All resources in #GoOpen Network Members

OER-DEIA Action Plan for K-12 District Implementation

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This guide is intended as a strategic planning tool for district leaders wishing to promote the already pedagogically and financially compelling practice of creating or adapting open educational resources (OER) to help achieve district goals in serving all students through diversity, equity, inclusion, or accessibility (DEIA) lens.  The guide provides step-by-step planning tools, including examples, templates, and resources to help district leaders articulate and establish action plans for what we refer to as "OER-DEIA."  The entire guide is an open educational resource itself, free and openly licensed for reuse, remixing, and resharing.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Authors: Rebecca Henderson, Amee Godwin

GoOpen Guidance: Maximizing the Impact of Digital Access and Inclusion by Using OER

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The GoOpen National Network is launching an important strategic policy action to advocate for integrating OER into digital equity implementations at a time when states are specifying their Digital Equity Plans. Funded by the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA, P.L. 117-58), the Digital Equity Act of 2021 requires the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to establish grant programs for promoting digital equity, supporting digital inclusion activities, and building capacity for state-led efforts to increase adoption of broadband by their residents. The State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program will be making distributions to states based on their populations, demographics, and availability and adoption of broadband. The Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program will also support efforts to achieve digital equity, promote digital inclusion, and stimulate adoption of broadband. This federal funding can provide an unprecedented opportunity to realize the full educational potential of expanding digital access and inclusion not only through connectivity and IT devices, but also through the integration of OER.

Material Type: Reading

Author: GoOpen National Network

GoOpen National Network Letter on OER and Digital Equity

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The GoOpen National Network is disseminating this letter to state leads of broadband, IT and digital equity to consider OER in their Digital Equity Plans during 2022-2023. The letter can be copied and customized for those interested in communicating and advocating with state leaders about OER awareness and the potential benefits of OER integration into state plans. Read the accompanying GUIDANCE document: BACKGROUND: The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (“IIJA”, P.L. 117-58) requires State Digital Equity Plans to identify barriers to broadband and device equity and accessibility. The plans must also feature objective measures of educational, workforce, health, and other benefits derived from closing connectivity gaps. Requiring or encouraging open licensing of digital materials, such as high-quality educational materials, is a powerful policy strategy for magnifying the educational and other social impacts of broadband access and inclusivity. With this goal as our guide, the #GoOpen National Network encourages you to work with the education leaders in your state to make open educational resources and other openly licensed materials a key element of your state’s Digital Equity Plan.

Material Type: Reading

Author: GoOpen National Network

#GoOpen Digital Equity Plan Toolkit 2022

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This practical toolkit is designed to support open education leaders and community members across states and districts interested to increase awareness of OER and digital equity. It contains talking points, sample newsletter or website language, and sample social media posts, for anyone to use and adapt in their communications. In October 2022, the #GoOpen National Network launched an important strategic policy action to advocate for integrating OER into digital equity implementations and this toolkit supports the network's communications strategies. Funded by the federal bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA, P.L. 117-58), the Digital Equity Act of 2021 requires the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to establish grant programs for promoting digital equity, supporting digital inclusion activities, and building capacity for state-led efforts to increase adoption of broadband by their residents. As states craft their Digital Equity Plans, they have a unique opportunity to leverage OER to support equity and capitalize on improved digital infrastructure. The #GoOpen Policy Letter and Guidance documents were shared with state level IT and broadband infrastructure leaders across the country and are available as resources featured in the #GoOpen Hub on OER Commons.

Material Type: Reading

Author: GoOpen National Network

Who is afraid of the big bad wolf? Artificial Intelligence and Open Educational Resources

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The Northeast OER Summit is a gathering of Open Educational Resources practitioners from the Northeast region of the United States.  Initiated in 2017, the planning committee consists of OER advocates (administrators, librarians, instructional designers, faculty and staff) from the Northeast.  This resource is a session presentation that discusses the intersection of OER and AI.

