All resources in Nebraska Social Studies Inquiry Project

The Power of the People

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This inquiry leads students through an investigation of the origin of the United States government. In this inquiry the students will analyze why the colonists fought for independence against Britain and formed the government we have today. Resource created by Christina Adkins, Nebraska City Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2023 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: Nebraska OER, ESU Coordinating Council

The Impact Farming Has on The Environment

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This inquiry will lead students through an investigation of farming and its impact on the environment, culture and people who live in Nebraska. In this inquiry students will research and discover more about the state they live in and how important its natural resources are to them, our country and the world. Resource created by Barbara J Knopik, Centura Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2023 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: Nebraska OER, ESU Coordinating Council

Give Meaning to Freedom and Liberty

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This inquiry is intended to have students civically engaged by becoming familiar with common terms such as liberty and freedom while toiling with their similarities through primary sources from the early influences of American democracy, documents leading to and written at the formation of United States’ government; all the way to the voices of the Americans who argued their promise of liberty and freedom wasn’t fulfilled. Resource created by Jacob Muir, Sidney Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2023 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: Nebraska OER, ESU Coordinating Council

Hammurabi’s Code of Laws

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In this inquiry project, students will determine whether they believe Hammurabi’s Code of Laws is fair or not. They will research who Hammurabi was and his role in Babylonia, discover the differences in social classes in the region at the time, and analyze the laws as they apply to different social groups. Resource created by Elizabeth Dunn, Nebraska City Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2022 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: ESU Coordinating Council, Nebraska OER

The Use of Technology in Early Human Civilizations

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This inquiry provides students with an opportunity to investigate the use of technology in Mesopotamia. They will construct an argument in response to the compelling question “Was technology central to the development of Mesopotamia?” This question guides students to investigate the meaning of “technology” in terms of ancient civilizations and how it was used similarly or differently than in their own lives.Resource created by Abbi Haynes, Hastings Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2022 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: ESU Coordinating Council, Nebraska OER

Natural Disasters

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This inquiry leads students through an investigation of natural disasters and why people live in areas that are consistently affected by natural disasters. Resource created by Matt Myers, Nebraska City Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2023 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: Nebraska OER, ESU Coordinating Council

Impact of Geography on India's Culture

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This inquiry leads students through an investigation of how human and physical features of India influenced the development of Ancient India’s culture. Students will investigate the role geography played in the development of trade, cuisine and religious beliefs. Resource created by Dee Ann Roy, Arcadia Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2023 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: Nebraska OER, ESU Coordinating Council

Qin Shi Huang

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This inquiry leads students through an investigation of the life and the leadership of Qin Shi Huang. He was originally a warlord in Ancient China that worked through conquest to unify China and become their first emperor. Resource created by Jonathan Meyer, Gothenburg Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2023 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: Nebraska OER, ESU Coordinating Council

Consequences of the Industrial Revolution

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This inquiry will provide students with an opportunity to investigate the impact of the Industrial Revolution on humanity. They will construct an argument in response to the compelling question “Was the Industrial Revolution helpful or harmful to humanity?” This question will guide students in deciding whether innovations have made life better or worse for humans. This inquiry will emphasize history and civics.  Resource created by Jordan Nelson, North Bend Central Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2022 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: ESU Coordinating Council, Nebraska OER

What Makes People Resist?

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This inquiry leads students through an investigation into the discovery of resistance and protests throughout World History. While this inquiry is very general to include as many countries and experiences as possible, South Africa, United States History, and Israel - Palestine are the main focuses. By focusing on historical experiences of resistance and conflict, this inquiry focuses on building student empathy, respect, and understanding of complex conflict through aspects of Apartheid, Civil Rights laws, and continued conflict of countries around the world. Resource created by Tia Pawlowski, Battle Creek Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2022 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: ESU Coordinating Council, Nebraska OER

