Clime Time ESD 123 Earth Systems and Changes
Earth Systems and Changes: claims, Evidence and Reasoning With Earth Science Maps
In this first module for Clime Time Elementary Earth Systems and Changes teachers have the opportunity to review the Next Generation Science Standards by thinking about the dimensions within a Performance Expectation. They engage in an Argument Driven Inquiry -like experience using plate tectonics maps from Rice University resources and readings from USGS resources to develop a claim and provide evidence to answer the question "What do Earth patterns tell us about Earth systems and the changes that can happen to the Earth?" Finally, they begin to learn about what a phenomena is, how an anchoring phenomena is key in NGSS aligned learning and ways to begin to identify their own local phenomena for use with their students.
Review: How to Read an NGSS Standard
Links below lead to a PDF document from the Next Gen Science site and their webpage where their is a brief video that explains how to navigate the NGSS. Then they engage in highlighting the different dimensions embedded in a sample Performance Expectation to illustrate the nature of NGSS learning experiences.
How to Read the Next Generation Science Standards
Understanding the Standards
Highlighting the dimensions in a Performance Expectation
Claims, Evidence Reasoning Using Plate Tectonics Maps
Maps for volcanic, earthquake, plate boundaries, topography/bathemetry, and seafloor age all found on the Discovering Plate Boundaries site are used in this immersion experience for teachers to observe and begin to develop a claim about the question "What do Earth patterns tell us about Earth systems and the changes that can happen to the Earth?" Teachers make observations at each map and develop a Claim, Evidence Reasoning chart to share out and initiate discourse around.
Tectonic Plate Maps
Reading about Plate Tectonics
Understanding Phenomena in the NGSS
Teachers engage with two documents, one from Achieve and one from the STEM Teaching Tools website to begin to understand the characteristics of an anchoring phenomena and the value of focusing lessons and units on phenomena.
Using Phenomena in NGSS Lessons from Achieve
Qualities of a Good Anchor Phenomena from Research + Practice Collaboratory
Use the Table of Contents to go on to Clime Time Earth Systems and Changes Professional Learning Module #2