All resources in Nebraska Family & Consumer Sciences

Development is Predictable

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Watch “Bright Eyes” video and introduce Shirley Temple using some of the information contained in the Who is Shirley Temple document.Have students arrange the provided pictures, youngest to oldest.  They should note what features or characteristics they are using to make the age determination.Have students complete the Jamboard, Determine Age.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Interactive, Lesson Plan

Author: Cristal Robbins

Birth Defects

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In this lesson students will learn about some common birth defects.  Students will sign up for a topic they want to learn more about.  Students will prepare a slide presentation to share with the class.  Students will define the birth defects in their notes.  A matching worksheet is provided to help students review.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Deanna Vavak

Famous Faces in Education- BIPOC Stories

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Students will be placed into groups and assigned a historical figure in education. Together, students will research the individual(s) and create a presentation that will inform the audience on the life and career of this individual. NOTE: This happens after we discuss education of BIPOC peoples in the United States.  

Material Type: Homework/Assignment

Author: Raeanna Carlson