All resources in Oregon Science

PEI SOLS Kindergarten Food Waste

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While food waste is not typically seen as contributing to greenhouse gas emissions, it is a major contributor. Reducing food waste ranks as the 3rd most beneficial drawdown solution. Wasted food, and the resources to produce that food, are responsible for approximately 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions. When individuals and groups reduce food waste, it has a huge impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Food waste awareness is applicable to every person and community. In this storyline, students connect with cultural values around food, impacts of food waste and solutions to food waste issues.  

Material Type: Unit of Study

Author: Pacific Education Institute

PEI SOLS Kindergarten Fire: Humans and Wildfires

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Wildfires are occurring at an increasing rate in Washington state. Students often have questions regarding forest habitats, safety and the prevention of wildfires. In this storyline students will learn about native ways of knowing through oral storytelling, trees as part of habitats local to them, and wildfire prevention. Students will participate in integrated science and literacy lessons to build their understanding of how wildfires are connected to weather and to communicate solutions to prevent  human initiated wildfires. 

Material Type: Unit of Study

Author: Pacific Education Institute

K-5 Science: New and Improved Essential Question Units and Resources

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For those who have previously discovered this resource, we would like to direct you to a new and improved version that now adds curated and freely available  informational "texts" (articles, passages, e-books, videos, podcasts) to support every NGSS Performance Expectation (standard) in grades K-5. This is to support elementary teachers with designing for learning that integrates science and literacy.  Click "View Resource" above for the link.This adds an additional layer to the previous resource that listed freely available activities, lessons, units, and whole-year curricula for every K-5 NGSS Performance Expectation.Please email at OSPI Elementary Science with feedback and questions.  

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment, Homework/Assignment, Textbook, Unit of Study

Author: Kimberley Astle

First Grade Elementary Science and Integrates Subjects-Sky Explorers

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The First Grade Elementary Framework for Science and Integrated Subjects, Sky Explorers uses observation of the sun and moon in the sky as a phenomena for exploring patterns of objects in the sky.  It is part of Elementary Framework for Science and Integrated Subjects project, a statewide Clime Time collaboration among ESD 123, ESD 105, North Central ESD, and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Development of the resources is in response to a need for research- based science lessons for elementary teachers that are integrated with English language arts, mathematics and other subjects such as social studies. The template for Elementary Science and Integrated Subjects  can serve as an organized, coherent and research-based roadmap for teachers in the development of their own NGSS aligned science lessons.  Lessons can also be useful for classrooms that have no adopted curriculum as well as to serve as enhancements for  current science curriculum. The EFSIS project brings together grade level teams of teachers to develop lessons or suites of lessons that are 1) pnenomena based, focused on grade level Performance Expectations, and 2) leverage ELA and Mathematics Washington State Learning Standards.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Module, Reading

Author: Georgia Boatman

PEI SOLS Kindergarten Food waste (Spanish)

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Mientras que el desperdicio de comida no es típicamente visto como un contribuyente de emisiones de gas de efecto invernadero, es un contribuyente mayor, siendo la 3ʳᵃ solución más beneficiosa. La comida desperdiciada y los recursos para producirla, son responsables del aproximadamente 8% de las emisiones globales de gases de efecto invernadero. Cuando los individuos y grupos reducen el desperdicio de comida, esto tiene un gran impacto en la reducción de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. La conciencia del desperdicio de comida se aplica a cada persona y comunidad. En este caso, los estudiantes se conectan con valores culturales alrededor de la comida, los impactos del desperdicio de comida y las soluciones a los problemas de desperdicio de comida.

Material Type: Unit of Study

Author: Pacific Education Institute

PEI SOLS Kindergarten Fire: Humans and Wildfire (Spanish)

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Los incendios forestales están ocurriendo a un ritmo creciente en el estado de Washington. Los estudiantes a menudo tienen preguntas sobre los hábitats forestales, la seguridad y la prevención de incendios forestales. En este caso, los estudiantes aprenderán sobre las formas nativas de conocer a través de la narración oral, los árboles como parte de los hábitats locales para ellos y la prevención de incendios forestales. Los estudiantes participarán en lecciones integradas de ciencia y literatura para desarrollar su comprensión de cómo los incendios forestales están conectados al clima, y para comunicar soluciones para prevenir incendios forestales iniciados por humanos.

