All resources in Pathways Project | Language Teaching Repository @ Boise State

The Francophone Project

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The Francophone Project is a resource that was created in order to bring awareness to the various French speaking countries throughout the world. Because culture is so important and often pushed aside in the classroom, we created a website for educators and learners of the French language to use as a way to access information about culture through natives. The website includes individuals from France to Canada, Algeria, The Ivory Coast and more. Through short videos, these individuals share certain aspects about their cultures while reflecting what it means to be Francophone to them. Our hope is that our project will serve to help people learn the French language, to appreciate all Francophone cultures, and to continue learning because it’s benefits go far beyond borders.

Material Type: Interactive, Student Guide

Authors: Amber Hoye, Emily Blackburn, Ryan Young, Taylor Sharp



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Students will be able to recognize family member classifications (i.e. Großmutter=grandma), describe family members, and accurately use vocabulary related to families. They will need to acquire information about another individual’s family and will practice describing their own family members. They will need to acquire information about a classmate’s family and they will practice describing that classmate’s family members.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Franziska Borders

Findet deinen Partner, Novice Low/Mid, German

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Each student is given Person card with information that matches other cards held by classmates. They need to ask each other questions about who they are in German so they are able to find a match. If they think they have found their match, they compare emojis to confirm. This activity can be expanded by having students describe themselves or describe each other at the beginning or end of the activity.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Amber Hoye, Camille Daw, Mimi Fahnstrom, Shawn Moak

Formelle v. Informelle, Novice Low/Mid, German

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Some students struggle with how to address people with different forms of "you" based on formality and familiarity with the person. This activity allows students to decide how they will talk to someone based on the name tag they have on. The expectation is that they will introduce themselves, then ask one or two simple questions using the correct conjugation and form of address.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Amber Hoye, Camille Daw, Mimi Fahnstrom