All resources in Digital Dexterity Educators

Digital Essentials

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We partnered with students to create Digital Essentials, a series of online modules for students to quickly build digital skills for study and work. The modules cover different digital capabilities for creation, communication, data, information, learning and functional skills. The modules are on the Pressbooks platform and include H5P content for interactivity and self-assessment. There is also a short quiz at the end of each module to check your knowledge. The modules include: Accessibility Artificial Intelligence Choose the right tool Communicate and collaborate Digital security eProfessionalism Find and using media Information essentials Internet essentials Social media Types of assignments Working with data and files Write, cite and submit

Material Type: Interactive, Module

Author: University of Queensland Library

Copyright History [learning module]

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This interactive learning module explores the history of copyright right from the “Battle of the Book” in the 6th century, through the invention of the printing press; and up to the 1968 Australian Copyright Act. It aims to provide an understanding of why the laws were necessary and what their implications are for today’s world. After completing this module, students should be able to: * explain the drivers for and rationale of early copyright legislation; * understand the impact of the printing press on historical concepts of authorship and copyright legislation; * define modern copyright; interpret Australian copyright principles; * evaluate the suitability of current copyright and * defend the need for copyright reform in the future. This module can be downloaded and embedded in course sites. Please note: a few of the supplementary/additional (non-core) resources linked to in this resource are restricted to University of South Australia staff and students. These have been clearly annotated. This module has been created using H5P software.

Material Type: Module

Author: University of South Australia;

Workshop - Digital Declutter

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This workshop will explore three related areas in relation to digital decluttering:Workplace functions - time-saving, targeted and minimising frustrationPersonal and workplace well-beingContextualised individual needs for digital work functions or spaces within larger organisation operations.A combination of reflection, evaluation and hands on practice are part of this digital decluttering and digital organisation workshop. 

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Digital Dexterity Champions

Quick feedback on learning

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A printable form to give to students after class to get quick feedback on how they found the lesson using a simple likert emoji scale, then by commenting upon what they learned and what they are still uncertain about. Form is a downloadable editable pdf.This form was used for a 'Finding information in the library' workshop, but you can adapt it for any workshop.License is CC-BY-SA,...except for the icons which are CC-BY:agree, undecided & disagree by JS Beaulieu from the Noun Project, 

Material Type: Assessment, Diagram/Illustration

Author: Emma Chapman

Ateliers sur demande – Instant Workshops

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There are already many online lessons for building digital skills in higher education, so why is Ateliers sur demande | Instant Workshops creating more? First, it is not always easy to find lessons in both English and French, which is particularly helpful in Canada, for example, where Ateliers sur demande | Instant Workshops started. Second, when English and French lessons do exist, sometimes there are issues with accessibility, such as videos without captions. Or there are issues with access, such as subscription fees or institutional logins. Or there are issues with resources that are too long or inflexible or impersonal. The collaborators on Ateliers sur demande | Instant Workshops aim to provide digital skills lessons for higher education in French and English that are free, open, focused, accessible, flexible, and humanized. The site and initial suite of lessons were made possible with funding by the Government of Ontario and through eCampusOntario’s support of the Virtual Learning Strategy, and new lessons are added regularly.

Material Type: Interactive, Lesson

Author: Mish Boutet

Digital Skills GitBook

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The Living Book of Digital Skills (You never knew you needed until now) is a living, open source online guide to 'modern not-quite-technical computer skills' for researchers and the broader academic community.

Material Type: Textbook