Material Type: Unit of Study

Author: Pacific Education Institute

#Going3D w/ Gathering, Reasoning, and Communicating: K-12 Lessons developed to support NGSS by educators

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Welcome to our Going 3-D with GRC website. This site is a collection of vetted, three-dimensional lessons aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards and state standards developed from the Framework for K-12 Science Education. The lessons were developed by teachers across districts and states

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Brett Moulding, Jamie Rumage

Going 3D with GRC - Kindergarten

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Welcome to our Going 3-D with GRC website. This site is a collection of vetted, three-dimensional lessons aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards and state standards developed from the Framework for K-12 Science Education. The lessons were developed by teachers across districts and states utilizing local phenomena. The teachers who developed these lessons participate in professional development with Brett D. Moulding and Kenneth L. Huff over the past five years. Brett was on the committee that wrote the Framework for K-12 Science Education and a lead writer of the NGSS. Kenneth was also on the NGSS writing team and has spent the last 5 years applying these lessons in his classroom. If you have questions or suggestions about these lessons please contact Brett at

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan

Authors: Brett Moulding, Jamie Rumage

Going 3D with GRC - 1st Grade

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Welcome to our Going 3-D with GRC website. This site is a collection of vetted, three-dimensional lessons aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards and state standards developed from the Framework for K-12 Science Education. The lessons were developed by teachers across districts and states utilizing local phenomena. The teachers who developed these lessons participate in professional development with Brett D. Moulding and Kenneth L. Huff over the past five years. Brett was on the committee that wrote the Framework for K-12 Science Education and a lead writer of the NGSS. Kenneth was also on the NGSS writing team and has spent the last 5 years applying these lessons in his classroom. If you have questions or suggestions about these lessons please contact Brett at

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan

Authors: Brett Moulding, Jamie Rumage

Going 3D with GRC - 2nd Grade

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Welcome to our Going 3-D with GRC website. This site is a collection of vetted, three-dimensional lessons aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards and state standards developed from the Framework for K-12 Science Education. The lessons were developed by teachers across districts and states utilizing local phenomena. The teachers who developed these lessons participate in professional development with Brett D. Moulding and Kenneth L. Huff over the past five years. Brett was on the committee that wrote the Framework for K-12 Science Education and a lead writer of the NGSS. Kenneth was also on the NGSS writing team and has spent the last 5 years applying these lessons in his classroom. If you have questions or suggestions about these lessons please contact Brett at

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan

Authors: Brett Moulding, Jamie Rumage

Grade 5 - Elementary Science and Integrated Subjects: Where Do Plants Get What They Need to Grow?

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Elementary Science and Integrated Subjects is a statewide Clime Time collaboration among ESD 123, ESD 105, and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Development of the resources is in response to a need for research- based science lessons for elementary teachers that are integrated with English language arts, mathematics and other subjects such as social studies. The template for Elementary integration can serve as an organized, coherent and research-based roadmap for teachers in the development of their own NGSS aligned science lessons.  Lessons can also be useful for classrooms that have no adopted curriculum as well as to serve as enhancements for  current science curriculum. The EFSIS project brings together grade level teams of teachers to develop lessons or suites of lessons that are 1) focused on grade level Performance Expectations, and 2) leverage ELA and Mathematics Washington State Learning Standards.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan, Module, Reading

Authors: Georgia Boatman, Barbara Soots, Ellen Ebert, Kimberley Astle, Washington OSPI OER Project

K-5 NGSS Resource Sets for Teaching Science and Integrating with ELA

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This OSPI resource provides curated collections of free activities, lessons, units, and informational "texts" (articles, passages, e-books, videos, podcasts) to support every NGSS Performance Expectation (standard) in grades K-5.  This resource is intended to support teachers with teaching science while also integrating science and ELA to grow student knowledge, thinking, application, and skills in both content areas.  Materials are organized into units based on the topics and essential questions in each grade. Resources listed are all freely available online, with some requiring teachers to create free accounts to access.  Some trade books are also listed that might be accessed through a library system. Gratitude is expressed to the Washington State Science Fellows, Science Fellows Emeriti, and ELA Fellows who contributed to curating the informational texts.  For questions or comments contact OSPI Elementary Science at 

