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Time for Dinner

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Steak or chicken?  Dinner in the American culture tends to be a heavy meal with various options and sides.  In this seminar you will learn how to say many of the common dinner foods in Spanish. So sit back and enjoy!ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationCultures: Relating Cultural Practices to PerspectivesComparisons: Cultural ComparisonsLearning TargetI can order a dinner meal.Habits of MindStriving for accuracyCritical Thinking SkillConstruct Meaning

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Conjugating -er/-ir verbs

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Comer y beber!  Eat and drink! In this seminar you will learn how to conjugate these verbs so you can be specific on who is eating and drinking.  You will also be able to include vocabulary of food words to be specific on what people are eating and drinking as well.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationConnections: Making ConnectionsComparisons: Language ComparisonsLearning TargetI can answer questions about what I am doing and what I did.Habits of MindStriving for accuracyCritical Thinking SkillConstruct Meaning

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

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How do you make sure you stay healthy?  Do you eat a balanced diet? Do you work out and go to the gym everyday? In this seminar you will discuss some important, healthy habits to ensure a healthy lifestyle and discuss your opinion/preferences in Spanish.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpretive Communication, Presentational CommunicationConnections: Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives:Comparisons: Cultural ComparisonsCommunities: Lifelong LearningLearning TargetI can write about a famous athlete, celebrity, or historical person.Habits of MindThinking and communicating with clarity and precisionCritical Thinking SkillConstruct Meaning 

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Places Around Town

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What types of important buildings can you find in a town?  A store, post office, bank, library, etc. How often do you go to these places and what do you do there?  By the end of this seminar you will be able to describe all of this information to someone while indicating where to go to get there so let's get started by learning the places around town first!ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationCultures: Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives:Communities: School and Global Communities:Learning TargetI can locate places on city maps.Habits of MindStriving for accuracyCritical Thinking SkillClassifying

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Traveling Activities

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Think about all the fun things you can do, see, and learn about when traveling.  Many Spanish-speaking countries are enriched with culture and history. In this seminar you will be introduced to new verbs that you can do while traveling to a city and discovering new places.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpretive Communication and Presentational CommunicationCultures: Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives:Communities: Lifelong Learning:Learning TargetI can write simple statements about where I live.Habits of MindApplying past knowledge to new situations.Critical Thinking SkillConstructing Support

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Spanish Speaking Countries

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Get ready to plan a trip to a Spanish-speaking country, but which one?  There are over twenty Spanish-speaking countries around the world. In this seminar you will learn about these countries and as you find out where they are geographically, consider what country would you want to visit and why.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpretive Communication and Presentational CommunicationConnections: Making ConnectionsCommunities: School and Global CommunitiesLearning TargetI can name countries on a map and provide directions.Habits of MindStriving for accuracyCritical Thinking SkillAnalyzing Perspectives 

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Let’s go!

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Irregular verbs are very important in Spanish.  In this seminar we will take a look at the verb "ir."  Don't get confused, this is not an -ir verb or the ending a verb, it is its OWN verb that has its own conjugation chart.  The verb ir means "to go." We will use the verb ir to discuss the Spanish-speaking places to go to and what to do when you get to the new places.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication and Presentational CommunicationCommunities: School and Global CommunitiesLearning TargetI can talk about places I know.Habits of MindThinking and communicating with clarity and precisionCritical Thinking SkillInvestigation

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Where in the world is…?

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It is important to know the capitals of Spanish speaking countries.  Why? The truth is that each capital is packed with history and places to see.  In this seminar you will learn about the capitals of Spanish speaking countries.  As you continue to plan your future trips keep in mind Spanish-speaking capitals as destination sites.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpretive Communication and Presentational CommunicationConnections: Making ConnectionsCommunities: School and Global CommunitiesLearning TargetI can write the names of countries on a mapHabits of MindStriving for accuracyCritical Thinking SkillInvestigation

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Let’s have some fun!

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Where do you like to go for fun or what do you like to do?  Have you ever been to a concert or school dance? In this seminar you will continue to build your Spanish language skills to talk and discuss more of your preferences with others- whether you like sports or the arts.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication and Presentational CommunicationConnections: Acquiring Information and Diverse PerspectivesLearning TargetI can understand questions about age, residence, and leisure activitiesHabits of MindThinking and communicating with clarity and precisionCritical Thinking SkillAnalyzing Perspectives

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

No, really… how are you?

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If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands! No, Spanish people do not sing this song, but they still talk about emotions.  In this seminar you will be able to provide a more detailed answer to the question "How are you?". Up until now you have been able to say good, bad, or so-so, but what if you are nervous, scared, sick, etc.?  Learn to be able to express your emotions in Spanish!ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication and Presentational CommunicationComparisons: Language ComparisonsConnections: Making ConnectionsLearning TargetI can respond to who, what, where questions when dealing with emotions.Habits of MindListening with understanding and empathyCritical Thinking SkillProblem Solving 

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Please RSVP

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Making plans and arranging activities to do with friends and family is part of life.  There are events in life we celebrate and have parties for in both cultures, some unique in their own ways.  In this seminar you will learn about how to accept and decline invitations by learning new vocabulary and practicing in different modes of communication.  Are you ready to make a date and study some vocabulary?ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpretive Communication and Presentational CommunicationComparisons: Language ComparisonsLearning TargetI can tell someone what I am doingHabits of MindThinking flexiblyCritical Thinking SkillDecision Making

