Anthropology Mini Lectures: A collective resource for online teaching in the time of COVID19

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This is a collection of mini lectures created by anthropologists and those in conversation with anthropology as supplimental material to assist college and university instructors who were made to shift their courses online because of COVID19.For more information, see here.To contribute, please create an OER author account and send your name and OER registered email to

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Homework/Assignment, Lecture, Lesson Plan, Reading, Syllabus, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Authors: Zoe Wool, Paige West, Chloe Ahmann, Laura Story Johnson, Kate Fischer, Maira Hayat, Kim de Rijke, Daniel Souleles, Devin Proctor, Rose Wellman, Emily Hammerl, Katrina Thompson, Rebecca Lester, Emily Yates-Doerr, Andrew Flachs, Rosalyn Bold, Noah Theriault, Jonathan Wald, Heikki Wilenius, Flosha Diliena Liyana Saran Arachchige Don, Sabra Thorner, Jonathan Padwe, Laura Ogden, Geir Henning Presterudstuen, Lauren Visconti, Brett Hill

Learning Framework: Effective Strategies for College Success

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This free digital textbook serves as a companion to EDUC 1300/1200/1100 Learning Framework: Effective Strategies for College Success at Austin Community College. This book is an accessible and relevant way to explore the research and theory in the psychology of learning, cognition, and motivation as well as factors that impact learning, and the presentation of specific learning strategies. This Open Educational Resource was remixed from a previous version found at by Heather Syrett and Laura Lucas. Senior Contributing Author and EditorHeather Syrett, Professor and Assistant Department ChairStudent Development and General StudiesAustin Community College Contributing AuthorsPamela Askew, ProfessorStudent Development and General StudiesAustin Community CollegeEduardo Garcia, ProfessorStudent Development and General StudiesAustin Community College Edgar Granillo, Professor and Department ChairStudent Development and General StudiesAustin Community College Laura Lucas, Former Adjunct ProfessorStudent Development and General StudiesAustin Community CollegeMarcy May, Adjunct ProfessorStudent Development and General StudiesAustin Community CollegeTobin Quereau, Former Adjunct ProfessorStudent Development and General StudiesAustin Community CollegeAmber Sarker, ProfessorStudent Development and General StudiesAustin Community College Paul Smith, Adjunct ProfessorStudent Development and General StudiesAustin Community College Eva Thomsen, Associate ProfessorStudent Development and General StudiesAustin Community College Suggested Attribution for Reuse;Syrett, H., et al. Learning Framework: Strategies for College Success. Provided by: Austin Community College. Located at: OER Commons, License: CC BY-NC-SA-4.0 Revised August 2020 (Chapters 1, 4, 6, 7, and 8), August 2021 (Chapters 2 and 15), August 2022 (Chapters 1, 3, and 16), August 2023 (Chapters 1, 16, and 17), August 2024 (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 14.)

Material Type: Full Course

Diaghilev and the Ballets Russes, 1909Đ1929

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This video "Diaghilev and the Ballets Russes, 1909Đ1929: When Art Danced with Music" celebrates one of the most dazzling cultural enterprises of the twentieth century. The Ballets Russes, established in 1909 by the indefatigable impresario Serge Diaghilev, revolutionized the art of ballet. Combining Russian and Western traditions with a healthy dose of modernism, the company thrilled and shocked audiences with its powerful fusion of choreography, music, design and dance. Though it was based in Paris, the company toured throughout Europe, the United States and South America. Its influence continues to be felt today. A 28-minute video is available to watch online. A 58-minute version is available to borrow.

Material Type: Lecture

American Government

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 American Government is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the single-semester American government course. This title includes innovative features designed to enhance student learning, including Insider Perspective features and a Get Connected Module that shows students how they can get engaged in the political process. The book provides an important opportunity for students to learn the core concepts of American government and understand how those concepts apply to their lives and the world around them. American Government includes updated information on the 2016 presidential election.Senior Contributing AuthorsGlen Krutz (Content Lead), University of OklahomaSylvie Waskiewicz, PhD (Lead Editor)

Material Type: Full Course

BranchED OER Template

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This template has been created by Branch Alliance for Educator Diversity to facilitate the development of OER as instructional materials for teacher education classes.Within this resource are instructions, templates, and examples for using this template to create your own unit(s) for your own classes. 

