All resources in Digital Citizenship and Digital Literacy

Common Sense Media- Deep Fakes and Democracy Lesson

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**The resource is published by Common Sense EducationCommon Sense Education has created the Deep Fakes and Democracy lesson plan to educate students on how misinformation influences the Democratic process. Common Sense also has a broader section on Hoaxes and Fakes in its Digital Citizenship Curriculum:

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan

Author: Cyber Citizenship Initiative


10th Grade ELA: Information Fluency

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In this unit, students will understand where “fake news” comes from, why it exists and how they can think like fact checkers to become fluent consumers, evaluators, and creators of information. They will apply this knowledge by selecting a controversial topic to evaluate, synthesize, and analyze all aspects before sharing with a local audience.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment, Homework/Assignment, Lesson, Lesson Plan, Teaching/Learning Strategy, Unit of Study

Authors: Crystal Hurt, Beth Kabes

Common Sense Education - Let's Give Credit (Plagiarism and Citations)

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With so much information at our fingertips, students learn what it means to "give credit" when using content they find online. Taking on the role of a detective, students learn why it's important to give credit and the right ways to do it when they use words, images, or ideas that belong to others. In this introduction to plagiarism and good digital citizenship, second graders are encouraged to give credit to people whose work they reference when doing projects. Although written for second grade, this lesson could be easily adapted to upper primary and even middle school levels.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson, Lesson Plan

Author: Common Sense Media

LPS Digital Citizenship LibGuide

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This is a collection of resources for teaching digital citizenship concepts to students K-12. Includes grade-specific key concepts, instructional materials, and talking points for teachers. Aligns digital citizenship instruction to specific pre-existing curriculum objectives whenever possible.

Material Type: Lesson Plan, Module

Author: ESU 18

Elementary Digital Citizenship Hotlist

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This annotated list is intended to provide teachers links to resources that can be used to teach digital citizenship and other technology related concepts and skills. The resources listed are considered free to use but are not necessarily openly licensed materials unless otherwise noted. Feel free to remix this document to delete any links that are not useful to you and add any resources you find worthwhile.

Material Type: Lesson, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Authors: MSDE Admin, andrew robertson

Digital Citizenship Resources

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This annotated list (from the MSDE Blackboard website) is intended to provide teachers links to resources that can be used to teach digital citizenship and other technology related concepts and skills. The resources listed are considered free to use but are not necessarily openly licensed materials unless otherwise noted. Feel free to remix this document to delete any links that are not useful to you and add any resources you find worthwhile.

Material Type: Lesson, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Authors: MSDE Admin, Tracy Cramer, Alyssa King