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Designing and Developing Online Learning Modules

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This course, in true meta fashion, is a series of asynchronous online learning modules with a goal of teaching you how to design and develop asynchronous online learning modules. These asynchronous online learning modules can be used in any number of situations, ranging from training colleagues in a company professional development setting to teaching a college course to offering a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). This course is split into five modules: 1) Introduction to asynchronous online learning modules and backward design 2) Learning Objectives and Bloom's Taxonomy 3) Assessments 4) Learning Resources 5) Canvas, Module Organization, and the "Connective Tissue" Overall learning objectives: - Use instructional design principles and best practices to design an effective learning module; - Design assessments that allow you – and the learners themselves – to measure whether your learners have mastered the skills and concepts you consider important; - Curate and create learning resources to guide your learners in gaining mastery of skills and concepts; - Present your learning module asynchronously in a logically organized and explained manner; - Code your learning module into the Canvas Learning Management System for your learners to access.

Material Type: Module

Author: Sera Thornton

Low Incidence Disabilities

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This module is designed for pre-service teachers who are learning about low-incidence disabilities. The following are included: Multicultural and Bilingual Aspects of Special EducationLow-Incidence, Multiple, and Severe DisabilitiesAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Learners with Emotional or Behavioral DisordersLearners who are Deaf or Hard of HearingLearners with Blindness or Low VisionLearners with Physical Disabilities and Other Health ImpairmentsGifted

Material Type: Module

Author: Jeanne Burth

Organic Chemistry 1 (OER)

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This open textbook is suitable for the college-level first semester of Organic Chemistry. This book covers basic concepts of organic molecules' structures and reactivities with plenty of solved examples. Besides the fundamental concepts, topics of organic acids-bases, kinetics, thermodynamics of reaction, and stereochemistry, this book covers the preparation and reactions of alkyl halides, alkenes, alkynes, and alcohols. Understanding organic chemistry requires active studying. Studying Organic chemistry is akin to playing a new video game or learning to play an instrument. It just doesn’t come easy naturally. One cannot watch other people play piano/video games/teach Organic chemistry and become an expert on it. One must actively play/draw structures using a pencil and paper to draw and redraw structures, write reactions, and explore stereochemistry. Like a painting class!

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Manisha Nigam

Integrating Research on Canvas Commons

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Many course require students to write research papers and incorporate the research of others into their own writing. Integrating this research is done in several ways: paraphrasing, summarizing, and direct quoting. Students should use all of these methods to create a balance of voice and avoid violations of academic integrity in your writing.

Material Type: Module

Authors: Annie Malady, Diana Dill, Leslie Poljak, Marnie Hampton, Urszula Lechtenberg

Assignments for Strategies and Instruction

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Several assignments are used for this course, including writing lesson plans, writing a unit plan, creating supplemental items for the unit plan, and designing a classroom management plan. In my course, I assign two units with three lesson plans included in each unit. This is designed for Early Childhood, but it can be edited for secondary. 

Material Type: Module

Author: Jeanne Burth

Writing Lesson Plans

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This module will assist the pre-service teacher in writing lesson plans using the Direct Instruction method. The module is designed for Early Childhood Education, but it can easily be adapted to secondary education majors. Each section of the lesson plan is detailed and, along with his/her classroom, the instructor is encouraged to develop a group lesson plan. As each section of the lesson plan is taught, the class will add that part to the group plan. A blank template is included in the first section. 

Material Type: Module

Author: Jeanne Burth

Introduction to Physics

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This textbook is designed for the algebra-based introductory physics 1 and 2 that the author teaches at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. This is not meant to be a comprehensive textbook covering all areas of introductory physics. Instead, it only includes topics that the author normally addresses in those classes. The content of this book is a combination of borrowed materials (primarily from Openstax textbooks) and original writing.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Beta Keramati

High-incidence Disabilities

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High-Incidence Disabilities are disabilities that are more often seen in the regular education classroom. This resource is intended to be used by pre-service teacher who are learning about disabilities in the classroom and how to make accommodations for all learners. 

