All resources in Nebraska Social Studies Inquiry Project


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This inquiry focuses on how citizens participate in government by voting. In this inquiry, students will learn how the United States has expanded the right to vote and how it compares with voting requirements in other countries. Resource created by Johanna Nielsen, Cross County Community Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2023 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: Nebraska OER, ESU Coordinating Council

The New Colossus Poem

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In this 8th grade inquiry students will analyze the "The New Colossus" poem by Emma Lazarus. Students will investigate primary sources detailing how poor immigrants were processed through Ellis Island and how a poor immigrant to the United States would typically live. Finally, students will compare and contrast the language used in "The New Colossus" and the expectations it could create with the reality of life in the United States for a poor immigrant.  Resource created by Nathan Ott, Omaha Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2022 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: ESU Coordinating Council, Nebraska OER

Andrew Jackson: Hero or Villain?

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This inquiry focuses on the defining themes of Andrew Jackson’s presidency. Students will discuss Jacksonian Democracy, the War on the National Bank, and policy toward Native Americans. The questions, tasks, and sources in this inquiry ask students to explore primary sources from multiple perspectives to analyze whether Jackson was the hero or villain of the common man. Resource created by Abigail Huggins with Doniphan-Trumbull Public School as part of the Nebraska Social Studies Special Project 2022 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: ESU Coordinating Council, Nebraska OER

Could The Civil War Have Been Avoided?

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This inquiry leads students through the causes and influences on the Civil War, compelling them to determine if the Civil War could have been avoided.  By using primary sources including political cartoons, speeches, legislation, and the Constitution, students are given the opportunity to travel through time and change history.Resource created by Audrey Freeman, Cedar County Catholic Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2022 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: ESU Coordinating Council, Nebraska OER

The Articles of Confederation and The US Constitution

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This inquiry is designed to be an overview of the governments described in the Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution for an 8th-grade social studies class.  Both History and Geography are part of this inquiry.  Students will examine the size and diversity of the 13 original American states.  They will review the text of both documents.  Students will evaluate the structures of government created and will prioritize those structures in relation to the historical period. Resource created by Jeff Hart, Boyd County Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2022 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: ESU Coordinating Council, Nebraska OER

Civil Rights Case Study

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In this examination of the United States law structure, the inquiry requires the learner to focus on the details of the Bill of Rights and Jim Crow Laws and their relationship with the Emmett Till (1955) and George Stinney (1944) Supreme Court cases.  This inquiry encourages the learner to understand the law in a simplified way that challenges their progress through the reading materials to cause them to develop a clear understanding of each amendment and the influence of Jim Crow. Resource created by Nicole Benson, Omaha Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2022 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: ESU Coordinating Council, Nebraska OER

The Boston Massacre

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The British soldiers have long been blamed for firing upon innocent colonists the night of the Boston Massacre.  Students will examine primary and secondary sources to determine if the soldiers indeed attacked innocent colonists or were acting in self-defense against an angry mob. This inquiry asks, “Did the British soldiers open fire on innocent colonists at the Boston Massacre?”  Resource created by Michelle Wittstruck, Milford Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2022 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: ESU Coordinating Council, Nebraska OER

Manifest Destiny and Native Americans

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This inquiry is designed to investigate the idea of Manifest Destiny and the role that Manifest Destiny played in the removal of the Natives from their land. Ultimately, students will create claims with evidence regarding whether or not Manifest Destiny justified the removal of Native Americans from their lands.   Resource created by Becky Michel, Conestoga Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2022 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: ESU Coordinating Council, Nebraska OER

Jamestown and the Powhatan Tribe

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Students will examine the relationships between the Jamestown Settlers and Powhatan indigenous people. They will explore the different perspectives of these two groups of people and why their views clashed with one another. But were the Powhatans' actions justified?Through this inquiry, students will explore multiple resources, complete tasks, and answer questions that will show if the Powhatan Indians were justified in their response to the Jamestown settlers.Resource created by Lucas Spooner, Winnebago Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2022 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: ESU Coordinating Council, Nebraska OER