mBot’s and the Australian Curriculum

For effective teaching and learning experiences in the 21 st century, the ability to collaborate with others is an important skill (Ainley, 2013).  The best outcomes I have experienced while using the mBot’s, is students working together.  As learners produced a mBot robot in a pair, students had the prospect to improve their personal and social development (Smidt et al., 2017, p. 54).  This encouraged my students to recognise and regulate one’s emotions, develop an empathy for others and understanding working relationships (ACARA, 2018, para. 1).  To help students identify how to build workings relationships, my colleague and I revisited the importance of working together, as there were students in this classroom who found it difficult to read social and visual cues. Conversations encouraged what it looks/sounds like to be an effective team member. Students acknowledged how making responsible decisions and handling challenging situations constructively, were a part of an effective team members (ACARA, 2018, para. 2)  

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