All resources in Wisconsin Digital Learning Collaborative CCSS Math Resources

Winter Math Activities

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There are many possibilities for winter math data collection activities. Look for opportunities to have students create tally charts, clothespin graphs, Venn diagrams, bar and line graphs to organize data and analyze the results of the data collection. Build on students' natural fascination with penguins by including these math pattern activities. The Koch Snowflake is an example of an iterative drawing as each successive stage begins with the previous stage. The Koch snowflake begins with an equilateral triangle.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Terry Kawas

Hundred Board Activities 1

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Students learn the patterns in the hundred board by assembling puzzles. Teachers are able to assess student use of patterns in rows and columns by observing the student at work. This task is easily differentiated to accommodate the varied levels in a first grade class by changing the number of pieces and the shape of the pieces. Puzzle bags should be sequentially lettered so that students progress through harder versions of the task. Finally, students are asked to create their own puzzles for classmates to solve.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Game

Author: Terry Kawas

Addition and Subtraction Face-Off! Game

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Students place markers on the numbers 2-12. Students toss two 6-sided dice, find the sum and remove a marker from that number, if there is still one. The first player to remove all markers wins the game. This game can be used as addition practice or as an introduction to the probability of the different outcomes of rolling two dice. This game was developed by a Monmouth University student for the Probability Fair. These games help students acquire proficiency in addition and subtraction facts.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Game, Lesson Plan

Author: Terry Kawas

Who Has? Multiplication Activities

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Once students have developed conceptual understanding of the basic operations they need to develop fluency with the facts. One quick way to include daily practice and motivate students to master these basic facts is through the use of the Who Has? card decks. These decks can be created for virtually any topic and frequent use as both a whole class practice or as a center activity for partners or small groups will provide facts practice in a highly-motivating format.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment, Game, Lesson Plan

Author: Terry Kawas

100th Day of School Activities

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Resources to mark the 100th day of school with math activities. Challenge students to generate 100 different ways to represent the number 100. Students will easily generate 99 + 1 and 50 + 50, but encourage them to think out of the box. Challenge them to include examples from all of the NCTM Standards strands: number sense, numerical operations, geometry, measurement, algebra, patterns, data analysis, probability, discrete math, Create a class list to record the best entries. Some teachers write 100 in big bubble numeral style and then record the entries inside the numerals.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Terry Kawas