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment, Diagram/Illustration, Full Course, Homework/Assignment, Interactive, Lesson, Lesson Plan, Primary Source, Reading, Simulation, Teaching/Learning Strategy, Textbook

Author: Kimberley Astle

Ecosystem Invasion! (3rd Grade Life Science Unit)

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This integrated 3rd grade unit addresses the NGSS Life Science bundles for Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems (3-LS2-1, 3-LS4-3, and 3-LS4-4) and Inheritance and Variation of Traits: Life Cycles and Traits (3-LS1-1, 3-LS3-1, 3-LS3-2, and 3-LS4-2). Students embark on a mission to protect their native plants and animals by devising a plan to regulate and prevent the spread of invasive species in the area. Through a series of FOSS investigations and other OER (open educational resource) lessons and activities, students learn about how an organism’s traits aid in survival, how parents pass on traits to their offspring, and how the environment influences plant and animal traits and behaviors.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Pranjali Upadhyay

What Makes a Weed a Weed? (for 3-5 Educators)

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This professional development course consists of a series of workshops focused on NGSS-aligned & local phenomenon-centered curriculum, developed by IslandWood with funding from the OSPI ClimeTime Grant. It is currently structured to be delivered online and for Upper Elementary (3-5) educators. A slide deck and accompanying handouts are available to complement the course outline. 

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment, Full Course, Lesson Plan, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Brad Street

PEI SOLS 5th grade Food Waste (Spanish)

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Mientras que el desperdicio de comida no es típicamente visto como un contribuyente de emisiones de gas de efecto invernadero, es un contribuyente mayor. Reducir el desperdicio de comida es la 3era solución más beneficiosa para la reducción de dichos gases. La comida desperdiciada y los recursos para producirla, son responsables del aproximadamente 8% de las emisiones globales de gases de efecto invernadero. Cuando los individuos y grupos reducen el desperdicio de comida, esto tiene un gran impacto en la reducción de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. La conciencia del desperdicio de comida es aplicable a cada persona y comunidad. En este caso, los estudiantes van a conducir una “auditoría de desperdicio de comida”. Cada clase de estudiantes participantes recolecta, clasifica y mide su desperdicio de comida por un día durante el almuerzo. Los estudiantes discuten las causas locales y globales y los efectos del desperdicio de comida en el ambiente. Los estudiantes también aprenden las conexiones culturales alrededor del desperdicio de comida de los expertos o gente mayor de las tribus locales, e indagan cómo las diferentes agencias en la comunidad lidian con el desperdicio de comida (e.g. tiendas de abarrotes, bancos de comida, la ciudad). Los estudiantes presentan sus resultados y crean un plan de acción.

Material Type: Unit of Study

Author: Pacific Education Institute

Going 3D with GRC - 3rd Grade

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Welcome to our Going 3-D with GRC website. This site is a collection of vetted, three-dimensional lessons aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards and state standards developed from the Framework for K-12 Science Education. The lessons were developed by teachers across districts and states utilizing local phenomena. The teachers who developed these lessons participate in professional development with Brett D. Moulding and Kenneth L. Huff over the past five years. Brett was on the committee that wrote the Framework for K-12 Science Education and a lead writer of the NGSS. Kenneth was also on the NGSS writing team and has spent the last 5 years applying these lessons in his classroom. If you have questions or suggestions about these lessons please contact Brett at

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan

Authors: Brett Moulding, Jamie Rumage

Going 3D with GRC - 4th Grade

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Welcome to our Going 3-D with GRC website. This site is a collection of vetted, three-dimensional lessons aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards and state standards developed from the Framework for K-12 Science Education. The lessons were developed by teachers across districts and states utilizing local phenomena. The teachers who developed these lessons participate in professional development with Brett D. Moulding and Kenneth L. Huff over the past five years. Brett was on the committee that wrote the Framework for K-12 Science Education and a lead writer of the NGSS. Kenneth was also on the NGSS writing team and has spent the last 5 years applying these lessons in his classroom. If you have questions or suggestions about these lessons please contact Brett at

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan

Authors: Brett Moulding, Jamie Rumage