Material Type: Module

Author: Aubree Evans

Music in World Cultures

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Short Description: This text provides just a small sampling of some of the various musical styles and traditions that might be found, though the skills developed in this course can be applied to any type of music. Word Count: 16577 (Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Justin R. Hunter, Matthew Mihalka

Introduction to Psychology

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When you teach Introduction to Psychology, do you find it difficult – much harder than teaching classes in statistics or research methods? Do you easily give a lecture on the sympathetic nervous system, a lecture on Piaget, and a lecture on social cognition, but struggle with linking these topics together for the student? Do you feel like you are presenting a laundry list of research findings rather than an integrated set of principles and knowledge? Have you wondered how to ensure your course is relevant to your students? If so, then you have something in common with Charles Stangor.Charles Stangor's Introduction to Psychology utilizes the dual theme of behavior and empiricism to make psychology relevant to intro students.Charles wrote this book to help students organize their thinking about psychology at a conceptual level. Five or ten years from now, he does not expect his students to remember the details of most of what he teaches them. However, he does hope that they will remember that psychology matters because it helps us understand behavior and that our knowledge of psychology is based on empirical study.This book is designed to facilitate these learning outcomes, and he has used three techniques to help focus students on behavior:Chapter Openers: Each chapter opens showcasing an interesting real world example of people who dealing with behavioral questions and who can use psychology to help them answer them. The opener is designed to draw the student into the chapter and create an interesting in learning about the topic.Psychology in Everyday Life: Each chapter contains one or two features designed to link the principles from the chapter to real-world applications in business, environment, health, law, learning, and other relevant domains. For instance, the application in Chapter 7 on Development, “What makes good parents” applies the concepts of parenting styles in a mini-handbook about parenting, and the application in Chapter 3 is about the difficulties that left-handed people face performing everyday tasks in a right-handed world.Research Foci: Introduction to Psychology emphasizes empiricism throughout, but without making it a distraction from the main story line. Each chapter presents two close-ups on research -- well articulated and specific examples of research within the content area, each including a summary of the hypotheses, methods, results, and interpretations. This feature provides a continuous thread that reminds students of the importance of empirical research. The research foci also emphasize the fact that findings are not always predictable ahead of time (dispelling the myth of hindsight bias), and also help students understand how research really works.Charles Stangor's focus on behavior and empiricism has produced, Introduction to Psychology, a text that is better organized, has fewer chapters, and is somewhat shorter than many of the leading books.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Charles Stangor

Noba Psychology Collection

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Noba is a high-quality, flexibly structured digital introduction to psychology resource for higher-ed classrooms and virtual classrooms. Noba consists of nearly 90 short (2500-4000 word) chapters authored by leading instructors and researchers including 7 winners of the William James Award. Chapters are organized in familiar categories (Development, Learning & Memory, Personality, etc.) for easy reference. All Noba materials are licensed through Creative Commons under the CC BY-NA-SA license terms. The Noba website allows anyone to combine chapters in any order to create unique psychology textbooks to suit virtually any curriculum. In addition to allowing users to build their own customized collections, Noba provides a series of "Ready-Made" digital textbooks curated from the Noba chapters to conform to the scope and sequence of some of the most commonly taught 100/200-level psych courses (Intro-to-Psych, Psych as a Biological Science, Psych as a Social Science, etc.). The Ready-made books can also be edited to add or remove chapters, or sections so that they better conform to the specific course an instructor will teach. Custom-made books, Ready-made books, or even individual chapters can be used online, downloaded as PDFs or shared withe learners via email and social media using easy-share tools built in to the website.

