All resources in Washington Arts Collaborative

Washington OER Hub - Submission Guidelines and Quality Review Criteria

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This document provides background on how resources are submitted to Groups, reviewed, and filtered into Learning Collections on the Washington OER Hub. The criteria are designed to be adapted for any content area to evaluate lessons that may extend over a few periods or days or units that include integrated and focused lessons. The criteria are NOT designed to evaluate a single task or stand-alone activity.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Authors: Barbara Soots, Washington OSPI OER Project

Language of Place: Hopi Place Names, Poetry, Traditional Dance and Song

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A curriculum unit of three lessons in which students explore Hopi place names, poetry, song, and traditional dance to better understand the ways Hopi people connect with the land and environment through language. The unit is centered on the practice of growing corn. Students make inferences about language, place, and culture and also look closely at their own home environment and landscape to understand the places, language, and songs that give meaning to cultures and communities

Material Type: Lesson

Sofia and Mr. Parrot

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Learn prepositions (on, under, next to, over and around) by singing a mariachi song with Sofia and Mr. Parrot! Viewers sing and dance along with Sofia as she learns prepositions demonstrated by Mr. Parrot being on the sombrero, under the sombrero, next to the sombrero, over the sombrero, and around the sombrero. Learning Objective: Understand and use the following parts of speech in the context of reading, writing, and speaking (with adult assistance): prepositions and simple prepositional phrases appropriately when speaking or writing (e.g., in, on, under, over).

Material Type: Lesson

Playford’s Dancing Master: The Compleat Dance Guide

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An exhaustive compilation and index of all eighteen editions of the first volume of the Dancing Master, 1651-1728. Extensive indexes provide access to all of the almost 500 dances in a wide variety of ways, covering publication information, musical elements, arrangements of dancers, and even the dance steps. Every dance step or figure used throughout the 18 editions is indexed with a list of all the dances that use it.

Material Type: Data Set, Diagram/Illustration, Homework/Assignment, Lesson, Module, Primary Source, Textbook

Author: Scott Pfitzinger

The Dance of Life: Grades 4-5: text only version

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This informational text introduce students to the life cycle and migration of the sanderling, a bird that winters on beaches in the Southern United States and South America but breeds in the Arctic during the summer months. The text is written at a grade four through grade five reading level. This is a PDF containing the informational text and a glossary.

Material Type: Reading

Author: Stephen Whitt

Australian Aboriginal Art and Storytelling

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Australian Aboriginal art is one of the oldest continuing art traditions in the world. Much of the most important knowledge of aboriginal society was conveyed through different kinds of storytelling—including narratives that were spoken, performed as dances or songs, and those that were painted. In this lesson students will learn about the Aboriginal storytelling tradition through the spoken word and through visual culture. They will have the opportunity to hear stories of the Dreamtime told by the Aboriginal people, as well as to investigate Aboriginal storytelling in contemporary dot paintings.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment, Lesson Plan

Author: Individual Authors

Move Your Way

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Walk. Run. Dance. Play. What's your move? Everyone needs physical activity to stay healthy. But it can be hard to find the time in your busy routine. The Move Your Way tools, videos, and fact sheets on this page have tips that make it easier to get a little more active. And small changes can add up to big health benefits! No matter who you are, you can find safe, fun ways to get active — to move your way.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Preserving the Ways: Culture & Tradition

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Learn what the futures of the Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho tribes are, and how the tribes will retain their culture and tradition while preparing to move into the future? In the accompanying lesson plan (found in the Support Materials) students will understand the importance of education and perservation of the culture. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Students will demonstrate an understanding about the importance of education and preservation of the language and culture among the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribe from the past, present, and future. Students will learn about the Federal Indian Policy to civilize Native Americans through the establishment of Native American Boarding Schools incorporating key vocabulary words. Students will learn about how the practice of forced assimilation contributed to the diminished use of the Shoshone and Arapaho people’s lifestyle, languages, and traditions. Students will discuss the development of Indian boarding schools in the United States and Wyoming. Students will analyze the differences between the early educational experiences of the Native American and non-native students. Students will examine the importance of education as a value that the Shoshone, Arapaho, and non-native communities share. Students will consider how Native American students and non-native students can learn from each other to dispel the myths and stereotypes that exist in contemporary society. Students will learn why oral traditions are important. Students will understand why respect for elders is important in the tribe. Students will gain an awareness of why traditional dancing and singing is important to traditions and culture. Students will explore the significance of the buffalo to the Shoshone people living on the Wind River Reservation. Students will learn that through traditional concepts of understanding, the Shoshone people, as well as many other Plains tribes, were able to survive through their sustenance on the buffalo. Students will discuss the relationship that Native American people have with the buffalo (i.e., spiritual, sustenance, etc.) and how oral traditions play a critical role in the preservation of Native ways of knowing.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson