Any Experience with Lyrynx Learning?

by Patrice Schiano Dial 4 months, 2 weeks ago

Hi All - I just had a demo with an OpenStax partner called Lyrynx Learning.  I am trying to get some assessment tools for my Principles of Accounting, Volume 1: Financial Accounting class and  was wondering if anyone has used them before.  It seems that they have question banks that can be integrated into your Learning Management System (LMS) that can be automatically graded.  I do have multiple choice assessments but this offers journal entries and more sophisticated assessments.  Has anyone tried this yet?


Patrice Schiano

Ann Weiss 4 months, 2 weeks ago

Hi Patrice,

I do not have experience with Lyryx Learning, but I DO know of a comprehensive set of OER (free) learning resources for financial and managerial accounting that go with the OpenStax Principles of Accounting textbooks (adapted and delivered through Pressbooks). The materials include:

a complete set of video lessons (called acclets)

interactive h5p activities

hands-on, applied, practice -- autofeedback and autograded

mulitple choice quizzes

exams (applied) -- autograded

Principles of Accounting volumes 1 and 2 (adapted) and delivered through Pressbooks

Students must have access to Microsoft Excel, since Excel is the delivery platform for many of the OER materials. (But students do not need to know how to use Excel.)

The materials, including links to the adapted textbooks are available (free) in 2 public Canvas shells.  Instructors can create free Canvas accounts and export  course cartridges that can be imported into other learning management systems besides Canvas.

Links to the OER (free) Canvas course shells:

oFinancial Accounting – Quarter 1 (of 2 quarters): Financial Accounting -- Quarter 1 Canvas Course template
oFinancial Accounting – Quarter 2 (of 2 quarters): Financial Accounting -- Quarter 2 Canvas Course template
oManagerial Accounting: Managerial Accounting


Ann Weiss

Patrice Schiano Dial 4 months, 2 weeks ago

Hi Ann,

Thank you so much for your detailed response.  I did not know about this.  I wish I had known about the course shells when I developed my course for Intro to Accounting. 

Just curious, did you use the supplemental materials through Pressbooks?  I am at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York which is part of the CUNY system.  To my knowledge, I am one of the few accounting faculty that uses Openstax.  I used it for the first time last fall and now I am trying to get more online tools to help students learn; expecially since we are offering a hybrid asynchronous course that only meets once a week for a little over an hour.  We just transitioned from Blackboard to Brightspace and so I am a little overwhelmed with the transistion.  It seems that Lyryx will help me with the integration.  I am curious about how the materials that Pressbooks offers differs from Lyryx.  If easiest just to chat, let me know and I can share my contact details.



Ann Weiss 4 months, 2 weeks ago

On Thu, 1 Aug at 5:34 PM , Ann Weiss <> wrote:

Patrice, the autograded/autofeedback practice materials and the autograded exams are all Excel files, and the acclets (video lessons) are mp4 files – all of these files can be used with the OpenStax Principles of Accounting textbooks.  We wanted to do a little adapting of the textbooks, so imported the two textbooks into Pressbooks and did the adapting there.  So we use the other materials in conjunction with the Pressbooks version of the textbooks.  Between financial accounting and managerial accounting, there are almost 200 Excel files and 200 acclets – that’s a lot of materials, so we used the Canvas shells to organize them.  You should be able to export the Canvas shells and import them into Brightspace, then choose whether you want to use the OpenStax version or the Pressbooks version of the textbooks.  But I think you might be right, that it would be easier to answer your questions and show you what materials are available in a chat or zoom.  My email address is, if you want to email me to arrange a chat or zoom.



Travis Williams 4 months, 2 weeks ago

Hi Patrice.  I have not used the Lyrynx Learning tools.  However, I built quizzes in Canvas based on the OpenStax exercise and problem sets.  I have students enter their numerical and multiple-choice answers that way and the quizzes auto-grade.  Feel free to download my financial accounting shell in Canvas Commons if you want to check it out.  Ann's recommendation is intriguing, so I will be checking out Pressbooks as an alternative.  My goal is to keep student costs to zero and for the activities to auto-grade, which is why I built my solution using the Canvas tools, but maybe Pressbooks meets these requirements as well.

Patrice Schiano Dial 4 months, 2 weeks ago

Hi Travis,

Thank you for such a kind offer.  I copied over OpenStax questions in multiple choice format from Blackboard to our new learning management system, Brightspace.  I am actually looking for more interactive activities that students can complete in Brightspace that will automatically grade.  I think Lyrynx offers students the ability to journalize which can also be automatically graded.  