Material Type: Reading, Textbook

Authors: David Barlow, David Buss, Ed Diener, Elizabeth Loftus, Henry Roediger, Jeanne Tsai, Linda Bartoshuk, Max Bazerman, Peter Salovey, Robert Levine, Roy Baumeister, Susan Fiske

Together: The Science of Social Psychology

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This textbook presents core concepts common to introductory social psychology courses. The 8 units include 27 modules covering key social psych topics such as research methods, group processes, social influence, and relationships. This book can be modified: feel free to add or remove modules to better suit your specific needs. The book includes a comprehensive instructor's manual, PowerPoint presentations, a test bank, reading anticipation guides, and adaptive student quizzes.

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Allan Rossman, Bertram Malle, Beth Chance, Brad J. Bushman, Cynthia L. Pickett, Dan P. McAdams, David A. Schroeder, David Matsumoto, David M. Buss, Dennis L. Poepsel, Donelson R. Forsyth, Jennifer T. Kubota, Jerry M. Burger, Joel A. Muraco, Leslie Zebrowitz, Matthias R. Mehl, Neil Thin, Rajiv Jhangiani, R. Chris Fraley, Robert Biswas-Diener, Stephen Garcia, Tiffany A. Ito, Yanine D. Hess

Principles of Social Psychology

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Have you ever had trouble teaching the various topics of social psychology and fitting them together to form a coherent field? Dr. Stangor felt like he was presenting a laundry list of ideas, research studies, and phenomena, rather than an integrated set of principles and knowledge. He wondered how his students could be expected to remember and understand the many phenomena that social psychologists study? How could they tell what was most important? It was then that he realized a fresh approach to a Social Psychology textbook was needed to structure and integrate student learning; thus, Principles of Social Psychology was born. This textbook is based on a critical thinking approach, and its aim is to get students thinking actively and conceptually Đ with a greater focus on the forest than the trees. Yes, there are right and wrong answers, but the answers are not the only thing. What is perhaps even more important is how students get to the answers Đ the thinking process itself. To help students better grasp the big picture of social psychology, and to provide you with a theme that you can use to organize your lectures, Dr. Stangor's text has a consistent pedagogy across the chapters.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Charles Stangor

Lifespan Development: A Psychological Perspective

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Developmental Psychology, also known as Human Development or Lifespan Development, is the scientific study of ways in which people change, as well as stay the same, from conception to death. You will no doubt discover in the course of studying that the field examines change across a broad range of topics. These include physical and other psychophysiological processes, cognition, language, and psychosocial development, including the impact of family and peers.

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Martha Lally, Suzanne Valentine-French

Introduction to Psychology: The Full Noba Collection

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This textbook represents the entire catalog of Noba topics. It contains 90 learning modules covering every area of psychology commonly taught in introductory courses. This book can be modified: feel free to rearrange or remove modules to better suit your specific needs.Please note that the publisher requires you to login to access and download the textbooks.

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Ed Diener, Robert Biswas-Diener

Introduction to Psychology

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When you teach Introduction to Psychology, do you find it difficult — much harder than teaching classes in statistics or research methods? Do you easily give a lecture on the sympathetic nervous system, a lecture on Piaget, and a lecture on social cognition, but struggle with linking these topics together for the student? Do you feel like you are presenting a laundry list of research findings rather than an integrated set of principles and knowledge? Have you wondered how to ensure your course is relevant to your students? Introduction to Psychology utilizes the dual theme of behavior and empiricism to make psychology relevant to intro students. The author wrote this book to help students organize their thinking about psychology at a conceptual level. Five or ten years from now, he does not expect his students to remember the details of most of what he teaches them. However, he does hope that they will remember that psychology matters because it helps us understand behavior and that our knowledge of psychology is based on empirical study. This is a derivative of INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY by a publisher who has requested that they and the original author not receive attribution, which was originally released and is used under CC BY-NC-SA. This work, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Material Type: Textbook

Principles of Social Psychology- 1st International Edition

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The first International edition of this textbook provides students with an introduction to the basic concepts and principles of social psychology from an interactionist perspective. The presentation of classic studies and theories are balanced with insights from cutting-edge, contemporary research. An emphasis on real world examples and applications is intended to guide students to critically analyze their situations and social interactions in order to put their knowledge to effective use.

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Charles Stangor, Hammond Tarry, Rajiv Jhangiani