Let's Get a Haircut


Through providing the relevant vocabulary and cultural background for the topic, hair, students gain confidence in coping with situations of everyday life. While repeating and applying the input they will develop their listening and reading skills and get an understanding of the recent trends in Germany. Furthermore, students will acquire the competency to compare certain aspects of life in Germany and the US through the final listening activity.

Preparation materials

Vocabulary List

Download: Vocab_List_Friseur.pdf

Story: Paul geht zum Friseur

Download: Hair_Pictures_for_Reading.pdf

Download: Story.pdf


Download: Reviews.pdf

Fill in the Blank Text

Download: Fill_in_the_Blank_Text.pdf

Listening Activity/Dialogue

Download: Listening_activity_hair.pdf

Audio File

Download: Audio_Hair_bIRC2oG.m4a

Priming Task #1

Materials: Story Paul geht zum Friseur

Download: Story_O9JXh14.pdf

Students will read a short story about someone going to the hair salon. Vocabulary from the list is incorporated into the story. Ask students to focus on what type of haircut the character would like and how much he has paid for the haircut. Have students underline this information and share with the group in the end.

Follow-up Questions for the reading:

-Was für eine Frisur möchte Paul?

-Wie viel kostet Pauls Friseur?

-Wie würdest du Pauls Erfahrung bei dem Friseur beschreiben?

Priming Task #2

Materials: Vocabulary List

Download: Vocab_List_Friseur_.pdf

Students are going to pair with a partner. One has to be the hairdresser and the other one plays the customer. They have to imitate the situation from the reading task and ask the proposed questions when entering the salon. They have to choose the haircut they want and communicate it with their partner. Based on the vocabulary list the customer has to describe to their partner how the haircut should look and how much they are willing to pay for it. The hairdresser is going to ask questions to determine what the customer desires and needs to provide a good service for the partner.

(Through the conversation activity we check the understanding if the reading task)

Preparation Task

Materials: Reviews

Download: Reviews_MLUirzL.pdf

Students should imagine that they are in a German-speaking country, but they need to get their hair cut. For this preparation task, students will read short reviews of hairdressers and decide where they would best like to get their haircut. Working in small groups, students read the reviews. After reading as a small group, the group will decide and share with the larger group where they would like to get their haircut and why. These reviews will all come from primary sources.

Target Task

Materials: Video, Fill in the Blank

Download: Fill_in_the_Blank_Text_zMVOJwB.pdf

Getting a Haircut

Students watch the short, authentic video and fill in the blanks of the fill in the blank text.


Materials: Audio file, Listening Activity/Dialogue

Download: Audio_Hair.m4a

Have students listen to audio of hairstyle and fashion. Ask them to consider differences that they heard between U.S culture and German culture. Then, have students make a drawing of how they imagined the styles and clothing described in the audio.


Materials: Online-Video

Slang (Umgangssprache)

Have students watch the video and ask for/explain the the meaning of slang words and phrases.

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