Distant Nature: Astronomy Exercises


The Milky Way is the name we use for the galaxy we live in. In this exercise, we will examine how we see our own galaxy from Earth and how this can be used to determine some aspects of its structure. Also, we will examine various objects which are associated with galaxies. 

Equipment/Materials Needed


Subject Introduction

Since humans began to observe the heavens, they noticed a cloud like band of light that arcs through the night sky. The cloudy/milky appearance of this band gave rise to the name "The Milky Way". It was observed to move with the stars on their annual repetitive trek. The ancient astronomers noticed that it appeared continuous, but not homogeneous. There were patches that brighter than others, and places where it covered more of the sky. Once the telescope advanced beyond the one Galileo used, astronomers began to see more detail and other objects within the band. These turned out to be nebulae and star clusters. In clear, dark conditions, the site looks something like this: 

Figure 1. Representation of the Milky Way
stellarium_milkyway01.pngFigure 1. Representation of the Milky Way

Figure 1. Representation of the Milky Way

Download Exercise Here:

Download: The_Milky_Way_ExerciseForm.pdf

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