2021-2023 Grant Cohort

Psychology of Human Relations

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This textbook contains 10 chapters to fit the format of the Oregon quarter system, with each term consisting of 10 weeks of instruction and a final exam week. While the chapter order is designed to flow from learning about the self to learning about how to interact with others, the chapters can be taught in a different order from how they are organized. The first two chapters, Self- Concept and Cultural Diversity, provide a solid foundation of concepts related to knowing the self and understanding differences. I would recommend that these two chapters are taught first as all other chapters tie back to these in different ways. Chapters 3-6 focus on learning about the self through behavioral change, personality, emotions, and perception. Chapters 7-10 focus on learning about interacting with others through interpersonal communication, stress, conflict resolution, and workplace success. Accompanying activities are included for each chapter in the appendix. All activities have been developed by me and hold a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. Word Count: 139697 (Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Stevy Scarbrough

Teach in Spanglish

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Teach in Spanglish is founded on a simple idea: while just a small fraction of today’s college students will progress to the high-level, all-in-Spanish courses offered by language departments, more than two-thirds enter college with the ability to understand Spanish when given context in English, support from their instructor, and time. Over nearly a decade in the classroom, our team has shown that students who took Spanish for at least two years in high school, at least one year in college, and/or who were raised in a bilingual environment (Spanish as a Heritage Language speakers, or SHL) can, with proper support, engage in high-level analysis of Spanish and Spanglish primary sources and original texts, utilizing insights from linguistics to both structure the classroom experience and guide students in their engagement. The teach in Spanglish website links to a form that allows instructors to request access to a free Canvas site that contains instructor facing videos, quizzes, and other modules to help get started teaching in Spanglish.

Material Type: Assessment, Homework/Assignment, Module, Primary Source, Reading, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Julie M. Weise

CH151: Preparatory Chemistry

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An introductory to chemistry textbook for incoming college students to gain a strong foundation. This textbook covers: 1: Introduction to Chemistry and the Scientific Method 2: Measurement and Significant Figures 3: Dimensional Analysis and Density 4: Classification of Matter- Properties and Changes 5: The Nuclei of Atoms 6: Ions, Ionic Bonding, and the Nomenclature of Ionic Compounds 7: Molecules, Covalent Bonding, and the Nomenclature of Binary Covalent Compounds 8: Counting Atoms, Ions, and Molecules 9: An Introduction to Chemical Reactions 10: Mass Relations in Chemical Reactions

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Michael J. Mackel

HP 100: Medical Terminology H5P Activities

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This course focuses on helping students learn common medical prefixes, suffixes, root words, combining forms, terms, and abbreviations used in a variety of healthcare settings. This webpage includes H5P activities aimed to help students practice: - hearing the correct pronunciation of medical terms - Dialog Cards - speaking medical terms with instant feedback about correct vs. incorrect pronunciation - Speak the Words All activities are meant to supplement the textbook Medical Terminology for Healthcare Professions (Nelson, A., & Greene, K., 2021), a fabulous open education resource (OER) which already contains many useful interactive activities.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment, Homework/Assignment

Authors: Cindy Manning, Josh Manders, Kate Barbee, Sean Jones

Oregon EMS Psychomotor Skills Lab Manual

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Within this book you will find many of the skills an EMT will be expected to perform. Each student is required to complete each skill a minimum number of times. This effort will assist the instructional team in tracking your progress, as well as provide you with the documentation necessary to prove proficiency for national and state certification. The skills in this text are important to master but remember, a truly proficient EMT is refreshing old skills and acquiring new ones throughout their career. Word Count: 35773

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Carmen Curtz, Chris Hamper, Holly A. Edwins, Jamie Kennel

Welcome to Maple Falls—Introduction to Reading, Writing, and Grammar for Adult ESOL Learners

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This student textbook, teacher guide, and supplementary materials help support the development of Adult ESOL learners. Welcome to Welcome to Maple Falls — Introduction to Reading, Writing, and Grammar for Adult ESOL Learners. Our goal in creating this book was to provide a more structured and grammatical beginning reading and writing book that was flexible enough to help students with no or limited literacy but also aid students with advanced literacy who just haven’t had much exposure to English, so they are at a beginning level. We designed this book to follow experience-based learning principles, which rely heavily on using adults’ prior learning to increase the accessibility of learning and incorporate new learning. This means creating contexts, readings, activities, and learning opportunities that are immediately relevant to student situations. We see language as a tool to be used by students to achieve social, community, educational, and work-related goals. However, this is not survival English, but a learning informed by research that situates the learner at the center of learning and interacting with materials and classmates to improve their own lives and those of classmates. This type of learning creates self- directed learners and helps learners be ready for problem-solving and critical thinking in authentic situations.

Material Type: Reading, Teaching/Learning Strategy, Textbook

Authors: Michelle Culley, Susan Caisse

Vocab ASAP: Intermediate Vocabulary for English Language Learners

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This work is organized around vocabulary for 5 themes: Psychology, Wellness, Technology, Careers, and Oregon. Each theme has 2 units for a total of 10 units. Each unit contains 24 - 28 target vocabulary words. Other words that may be unfamiliar to students are glossed. We use this material as our textbook for an intermediate vocabulary class for adult English language learners at our community college. This class meets for 2 hours per week, and we typically use 5 units per 10-week term. Each unit contains multiple readings. If you are not teaching a vocabulary class, the readings and vocabulary work may be useful supplements in other classes.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Homework/Assignment, Lesson, Module, Textbook

Authors: Elise McLain, Jennifer Snyder, Luciana Diniz

MTH 256 Supplement to Judson's “The Ordinary Differential Equations Project”

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MTH 256 at Portland Community College includes a variety of differential equations and their solutions, with emphasis on applied problems in engineering and physics. Uses differential equations software. Students communicate results in oral and written form. Graphing and Computer Algebra System (CAS) technology are used, such as Desmos and/or GeoGebra which are available at no cost. This is a one-term introduction to ordinary differential equations with applications. Topics include classification of, and what is meant by the solution of a differential equation, first-order equations for which exact solutions are obtainable, explicit methods of solving higher-order linear differential equations, an introduction to systems of differential equations, and the Laplace transform. Applications of first-order linear differential equations and second-order linear differential equations with constant coefficients will be studied. With this supplement, we are adding to the work of Thomas Judson's “The Ordinary Differential Equations Project” by providing additional practice problems that mostly focus on applications. We worked with the 2022 edition 2  of The Ordinary Differential Equations Project 3 . In sections 2.2, 2.4, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4, we utilize the work and ideas of Steven Strogatz in his paper titled “Love Affairs and Differential Equations” 4 , Published in the February 1988 edition of Mathematics Magazine. This paper and several others expanding these ideas can be found by googling “Romeo and Juliet differential equations”.

Material Type: Reading, Textbook

Authors: David Froemke, Heiko Spoddeck

Introduction to Arabic: Egyptian Arabic for first-year students

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Materials for a student's first year of Egyptian Arabic Short Description: This book presents materials for mastering the Arabic alphabet and the student's first steps in Egyptian Arabic. Word Count: 16366 (Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Abdulrahman Eissa, Amira Ghazy, Benjamin Loy, David Hollenberg, Hanan Elsherif, Kerlos Rizk