All resources in Nebraska K-12 World Language

Circumlocution Practice

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Circumlocution is a necessary skill for negotiating meaning in the target language.  This activity could be used at any level as partner practice, as a written assessment, or as a game like "Taboo".  Phrases should be taught in advance or students may have them available.  Vocabulary could be varied according to the unit and level of instruction.  This activity could be a filler for a few minutes at the end of class or as a longer activity.  

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment, Homework/Assignment

Author: Pat Branson

German-Speaking Countries/Activities Off-The-Wall Activity

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This OER Lesson plan/unit was created by Ashton Krueger as part of the 2023 World Language OER Summer work and training. Educators worked with NDE staff to create OER Learning Plans and materials. The attached Lesson Plan is designed for 9 - 12 World Language Arts teachers for Novice Mid-Learners of German. Students will work together with partners to share their travel interests, write sentences, evaluate their writing, and present their ideas and new learnings. Students will interpret flags, exchange information, negotiate meaning, edit errors, and discuss some cultural activities associated with each country.This Lesson Plan addresses the following NDE World Language Standard(s): NE WL Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1.It is expected that this activity will take students 30 minutes to complete.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Ashton Krueger, Chrystal Liu


Sehenswürdigkeiten/Sightseeing - Novice Mid

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Students will work together to match German sights to their descriptions and try to find interesting facts about a couple of the sights that they would like to know more about. This Lesson Plan addresses the following NDE World Language Standard(s): NE WL Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1. It is expected that this activity will take students 20 minutes to complete. 

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Ashton Krueger, Chrystal Liu


German: Berufe / Professions

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This OER, German: Berufe / Professions, was remixed by Ashton Krueger as part of the 2024 World Language OER Summer work and training. Educators worked with Chrystal Liu, Nick Ziegler, Dorann Avey to find and create OER Learning Plans and materials.The attached Lesson Plan is designed for 9-12 World Language Arts teachers for Novice Learners of German. Students will discuss what they look for in a career and what their dream job is. They will also describe what people with different careers do at work and what kind of personalities do well in these jobs as well as consider job salaries. This lesson plan addresses the following NDE World Language Standard(s): NE WL Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 3.1. It is expected that this activity will take 50 minutes to complete.

Material Type: Lesson

Authors: Ashton Krueger, Chrystal Liu


German: Arbeit und Leben / Work and Life

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This OER, German: Arbeit und Leben / Work and Life, was remixed by Ashton Krueger as part of the 2024 World Language OER Summer work and training. Educators worked with Chrystal Liu, Nick Ziegler and Dorann Avey to create OER Learning Plans and materials.The attached Lesson Plan is designed for 9–12 World Language Arts teachers for Novice Learners of German. Students will learn about vocabulary which is according to work and life. They will interact with one another in a game of tic-tac-toe to consider what they would like their future to look like. This Lesson Plan addresses the following NDE World Language Standard(s): 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, and 4.1.It is expected that this Lesson Plan will take students 50 minutes to complete.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Ashton Krueger, Chrystal Liu

Bremer Stadtmusikanten (Bremer City Musicians)

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This OER Myths and Legends was created by Yulia Evans as part of the 2024 World Language OER Summer work and training. Educators worked with Chrystal Liu, Nick Ziegler and Dorann Avey to create OER Learning Plans and materials. The attached Lesson Plan “Bremer Stadtmusikanten” is designed for 9 - 12 World Language Arts teachers for Novice Learners of German. Students will interpret the video, analyze the plot and be able to retell the story in German. This Lesson Plan addresses the following NDE World Language Standard(s): NE WL 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1b, 4.2aIt is expected that this Lesson Plan will take students 50 minutes to complete.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Yulia Evans, Chrystal Liu

Vorstellungsgespräch / Interview

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This OER, Vorstellungsgespräch / Interview, was created by Ashton Krueger and as part of the 2024 World Language OER Summer work and training. Educators worked with Chrystal Liu, Nick Ziegler and Dorann Avey to create OER Learning Plans and materials. The attached Lesson Plan is designed for 9–12 World Language Arts teachers for Novice Learners of German. Students will analyze and evaluate the elements of an interview and use background knowledge to clarify text and deepen understanding, as well as exchange information in a partner dialogue. This Lesson Plan addresses the following NDE World Language Standard(s): 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, and 4.1.It is expected that this Lesson Plan will take students 50 minutes to complete.

