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Imperfect Progressive Tense

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The imperfect tense is describing an event that occured over a period of time in the past, but imagine telling a story about something that was going on in the past tense.  In this situation you would use the imperfect progressive. In this lesson you will discuss events or accidents that were occuring in the past tense when you may have been suddenly interrupted (preterite tense). While how to form the imperfect progressive tense is easy, pay close attention to its uses!ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Presentational CommunicationConnections: Making ConnectionsCultures: Relating Cultural Practices to PerspectivesLearning TargetI can make a presentation related to public health or safety.Habits of MindListening with understanding and empathyCritical Thinking SkillAnalyzing Perspectives

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Parts of the Body and Irregular Preterite

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There are some important irregular preterite verbs that can be used to discuss accidents in the past and the results of those accidents on various body parts.  In this seminar you will learn eight new body part vocabulary words as well as how to conjugate four irregular verbs in the preterite- venir, decir, traer, and poner.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpretive Communication, Presentational CommunicationConnections: Making ConnectionsLearning TargetI can understand simple captions under photos.Habits of MindApplying past knowledge to new situationsCritical Thinking SkillAnalyzing Perspectives

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Treatments for Medical Conditions

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While every doctor has a different opinion, there are simple suggestions, opinions, and research for curing or healing medical conditions.  When one has an infection, typically antibiotics are prescribed, but are there alternatives?  What if someone has cancer or any other medical conditions?  There is varying research that suggestions different treatment options.  In this seminar you will learn about different vocabulary dealing with treating medical conditions and you will also get an opportunity to read some research on treatment options using this vocabulary.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationConnections: Making ConnectionsLearning TargetI can write a simple summary about something I have researched.Habits of MindThinking and communicating with clarity and precisionCritical Thinking SkillConstruct Meaning

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Imperfect Tense

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A repeated action in the past, such as a repeated celebration or activity, uses the imperfect tense in Spanish.  This easy to learn tense has new endings and only three irregular verbs.  The imperfect tense differs from the preterite tense.  Although both indicate the past, the imperfect is for a repeated action in the past and the preterite is for a single event in the past.  Practice the new endings and usages in this seminar.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationConnections: Making ConnectionsComparisons: Language ComparisonsLearning TargetI can give a clear and detailed childhood story and answer questions about the story.Habits of MindCreating, imagining, innovatingCritical Thinking SkillConstructing Support  

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Manners and Customs

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When hosting a party there is specific etiquette one must have, especially when greeting guests.  In this seminar you will discuss the many verbs that are associated with things you do at a party or event, especially displaying manners.  You will also learn about some cultural differences when it comes to etiquette.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationCultures: Relating Cultural Practices to PerspectivesComparisons: Cultural ComparisonsLearning TargetI can describe how to plan and carry out an event, such as a party or family reunionHabits of MindCritical Thinking Skill 

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

People at Parties

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In order to promote an event or sell an item, you have to know who you are audience is and what interests them.  So who will be at your event?  Consider the people and the relationships you have with people that will be at your event.  ACTDL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, and Presentational CommunicationCultures: Relating Cultural Products to PerspectivesLearning TargetI can make a presentation promoting an event, a service, or a product.Habits of MindCreating, imagining, innovatingCritical Thinking SkillAnalyzing Perspectives

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Special Events

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Special events are marked by unique activities that day.  Think about the 4th of July- what do you do to celebrate?  Why typically happens at the end of the night?  In this seminar you will learn how to say unique things that happen at special events and parties, as well as expand your knowledge of events that occur within the Spanish culture. ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationComparisons: Cultural ComparisonsLearning TargetI can write about a holiday, vacation, or a typical celebration.Habits of MindCreating, imagining, innovatingCritical Thinking SkillConstruct Meaning

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Discuss the News

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Television networks and newspapers do a good job of sharing the aftermath of natural disasters with the world.  They discuss the injuries that occur within the people as well as who the heroes are in helping those injured.  In this seminar you will listen and read about true heroes as they discuss injuries and what they went through.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationConnections: Making ConnectionsCommunities: School and Global CommunitiesLearning TargetI can explain an injury and manage to get help.Habits of MindListening with understanding and empathyCritical Thinking SkillInvestigation

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Irregular Preterite: oír, creer, leer, destruir

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Sometimes things happen in life that are unexpected.  Just like natural disasters, these things that occur cause us to change our plans or cancel events.  In this seminar you will learn the conjugations of four important verbs that can be used to provide explanations on why things got canceled, particularly dealing with fires and other natural disasters.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpretive Communication, Interpersonal CommunicationConnections: Making ConnectionsLearning TargetI can understand that an event is being postponed or cancelled.Habits of MindListening with understanding and empathyCritical Thinking SkillInternalize

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Natural Disasters

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Get ready to share your emotions and opinions about the weather and natural disasters.  Natural disasters can affect the lives of many people due to their devastation and what comes with them.  In this seminar, take the time to learn your new vocabulary to expand on your weather vocabulary and share your opinion.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationConnections: Making ConnectionsLearning TargetI can explain my point of view on current event topics such as recycling, nutrition and exercise, the food supply, conserving energy resources, extreme weather events, etc.Habits of MindCreating, imagining, innovatingCritical Thinking SkillInvestigation