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

“Shoe” Verbs

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The verbs jugar, poder, tener, and querer are unique Spanish verbs.  They are called stem changers or "shoe verbs" because the unique changes that occur in the stem happen when conjugating for only certain subject pronouns.  While the endings are the same, the stem changes. Pay close attention in this seminar to the changes that occur with these verbs so you can use them to discuss hobbies, sports, and any other events you want to attend.Communication: Interpersonal Communication and Presentational CommunicationConnections: Making ConnectionsComparisons: Language ComparisonsLearning TargetI can ask for and provide information about a hobby such as sports or other activitiesHabits of MindThinking and communicating with clarity and precisionCritical Thinking SkillAnalyzing Perspectives

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Historical Events

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The truth is history impacts our present day lives.  You are currently learning Spanish, but why? or how?  In this seminar you will discover some important historical events in Latin America that have impacted how Spanish got to the United States.  You will also learn some of the history associated with Spain and how Spanish arrived on the peninsula. ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpretive CommunicationCultures: Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives:Comparisons: Cultural ComparisonsLearning TargetI can understand a tour guide's description of a city's history and attractions.Habits of MindStriving for accuracyCritical Thinking SkillClassifying

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Pop Culture Spanish Speakers

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The word "pop-culture" refers to contemporary people, events, or things of the current times.  In this seminar you will learn about pop-culture Spanish-speakers who you may have known were Spanish-speakers or came from Latino backgrounds, while some of them may be a complete surprise to you.  Learn more about these people and you will come to realize how many Spanish-speakers there are in your world and how they affect your daily life in music, movies, television, and sports.ACTFL StandardsCultures: Relating Cultural Products to PerspectivesComparisons: Cultural ComparisonsCommunities: Lifelong LearningLearning TargetI can give a presentation about a famous athlete, celebrity, or historical figure.Habits of MindCreating, imagining, innovatingCritical Thinking SkillConstruct Meaning

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Spanish Historical Figures & The Preterite

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There is a lot of rich history when we talk about Spanish.  There are important ancient civilizations, there are conquistadors and sea travelers across the Atlantic Ocean, and there are the many queens and kings of Spain. In this seminar you will learn about important historical figures in the Spanish language and use new vocabulary along with the regular forms of the preterite (past tense) to discuss these people and the events they were involved with.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal CommunicationCultures: Relating Cultural Practices to PerspectiveLearning TargetI can read a short summary of a historical figure's accomplishments and how it impacted an ancient civilization.Habits of MindThinking and communicating with clarity and precisionCritical Thinking SkillInternalize

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Affirmative Tu Commands

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Have you ever been told to do something? "Do your homework!" "Clean your room!" "Brush your teeth!" These sentences are what we call commands, and in this case, when someone you know is telling you to do it, the affirmative tú command is used in Spanish.  In this seminar you will identify how to conjugate verbs in the affirmative tú command as well as improve your listening for commands.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpretive CommunicationConnections: Making ConnectionsComparisons: Language ComparisonsLearning TargetI can hear the difference between a question and a statement.Habits of MindThinking flexiblyCritical Thinking SkillConstruct Meaning 

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Present Progressive

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In English we use the ending -ing on verbs to indicate we are doing them right now.  In Spanish, we also use specific grammar to indicate you or someone else is doing something right now. In this seminar you will be learning present progressive. Before you jump into conjugating the present progressive tense, you may want to review your conjugations for the verb "estar."ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationComparisons: Language ComparisonsLearning TargetI can answer questions about what I am doing and what I did.Habits of MindThinking and communicating with clarity and precisionCritical Thinking SkillInternalize

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Talk about Household Chores

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Are you responsible for chores around the house?  Maybe you have to take out the garbage once a week or you are responsible for setting the table and washing dishes.  Everyone's responsibilities may vary and in this seminar you will discuss the many household chores to complete in Spanish so you can understand when people are talking about up keeping their home.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpretive CommunicationComparisons: Language ComparisonsLearning TargetI can understand if people are talking about their homes.Habits of MindApplying past knowledge to new situationsCritical Thinking SkillComparing

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Talk about Houses

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What types of rooms do you find in a house or apartment?  A kitchen? A bathroom? Bedrooms?  Some of these rooms are common from one place to another but may vary in quantity.  Some houses or apartments may have dining rooms while others do not.  In this seminar you will learn the vocabulary for different rooms in a house and learn about various Spanish-speaking homes.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Interpretive CommunicationCommunities: School and Global CommunitiesLearning TargetI can understand very basic information from a real estate adHabits of MindApplying past knowledge to new situationsCritical Thinking SkillClassifying

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author


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What types of things do you need at a party?  What are some decoration items?  What do people eat?  There is a lot that goes into planning an event and to be able to provide a clear description of your event in Spanish, you will learn these words!ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpretive Communication, Presentational CommunicationCultures: Relating Cultural Products to PerspectivesLearning TargetI can recognize information about when and where an event will take place.Habits of MindThinking and communicating with clarity and precisionCritical Thinking SkillClarity

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author