Material Type: Lecture

Author: Rebecca Henderson

AI’s Role in Revolutionizing Open Educational Resources (OER)

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Garnet Valley School District in PA established a deep commitment to open education when it first joined the #GoOpen Network over eight years ago to advance an OER initiative. Still on an innovative journey to transform teaching and learning, the district’s Director of Technology and Online Learning and Founder and Executive Director of nonprofit Edvative Learning, Sam Mormando is actively exploring the rapidly evolving landscape of AI technology and reflecting on ways it may be advantageous for education, and specifically, for OER. 

Material Type: Reading

Author: Rebecca Henderson

Using the Magic of AI to Innovate Professional Learning

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On January 4, 2024 the Curriculum Services Team delivered a 2-hour webinar titled "Using the Magic of AI to Innovate Professional Learning" to a national audience.  Based on a presentation delivered at the AESA National Conference in December 2023, this webinar was a deeper dive into the ways that the WIU Curriculum Services Team leverages AI to develop professional learning activities to support the school districts in Westmoreland County and beyond.

Material Type: Simulation

Author: Rebecca Henderson

AI for Learning and Work

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World Education's AI for Learning and Work initiative is dedicated to exploring the intersection of artificial intelligence and education, and how it can shape the future of the way we live and work. On this page, you can access open resources, professional development offerings and opportunities to get involved.

Material Type: Lecture, Reading

Author: Rebecca Henderson

Open Prompt Book from CampGPT

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In CampGPT, educators experimented with generative AI-enabled tools like chatbots and image generators to learn and explore together. Their work and insights have been compiled in the Open Prompt Book from CampGPT. Throughout this prompt book, you’ll learn more about generative AI, what educators use it for, and key tips and tricks. The “Try It Out” links enable you to try the prompts in your own account (links for ChatGPT and Bard are provided). This means that, if you like an idea, you can start with the prompt in the book and then continue interacting with a chatbot to further adapt the output to your needs. In addition to the open prompts, we’ve included quotes from the educators from whom the ideas and prompts in this book were crowdsourced.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Rebecca Henderson

Exploring New Horizons: Teacher Professional Development in the Age of AI – Insights from Thematic Seminar and Report

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This report from European Schoolnet Academy explores how professional development for teachers needs to change in the age of AI. From fostering an understanding of AI applications in education to equipping teachers with the requisite skills to leverage these technologies, our analysis aims to provide insights into how professional development can empower teachers to navigate the complexities of the changes brought about by AI.

Material Type: Reading

Author: Rebecca Henderson


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Powered by the School Library Systems Association of New York and made possible in part through the Allison-Rosen Foundation, LibraryReady.AI is an initiative that aims to integrate artificial intelligence, media literacy, and information fluency into New York State's school libraries.  The goal is to prepare students for an increasingly digital and AI-driven world.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Rebecca Henderson

Hands-On AI Projects for the Classroom: A Guide for Elementary Teachers

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ISTE and GM have partnered to create Hands-On AI Projects for the Classroom guides to provide educators with a variety of activities to teach students about AI across various grade levels and subject areas. Each guide includes background information for teachers and student-driven project ideas that relate to subject-area standards. The hands-on activities in the guides range from “unplugged” projects to explore the basic concepts of how AI works to creating chatbots and simple video games with AI, allowing students to work directly with innovative AI technologies and demonstrate their learning. 

Material Type: Reading

Author: Rebecca Henderson

Hands-On AI Projects for the Classroom: A Guide for Secondary Teachers

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ISTE and GM have partnered to create Hands-On AI Projects for the Classroom guides to provide educators with a variety of activities to teach students about AI across various grade levels and subject areas. Each guide includes background information for teachers and student-driven project ideas that relate to subject-area standards. The hands-on activities in the guides range from “unplugged” projects to explore the basic concepts of how AI works to creating chatbots and simple video games with AI, allowing students to work directly with innovative AI technologies and demonstrate their learning. 

Material Type: Reading

Author: Rebecca Henderson