Unlabeled Figures for Each Chapter

by Bryan Derrickson 1 month ago

Hi. It would be every helpful to have unlabeled figures for each chapter. This allows greater flexibility when I am lecturing or making lecture videos. Does anyone know if this resource exists?  

There are unlabelled figures that you can download under instructor resources. But it's pretty much like the labelled ones except for a grey box over each label word. You're right, it would be great to have figures with no labels and no lines (if that's what you're asking)

Lindsay Josephs 1 month ago

Hi Bryan,

You can download a .ZIP file of the book's Testable Images. This includes many images from the textbook with their labels covered so that they can be used for quizzes and tests. You can download this resource from the book's Instructor Resources page: https://openstax.org/details/books/anatomy-and-physiology-2e?Instructor%20resources.

