School-based teacher professional development

This Unit covers the initial thoughts about M&E of CPD,monitoring CPD impact and cost benefit analysis of CPD

Monitoring and Evaluation check list

Much the monitoring and evaluation of CPD is impressionistic and anecdotal. Long- term impact is rarely considered.

 1.  What methods exist to monitor the CPD undertaken?

 2.  How is CPD monitored in the school?

 3.  How is the quality of CPD evaluated?

 4.  Is there any attempt to examine the short term and longer-term effects of CPD?

 5.  What measures are used to evaluate impact – effects on staff, pupils and school?

 6.  How is the information gathered?

 7.  Who shares and discusses this impact?

 8.  How are the outcomes of CPD disseminated?

 9.  How is the information about impact used to influence school planning?

 10. How much attention is paid to Best Value and Value for Money principles?

Monitoring CPD Impact

CPD is probably one of the more difficult aspects of school life in which a judgement can be made about the impact that the ‘inputs’ have upon the school’s ‘outputs’. It is nevertheless important to monitor CPD in a way that can inform decision-making and withstand best value scrutiny. This grid suggests some of the questions, impacts and evidence that might provide a suitable level of rigour to effectively support a monitoring process.
The grid can be used at a variety of levels
1. Completed at an individual level to monitor the impact CPD has made on their own work
2. Completed at subject/departmental level to monitor impact in an area of teaching and learning
3. Completed at whole-school level to provide an overview
4. Completed against types of CPD to monitor the impact that different CPD activities seem to make.

CPD Cost benefit analysis

The cost of CPD can be measured in two forms, time and money. When planning an individual or school CPD programme it is important to ensure learners pursue a mix of methods in terms of both cost and time.

See Appendix for a sample cost benefit analysis.

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