Material Type: Lesson

Authors: Ashton Krueger, Chrystal Liu

German Fairy Tales (Character in modern life)

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This OER Myths and Legends (If a character lived now) was created by Yulia Evans and as part of the 2024 World Language OER Summer work and training. Educators worked with Chrystal Liu, Nick Ziegler and Dorann Avey to create OER Learning Plans and materials. The attached Lesson Activity “Myth and Legends (If a character lived now)” is designed for 9 - 12 World Language Arts teachers for Novice Learners of German. Students will reflect on the story they have read, choose a character, create a story through lens of modern life and present a story. This Lesson Plan addresses the following NDE World Language Standard(s): NE WL 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2It is expected that this Lesson Activity will take students 40 minutes to complete.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Yulia Evans, Chrystal Liu

English Language Arts: chinuk wawa

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This lesson introduces students to the history and importance of the Indigenous language known as chinuk wawa. Students will have the opportunity to learn how tribes from diverse regions and language families used chinuk wawa as a method of communication among groups essential for trade, political, social and other reasons. They will also reflect on the power of language and the relationship between language and cultural identity.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson

Authors: Aujalee Moore, April Campbell, Oregon Open Learning

English Language Arts: Lewis & Clark: A Native American View

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The Lewis and Clark Expedition of 1804–1806 was of great consequence for the United States, the future state of Oregon, and the vast numbers of Indigenous people who had been living in the American West for thousands of years. The passage of time, mythmaking, and selective interpretation have obscured or distorted both minor and major realities about the purposes of the expedition, the people involved, and its impact. In this lesson, students will explore how historical events can be viewed and interpreted differently by different people, and why some stories about historical events can dominate or exclude others. These occurrences in the historical record were often intentionally organized and supported to present a narrative that was favorable to one side over another. Students will also learn details about the Lewis and Clark Expedition that provide a fuller picture of Native American contributions to the journey and its long-term impact on Indigenous people, specifically in Oregon. This lesson can be incorporated into elementary Oregon history units and/or provided as an extension. It assumes that students are already familiar with the general outline and key people of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Material Type: Lesson, Lesson Plan

Authors: Aujalee Moore, April Campbell, Oregon Open Learning

Chqe’tamaj le qach’ab’al K’iche’! - A Beginner to Advanced Level K'iche' Online Course

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Chqe’tamaj le qach’ab’al K’iche’! seeks to develop a beginner to advanced level online course for K’iche’, a Mayan language of Guatemala. The team includes faculty and grad students at The University of Texas at Austin and at Vanderbildt University, as well as associates in Nahualá who are all working together to develop materials relevant for the course. This will be the first full online course of any Mayan language. Based on the variety spoken in Nahualá, it seeks to develop oral fluency in the student in addition to an understanding of the grammar as well as reading skills. The intended audience for this pedagogical resource is foreign students interested in developing their language skills, as well as native teachers in bilingual schools through western Guatemala.

Material Type: Textbook

Using Primary Sources to Determine the Effects of Native American Boarding Schools

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This unit of study consisits of 5 activities to investigate the effects of Native American Boarding Schools on the individual, the family, and the community. Students will analyze before and after pictures of indigenous students, primary source comments given by boarding school survivors, and historic newspapers to asertain attitudes towards Native Americans during this time period. Middle school students will conclude with a short writing assignment. Secondary students will prepare an essay that relates the attitudes of the time to the practices in Native American Boarding Schools. This is an emotionally difficult subject and special care should be taken if you have Native students in your classrooms, as this topic is traumatic for families who have survived this experience. See Multicultural Considerations before beginning.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment, Lecture Notes, Lesson Plan, Primary Source, Reading, Teaching/Learning Strategy, Unit of Study

Author: Jennifer Johns