Acquired or Inherited? These are my genes!

Pedigree Rubric

Pedigree Rubric (60 points)

These are My Genes!

15 points

10 points

5 points

0 points

Structures of Pedigrees

Pedigrees are neatly presented. Correct symbols and color coding are used. Each pedigree is complete for 3 generations.

Pedigrees are somewhat neat. Most symbols are correct with color coding. Pedigrees are complete for 3 generations.

Pedigrees lack neatness.  

Symbols are incorrect or lack color coding.

Pedigrees are incomplete for 3 generations.

Pedigrees not submitted.


Pedigree is neatly organized Generations and symbols are clear.

Pedigree is somewhat organized but it is hard to determine relationships and generations.

Not organized, very confusing.

Pedigrees not submitted.



Data is complete for each trait generations labeled. Presentation: Neatly done, organized and on time.

Most of the data is complete for each trait with generations labeled. Presentation:  lacks neatness but organized and on time.

Data is incomplete for each trait with generations unlabeled.

Presentation:  Lacks neatness, confusing and/or incomplete, Submitted late.

Pedigrees not submitted.


Explanation of each pedigree is clear and concise and shows evidence with Punnett squares when necessary.

Explanation of each pedigree is clear but shows little evidence with Punnett squares when necessary.

Explanation of each pedigree is not clear and shows little evidence with Punnett squares.

Pedigrees not submitted.

Note:  Three genetic traits as well as diabetes must be followed through separate pedigrees.  This rubric grades all four pedigrees as one assignment collectively.

Short Story Rubric

Short Story Rubric (100 points)

These are My Genes!

25 points 

20 points

15 points

10 points

0 points


Expertly combines all story elements around the controlling idea of heredity to reveal a thought provoking theme

Adequately combines story elements around a controlling idea of heredity to reveal a thought-provoking theme

Story elements may or may not reveal  the controlling idea/theme of heredity

Overly simplistic No clear controlling idea and/or theme

No submission

Structure/ Spelling

Strong organization. Logical and effective sequencing of ideas based on 
purpose and skillfully linked to theme.  Mastery of spelling and grammar

Effective structure: 
Logical sequencing of ideas 
based on purpose and linked 
to theme 
Two or less grammar and spelling mistakes

Weak structure and  
 sequencing of ideas in 
body not linked to theme

Little to no structure: 
sequencing of ideas in 
body not linked to theme

No submission

Character Development

Major characters are well developed through jobs, skills, actions, and genetic descriptions.   

Major and minor characters are somewhat developed through jobs, skills, actions, and genetic descriptions.   

Characters are minimally developed.  They are described rather than established through jobs, skills, actions, and genetic descriptions.   

Main characters are lacking development.  They are described rather than established.  

No submission


The setting is clearly described through vivid sensory language.

The setting is clearly identified with some sensory language.

The setting is identified but not clearly described. It has minimal sensory language.

The setting may be vague or hard to identify.  

No submission

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