All resources in Oregon Early Learning


Color Re

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Introduces color words and recognition to students through shared reading, color song and rhyme, and guided activity. Students will sort color stickers into color coded worksheet that they create. Time permitting, students will also use an iPad app to identify and sort colors and sort pom-poms by color.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Veronica McKee

Anatomy of an Apple (PreK - 1st Grade) Agricultural STEM Activity

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In this place-based lesson, students will dissect an apple fruit to learn more about its different parts. Includes activity instructions, extension activities, songs and rhymes, anatomy of an apple student worksheet, and sink or float student worksheet. NGSS: K-ESS3-1, 1-LS1-1 Time: 30 minutes Materials: "Apples Grow on Trees" or other book about apples, knife, cutting board, at least three apples, apple parts tray, and apple dissection worksheet.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan

Author: Columbia Gorge STEM Hub


Color Recognition & Sort

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Introduces color words and recognition to students through shared reading, color songs, rhymes and fingerplays and whole group activity. Students will sort colored cereal onto color sorting mat handout. Time permitting, students will also use an iPad app to identify and sort colors and sort pom-poms by color using various materials. Extensions of lesson include: independent color recognition matching game and color games called Color Crazy and Monster Smash which are partner/group activities.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Amber Hansen

Early Childhood Education Trauma-Invested Classroom Learning Environments Resource List

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Education Trauma-Invested Classroom Learning Environments Resource List ED 572 Trauma Informed Practices in Early Childhood This course will immerse students in theory, research and practice around best-practices in trauma informed practices for our youngest children (birth-8years). Using an ecological systems context, participants of this course will explore the causes and consequences of traumatic experiences within the context of developmental, psychological and neurobiological processes. Students will examine the meaning of trauma within a cultural context, and examine their own personal reactions and potential bias when it comes to their work with young children and families experiencing trauma.

Material Type: Reading, Student Guide, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Karyn A. Gomez

Early Childhood Physical Development: Gross Motor Skills

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In the study of Child Development, physical growth is a complex process which entails learning about children's bodily movements and abilities. More specifically, gross motor skills are a type of physical abilities in which large muscle movements are exercised by young children during the early years of life. This is glimpse of what typical physical abilities children possess between ages 3 to 5.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Evelyn Paz-Durocher

Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood Education

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To provide children with a safe and nurturing learning environment and to maintain program effectiveness, teachers must incorporate observation, documentation and assessment into their daily routines. To truly be effective, teachers must develop skills and strategies that are grounded in best practices. This textbook covers topics such as observation methods and techniques, implicit bias, ethics of observation, quality, analyzing data, monitoring, screening and evaluation, meaningful curriculum, and using documentation and assessment to communicate with families.

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: College of the Canyons, Emily Elam, Gina Peterson

Engaging Families and Creating Trusting Partnerships to Improve Child and Family Outcomes

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This four part web broadcast series is aimed at supporting early intervention (EI) and early childhood special education (ECSE) systems leaders with building capacity in personnel and families to develop trusting partnerships. The series features discussions of the role that data play in strengthening family-professional partnerships. Suggestions and resources for designing personnel and family development activities to support partnerships are also shared. U.S. Department of Education funded Technical Assistance Center - resources are free for online viewing.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center

Learning Pathways in Numeracy

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This document features progression pathways for the development of numeracy concepts. It can be used as a quick reference to isolate children’s learning along a particular pathway and determine the next steps in learning that would move children forward along a particular pathway

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Authors: Washington Association of Educational Service Districts, Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

Family Partnerships and Culture

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Best practices for planning curriculum for young children, developed by the California Department of Education. This publication provides early childhood education program administrators and teachers with guidance and practices that support the development of partnerships with families and inclusion of children's cultural experiences as essential parts of planning curriculum.

Material Type: Reading

Author: Child Development

Anchoring Phenomenon Routine - Storyline Tool

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Instructional sequences are more coherent when students investigate compelling natural phenomena (in science) or work on meaningful design problems (in engineering) by engaging in the science and engineering practices. We refer to these phenomena and design problems here as ‘anchors.’Here is a tool to assist in determining if the elements of the anchoring phenomenon are strong or could use some additional thinking. Original works can be found at

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Jamie Rumage