Designing a Tunnel: An Earth Science Design Challenge
- The teacher will read the story “John Henry” to get students interested in the topic. They will then watch an introduction video on tunnels, and the engineers who design them.
- The teacher will present the design challenge to the students explaining all of the parts, requirements, and rubric.
- The students will be given three potential tunnel sites (with background information about each site) for construction and choose one site for their project.
- The students will be split into groups of four, with two people on each team to decide on their drilling method.
- The students will record their method and estimated time it will take to get to the center of the tunnel, with each team drilling from either side.
- The students will design their tunnel and choose their materials as a group to meet the criteria.
- The students will build their tunnel.
- The tunnel will undergo tests as required by the project.
- The students will record all data.
- The students will improve their design after they test it.
- The students will present their findings to the class.