then record the entries inside the numerals.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Terry Kawas

10X Bigger!

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Students will explore multi-digit numbers and the relationship between ones, tens and hundreds; a digit in one place is 10x the digit in the place to its right. Students will use their bodies to represent digits in multi-digit numbers up to the hundredths place and compare these numbers using <, =, >. Students will use their bodies as multi-digit numbers to add and subtract.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Admin

Political Campaigns: Crash Course Government and Politics

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Crash Course Government: So political campaigns are a pretty big deal in the United States. For instance the 2012 presidential election clocked in at the most expensive ever - at around $6 billion dollars! Needless to say, money plays a very big role in American elections. So today, Craig is going to take a look at why we have campaigns in the first place, why the campaign seasons run for so long, and of course why campaigns cost so much.

Material Type: Lecture

Author: Denise Krefting