Clime Time ESD 123 Earth Systems and Changes

Earth Systems and Changes:  Models and Explanations for Effect of Ocean Currents on Climate

In the second module for Educational Service District 123's Clime Time Elementary Earth Systems and Changes teachers think about ways to use classroom tasks such as claims, evidence and reasoning charts or models and explanations formatively to guide their instruction and student learning.  Through an adult immersion experience they 1) develop initial models,  2) explore how ocean currents affect climate and weather, 3) engage in research on both ocean and air currents and, 4) create a final model and explanation with their team.  In this module they delve more deeply into the two dimensions of Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts and revisit the idea of place-based phenomena in preparation for beginning to design their own formative classroom tasks.

Download: 0-Earth_Systems_and_Changes_January_Follow-up_2_2.pptx

Download: Earth_Systems_and_Changes_Follow-up_1_Facilitation_Guide.pdf

Download: Earth_Systems_and_Changes_Follow-up_1_Facilitation_Guide.docx

Download: 1-_ESC_Follow-up_1-Im_sure_of_it_handout.docx

Thinking about Formative Assessment Practices

Classroom tasks can be effectively used for formative purposes allowing teachers to analyze student thinking and make necessary shifts in the learning experiences they provide.  In this section find a quick review of the 5 Key Elements of Formative Assessment and read  and discuss descriptions of each element.

5 Key Elements of Formative Assessment

Download: 2-5_key_elements_Citation.docx

Jigsaw Reading Cards form Educational Leadership Article Minute by Minute, Day to Day by Siobhan Leahy, Christine Lyon, Marnie Thompson and Dylan Wiliam

Download: 2-ESC_Follow-up_Reading_Card_for_Minute_by_Minute_day_by_day.pdf

Understanding the Dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards

Read through the Science and Engineering Practices from the NSTA SEP Matrix and the NSTA Crosscutting Concept Matrix .  Work in groups to each study one of the Science and Engineering Practices for your grade band.  On the Science and Engineering Recording Tool record key ideas for your Science and Engineering Practice.  Then record the key ideas that others share for their Science and Engineering Practice then watch the Teaching Channel video of Becky Cope's classroom to try and spot Science and Engineering Practices at work.

Everyone read the entire Crosscutting Concepts Matrix for your grade band.  Then watch the Deer Migration video to identify crosscutting concepts that could be focused on in this type of phenomena.

Science and Engineering Practices

Download: 3-ESC_Follow-up_1_Science_and_Engineering_PracticesCrosscutting_Concepts_Recording_Tool_Doc_3__mCktrV1.docx

Download: 3-MatrixOfScienceAndEngineeringPractices.pdf

Teaching Channel Claims Evidence Science Lesson-Becky Cope

Crosscutting Concepts

Download: 3-ESC_Follow-up_1_Science_and_Engineering_PracticesCrosscutting_Concepts_Recording_Tool_Doc_3__Tbh4s3C.docx

Download: 3-MatrixOfCrosscuttingConcepts.pdf

Deer Migration Video

Review Arguing from Evidence

Use the Evidence Based Writing document to review Claims, Evidence and Reasoning and to look at a sample rubric for formatively assessing this type of writing in science.  The examine the second sample Claims, Evidence and Reasoning rubric.  Think about how you would develop a rubric for CER writing in science.

Evidence Based Writing in Science

Download: 4-ESC_Follow-up_1_Evidence-Based_Writing_in_Science.docx

Another sample Rubric

Download: 5-ESC_Follow-up_1-ClaimsEvidenceRubric.pdf

Models and Explanations: Why are Ocean Currents Important to Weather and Climate

Think about Each of the Four Corners Statements and decide which you feel is most accurate and why.  Develop your initial model and explanation about the question "Why are Ocean Currents Important to Weather and Climate". Then  engage in the currents investigation, view the resources and finally develop a final model with the Gotta Have It Checklist in mind.

Four Corners Formative Assessment

Download: 4_corners_statements_with_citation_ZFAgZcA.docx

Drought Explanation Video from Climate Central

Drought Explanation Video From Climate Central

Convection Current Investigation

Download: 6-Convection_Currents_lab.pdf

Gotta Have It Checklist for Final Model

Download: 6-ESC_Follow-up_1-Gotta_have_it_checklist.docx

NASA Earth Science The Ocean a Driving Force for Weather and Climate

NASA Video

Developing Formative Assessment Classroom Tasks

Watch the Teaching Channel Video to review some key ideas about how phenomena are used in NGSS focused teaching.  Then dig into the Planning for Classroom Formative Tasks Document to begin to develop a classroom task that is 1) aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards, 2) can be embedded in your current science classroom learning experiences, 3) is earth science or climate science related, 4) uses an anchoring phenomena that is relevant and local.

Reviewing Phenomena

Teaching Channel NGSS EQuIP Rubric Phenomena

Planning  Tool for Formative Assessment Classroom Tasks

Download: Planning_for_Classroom_Formative_Tasks_Tool.docx

Use the Table of Contents to go on to Clime Time Earth Systems and Changes Professional Learning Module #3

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