Material Type: Assessment, Case Study, Homework/Assignment, Lecture Notes, Module

Author: Jeanne Burth

Italian 0102 OER on Canvas Commons (Elementary Italian Language & Culture 2)

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This OER is a second-semester online language and culture manual designed for students in higher education. It follows a 14- or 15-week semester. Registration to Canvas Commons is required but free. This OER features online grammar and vocabulary practice and interactive assessment of various kinds.

Material Type: Assessment, Full Course, Homework/Assignment, Interactive, Lesson, Module, Primary Source, Syllabus, Teaching/Learning Strategy, Textbook, Unit of Study

Authors: Chiara Montera, Lorraine Denman

Tra di noi: Elementary Italian Language & Culture 1 [an Italian OER on Canvas Commons]

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This OER is an online language and culture manual designed for students in higher education. It is especially adapted to Canvas learning management system and includes online homework, audio and video recordings, interactive student assessments, and more. It follows a 14- or 15-week semester. Registration to Canvas Commons is required but free. To use the course materials, simply use the "Import" function on Canvas Commons and copy the course into your course shell on Canvas. Once imported, all materials can be modified as needed.

Material Type: Full Course

Authors: Chiara Montera, Lorraine Denman

Academic Integrity Overview & Cheating

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his module introduces the topic of Academic Integrity and dives into the topic of cheating, including defining contract cheating and group work. What is academic integrity and why does it matter? Could it be considered cheating if students form a study group with their classmates? Students probably know that peeking at their neighbor's paper while taking a test could result in a cheating accusation. But what about forming a study group? Or getting help at the writing center? Or online? Considering all of the technology available to students and the pressures they may face balancing all aspects of their life, they may be encountering more opportunities to cheat. In this module, students will learn about what to stay away from and what resources are available to them when they do need some extra help.

Material Type: Module

Authors: Annie Malady, Diana Dill, Leslie Poljak, Marnie Hampton, Urszula Lechtenberg

Python textbook for Statistical inference and data science

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The chapters in their current form have been made available to students who used Python in my Decision Science course in Fall 2019 (the course I had to prep for. Most students used R, but this helped those who choose Python). It has also been used as reference for students and project partners who use Python but have not had any training on using Python for data management. This work is still useful for those learning Python as a data analysis platform as well as those who need to convert R code into Python due to deployment needs or to take advantage of Python resources in other domains. While it was not used as a textbook, the material was used by students in my decision models course and in senior capstone course for those who choose to use Python instead of R. While it seemed to help, the students had more difficulty than students who used R.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Kiatikun Louis Luangkesorn

Social Studies Lesson Plan - August Wilson Archives

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By the mid 1960s, Americans’ interpretation of the Civil Rights Movement was split. While many white Americans perceived laws like the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act as solving the problem of segregation and civil rights, the experiences of many black Americans proved that there was still a great discrepancy in their treatment, opportunities, and economic status. The philosophy of black nationalism, which argued for …, grew in influence during this time. This lesson examines how black nationalism impacted not only the larger aims of the civil rights movement, but institutions like schools, universities, local economies, and the arts. This lesson is organized as a warm up quote and mini-lecture to affirm student understanding of black nationalism and the ongoing struggle faced by black Americans even after many civil rights “milestones.” Students will then explore in a gallery walk/station format the different ways that black nationalism impacted society in the late 1960s and 1970s. Depending on time, teachers may want to have students visit multiple stations or focus on one and then share findings with the class. A final class discussion will ask students to compare their findings and to find connections with our society today. Many of the sources in this lesson were found in the August Wilson archives at the University of Pittsburgh. August Wilson was a Pittsburgh playwright whose work chronicled the experience of black America, and the sources found there speak to both the desire within the arts for more artwork about the experience of people of color in the United States and more arts organizations to support it; as well as sources that reflect on the growth within the University of Pittsburgh of a Black Studies program and the Black Action Society, a student group. While local in focus, these changes reflect national movements in the 1960s and 1970s.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Kate Harris