Career Education & Job Searching: Military Service

The Military: Military Careers & Beyond Lesson Guide

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Students will be able to Explain what types of career opportunities are available to them through the military and how they compare to civilian occupations Interpret different components of a Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) Identify the challenges of transitioning from a military career to a civilian career and steps they can take to make the process easier

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Next Gen Personal Finance

The Military: Enlisting Lesson Guide

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Students will be able to Explain the commitment they are agreeing to when enlisting in the military Understand the requirements they need to meet to enlist in the five branches of the military Identify the various steps needed to enlist in the military, including taking the ASVAB exam and going to a MEPS Understand the benefits of joining an ROTC program

Material Type: Lesson, Lesson Plan

Author: Next Gen Personal Finance