September 26th, 2019

Colleen Welsch added Introduction to Psychology

to Southwestern Michigan College - on Sep 26, 10:11am
September 25th, 2019

Colleen Welsch added Introduction to Psychology

to Southwestern Michigan College - on Sep 25, 12:13pm

Colleen Welsch added Introduction to Human Development (GHC) (Open Course)

to Southwestern Michigan College - on Sep 25, 12:11pm

Colleen Welsch added General Psychology: An Introduction

to Southwestern Michigan College - on Sep 25, 11:45am

Colleen Welsch added Discover Psychology 2.0 - A Brief Introductory Text

to Southwestern Michigan College - on Sep 25, 11:11am
September 24th, 2019

Colleen Welsch removed Lifespan Development

from Southwestern Michigan College - on Sep 24, 02:31pm

Colleen Welsch removed Psychology

from Southwestern Michigan College - on Sep 24, 02:31pm

Colleen Welsch removed Principles of Social Psychology

from Southwestern Michigan College - on Sep 24, 02:31pm

Colleen Welsch removed Introduction to Psychology

from Southwestern Michigan College - on Sep 24, 02:31pm

Colleen Welsch removed Introduction to Psychology

from Southwestern Michigan College - on Sep 24, 02:31pm

Colleen Welsch removed Introduction to Psychology

from Southwestern Michigan College - on Sep 24, 02:31pm
OER Commons

Writing for Success was unpublished by the OER Commons

from Southwestern Michigan College - on Sep 24, 10:32am
September 23rd, 2019

Colleen Welsch added Introduction to Art: Design, Context, and Meaning

to Southwestern Michigan College - on Sep 23, 01:01pm

Colleen Welsch added Art Appreciation and Techniques

to Southwestern Michigan College - on Sep 23, 10:35am

Colleen Welsch added Teaching Arts Since 1950

to Southwestern Michigan College - on Sep 23, 10:33am
September 19th, 2019

Colleen Welsch added Music Appreciation: A Thematic Approach (Complete Course)

to Southwestern Michigan College - on Sep 19, 10:45am
August 21st, 2019

Colleen Welsch added OpenNow from Cengage Reading Anthology

to Southwestern Michigan College - on Aug 21, 07:33am
June 27th, 2019
OER Commons

Introduction to Financial Accounting was unpublished by the OER Commons

from Southwestern Michigan College - on Jun 27, 05:46pm
May 30th, 2019
OER Commons

Principles of Marketing was unpublished by the OER Commons

from Southwestern Michigan College - on May 30, 02:29pm
OER Commons

PSY13 - Psychology - Industrial-Organizational Psychology was unpublished by the OER Commons

from Southwestern Michigan College - on May 30, 09:42am