World Religions Overview

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 This inquiry is designed to be an overview of world religions for a 7th grade global studies course.  History and geography are the emphasis of this inquiry. During this inquiry, students will examine religious sites around the world, summarize five religion’s origin stories, and research major religions practices and beliefs. Resource created by Elliot Ruleaux, Yutan Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2022 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: ESU Coordinating Council, Nebraska OER

European Imperialism in Africa

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Humans have been discovering and rediscovering places and people for more than a millennia. Through the context of the possible future colonization of Mars and the compelling question, students will explore the European colonization of Africa and how it benefited Europeans and hurt Africans. Resource created by Sharon Jeffries, Fall City Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2022 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: ESU Coordinating Council, Nebraska OER

Influential Factors in Mongolia Today

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In this inquiry students will learn about how the people in Mongolia have adjusted to 21st century life through the use of primary document images from the Library of Congress Archives and from secondary source articles. The inquiry question asks, "What is the most influential factor leading to change in Mongolia today?" Resource created by Emily Gasper, Lincoln Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2022 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: ESU Coordinating Council, Nebraska OER

What Makes a Civilization Civilized?

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This inquiry provides students with the opportunity to explore the Aztec, Mayan, and Incan societies of Meso and South America and discover the unique traits of these societies. In examining the compelling question “What makes a civilization civilized?” students draw conclusions about whether the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas were civilized societies. Students use the social studies practices of analysis and evaluation as they work with sources that reveal each of the society's historical and cultural backgrounds. The goal of this inquiry is to provide students with enough background about the Aztec, Mayan, and Incan societies to support students as they develop arguments about what makes a civilization civilized. Resource created by Mindy Podraza, Ralston Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2022 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: ESU Coordinating Council, Nebraska OER

The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall

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This Inquiry Design Unit will focus on the rise and fall of the Berlin Wall. It will address perspectives from East and West about why the wall was built. Students will make evaluations on what caused the fall of the Berlin Wall and reasons for the ongoing differences between East and West Germany.  Students will use multiple sources and examine multiple perspectives to analyze the compelling question. Resource created by Brett LeGrand, Blair Community Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2022 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: ESU Coordinating Council, Nebraska OER

Who Should Control the Holy Land?

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In addressing the compelling question, “Who should control the Holy Land?” students work through a series of supporting questions, formative performance tasks, and featured sources in order to construct an argument supported by evidence while acknowledging competing perspectives and the impact of decisions on differing peoples. This inquiry leads students through an investigation of factors impacting the people of the Holy Land (modern-day Israel/ Palestine) by using various sources that consider the religious, geographical and historical issues of the area.  By investigating the compelling question, students examine the religious significance of Jerusalem to three religions, political boundary changes over time, and the current boundaries of Israel/ Palestine. By completing this inquiry, students begin to understand the complexity of issues regarding the control of land and the impact that decisions can have on the people of that area. Resource created by Jacalyn Groesser, Fall City Sacred Heart Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2022 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: ESU Coordinating Council, Nebraska OER


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This inquiry is designed to provide a basic understanding of feudalism in medieval Europe. This lesson is created for a 7th grade World History class. During this inquiry, students will examine maps, artwork, documents, videos, and text to build knowledge on feudalism and then demonstrate their understanding by applying it to our modern world.Resource created by Lisa Bales, David City Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2022 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM). 

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: ESU Coordinating Council, Nebraska OER

The Necessity of Government

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This 7th grade inquiry leads students through an investigation of the forms and functions of government across the world and what happens when governments do not meet the needs of its citizens.  It focuses on answering the question: “Is government even necessary?” Resource created by Kristian Schank, Gering Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2023 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: Nebraska OER, ESU Coordinating Council

Characteristics of a State

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This inquiry leads students through a geographic investigation of the characteristics of a state. During this inquiry, students will utilize an online geographic information system to examine and classify different types of borders. Resource created by Elliot Ruleaux, Yutan Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2023 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: Nebraska OER, ESU Coordinating Council