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Talk about Fires

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Fire! Fire! These words can be very scary to hear and with them comes images of falling buildings, hot doorknobs, ruined furniture, and burns. In this seminar you will discuss the many vocabulary words associated with fires and how to react or report this current event.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Interpretive CommunicationCommunities: School and Global CommunitiesConnections: Acquiring Information and Diverse PerspectivesLearning TargetI can share my reactions about a current event and explain why the event is in the newsHabits of MindListening with understanding and empathyCritical Thinking SkillInternalize

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

To Tell a Story

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When delivering the news it is very important you share factual information that can help others.  Some information reported can also be for entertainment purposes, but nonetheless, the information must be factual.  When delivering the news about natural disasters, there are important things that should be shared with others.  In this seminar you will learn some very important vocabulary words that can help with your delivery.  ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationCommunities: School and Global CommunitiesConnections: Acquiring Information and Diverse PerspectiveLearning TargetI can exchange factual information on a variety of topics.Habits of MindThinking and communicating with clarity and precisionCritical Thinking SkillInvestigation

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author


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You've booked your trip! Can you maneuver through an airport in a Spanish-speaking city?  Use the vocabulary from this seminar to help you get through the airport successfully and share important information about navigating through a Spanish-speaking city by presenting pictures, videos, recordings, and other important facts.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationConnections: Making ConnectionsCommunities: Lifelong LearningLearning TargetI can incorporate a variety of supporting media and materials such as statistics, analyses, trends, polls, etc. into a presentation.Habits of MindCreating, imagining, innovatingCritical Thinking SkillConstructing Support

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Subjunctive Tense

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As you plan to make trips and are unsure of your interests or what you will do, the subjunctive tense in Spanish is used to express many situations.  Take your time to learn the subjunctive tense, it requires practice to conjugate, but most importantly when to be used.  At the end of this seminar you will be able to hear for the subjunctive when listening to native speakers as well as write the subjunctive to express your interests and desires.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationComparisons: Language ComparisonsCommunities: Lifelong LearningLearning TargetI can exchange detailed information about my personal and professional interests.Habits of MindGathering data through all sensesCritical Thinking SkillAnalyzing Perspectives

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Travel Plans and Expressions

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Preparing for a trip can be a very exciting time! You may be traveling for a mission trip, a job requirement, or a social traveling trip with friends or family.  Regardless of why you are traveling there are important words to know when traveling to a Spanish speaking country and being able to navigate through an airport, an airplane, and at a travel agency.  Learn these words in this seminar so you can convince your school administrators on taking a trip abroad. There are many school districts who are oppose traveling abroad due to security and insurance liability so you will need to convince them the value of safety of traveling to a Spanish speaking country!  ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationCommunities: School and Global Communities, Lifelong LearningConnections: Making ConnectionsLearning TargetI can present reasons for or against a position on a political or social issue.Habits of MindThinking and communicating with clarity and precisionCritical Thinking SkillAnalyzing Perspectives

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Conditional Tense

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When participating in a debate, a lot of what-ifs are presented and discussed.  To discuss what could possibly happen, we use the conditional tense with verbs.  In this seminar you will discuss the conditional tense, how to prepare sentences using what-if statements, and view some debates.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationComparisons: Language ComparisonsLearning TargetI can present a position during a formal debate.Habits of MindThinking flexiblyCritical Thinking SkillConstructing Support

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Earth and Energy

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Our earth is a very special place and it is important to keep it clean and maintain its condition so all species can live on it.  Energy plays a big role in helping our earth stay safe.  Before we discuss what harms the earth, you must know vocabulary dealing with the earth and energy.  In this seminar you will get a list of vocabulary dealing with those words and look into discoveries that have helped the earth.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpretive Communication, Presentational CommunicationConnections: Making ConnectionsLearning TargetI can understand the main idea and a few supporting facts about a scientific discovery from a summarized description.Habits of MindGathering data through all sensesCritical Thinking SkillInvestigation

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

The Environment

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Let's learn more about our environment here on earth.  What can you do to keep it safe?  What types of things are being done to put it in danger?  There are quite a few  current environmental issues that can be discussed, so let's make sure you learn the vocabulary necessary to discuss the environment in this seminar.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpretive Communication, Presentational CommunicationConnections: Making ConnectionsLearning TargetI can present ideas about something I have learned, such as a historical event, a famous person, or a current environmental issue.Habits of MindListening with understanding and empathyCritical Thinking SkillInvestigation

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Future Tense- Regular

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Prior to this lesson you have been able to indicate the future by using "ir+a+infinitive."  There is a specific future tense that can be much easier to indicate you will do that verb in the future.  Just like all other Spanish tenses,  there will be specific endings for each subject pronoun.  So let's not waste any time, get ready to discuss your future plans using the future tense!ACTFL StandardsInterpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationCommunities: Lifelong LearningComparisons: Language ComparisonsLearning TargetI can discuss my future plans such as what I will be doing in the next few years.Habits of MindTaking responsible risksCritical Thinking SkillDecision Making

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Jobs in Law and Politics

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Did you ever consider a career in politics?  Not necessarily the president, but what about a lawmaker or state politician?  Careers in law and politics can really make a difference in people's lives.  In this seminar you will learn about these careers and how to say them in Spanish.  You will also be able to share your interest to further pursue this career with a job application, internship, or learning program.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationCommunities: Lifelong LearningLearning TargetI can write an autobiographical statement for a contest, study abroad or other special program, or job application.Habits of MindCreating, imagining, innovatingCritical Thinking SkillInvestigation

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author