Buddy System


Number of teachers

Number of pupils


(mentored ; mentors)





14-15 ; 16-17

Not topic related




12-15 ; 14-17

Not topic related




12-13 ; 16-17

Not topic related





Not topic related





Not topic related; did not start the buddy system due to circumstances

Student evaluation

A lot of new students appreciated it very much to have a “buddy”, especially at the beginning of the school year. Most of the buddy work took place in the first few weeks of the buddy project, after that the contacts where less frequent, but still going on. The newcomers are happy to get some useful tips for the daily school life. But also having a friendly person in new surroundings was the best benefit for some students. Some asked their buddies for technical advice (especially for the subjects which are new to the students).

When asked for their opinion of the buddy system approx. 80% was positive. It helped them a lot in getting started in a new school with new subjects, class mates, and teachers. Most of the strongly recommends to provide the buddy systems also to the next new comers. Some complain that the games they played were too childish and that they only got to know the group mates but not the other class mates. On the other hand many liked the playful way to start a new school year.


  • Easier integration of new pupils in school.
  • Better integration of isolated pupils in school.

  • Creates a good atmosphere.


  • Make sure the introduction games are fun for (most of) them.

Buddy evaluation

The majority of the buddies think that the Buddy System helps new students a lot in getting familiar with daily life in a new school with new subjects, new teachers, and new important issues. However, there are also buddies who think the Buddy System is useless, partly because of the poor cooperation of the new student, due to lack of interest, confidence and/or sympathy.

Giving advice for the daily life in school was the most important way to help the newcomers. A few buddies very mainly consulted when technical issues arose.

In some cases a buddy got informed about problems like bullying etc. The others had no such problems, at least they did not talk to their buddy about them.


  • Easier integration of new pupils in school.


  • If you’re the buddy of a pupil that is not interested, you feel kind of useless.

  • Not many pupils want to mentored.

  • Buddies get faced with personal problems they can’t handle.

  • Some buddies were bombed with questions en messages.

Teacher Evaluation

Teachers experience the buddies as a nice addition to their work. Buddies take out a bit of work out of the teachers hands. The also notice that the “gap” between pupils and teachers and pupils and buddies is much smaller. Problems get detected much quicker and the necessary information is spread faster among pupils. On the other hand they see the involved pupils who are well informed. But often the pupils you want to reach are not interested in being mentored and so the information doesn’t easily reach them, or they keep their questions/problems to themselves.


  • A little less, or at least other work for the teachers

  • Easy channel to get information to the pupils


  • Lack of support from school management makes it harder to get started.

  • Regular change of involved staff makes it harder.

  • Often pupils in need are not interested, while they would benefit the most.

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