Say Goodbye to Waste

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Say Goodbye to WasteTitle Page

Title Page

The slides linked below contain the information and notes necessary to conduct this lesson. This explains some of the information that is taught in the slides:

The first lesson is split into three parts. The first part highlights the importance of waste prevention by teaching the kids about the seven different types of waste. The children can learn about what happens to waste once it is thrown away and how lots of waste produced ends up in landfill or the oceans. They can then learn the shocking truth about how lots of the waste that is put into recycling bins ends up being shipped away instead of being reclced and ends up just sitting at landfill.

This forms the basis for the second part of the lesson which looks at how the children could try to stop this problem as individuals. Ideas to reduce the amount of waste created in the first place such as by not wasting as much food and wearing hand-me-downs can be discussed. The slides then show how technology has aided the creation of innovative products from recycled waste.

In the third part of the lesson, the children are given the  opportunity to make products from waste in ‘Give Waste a New Life’ in a group activity. Each group can be given an item that they have to create such as a car, rocket, robot and house etc. They are also free to create additional objects to go along with the main item. This group activity shows them that rubbish does not necessarily need to go immediately to the bins after use. Rubbish can often be salvaged into new and useful things. For this activity, decorative items such as stickers and glitter glue can be used for the children to decorate their creations with.

Link to the Powerpoint Presentation used for the Lesson 1:

My blog post explains how I conducted this lesson and activity:

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