· RoMEO collects the title of the journals from the sites of the publishers supplemented with by feeds from the British Library's Zetoc service, DOAJ, and Entrez.

· The books, theses, monographs and conference papers self-archiving information has been excluded from the coverage of RoMEO. Few series titles are included.

· The website has two search option ‘simple’ and ‘advanced’. The simple search options are limited to journal and publisher titles and ISSN. The user put his query in 3 ways:

 1. If he knows exact title  

 2. If has rough idea of the title but does not know the title exactly (Starts with)

 3. His result must contain keywords entered by him.    

 4. If he knows the ISSN no. of the journal


Screen Shot 1. SHERPA/RoMEO Simple Search Bar
1_4SczaVs.pngScreen Shot 1. SHERPA/RoMEO Simple Search Bar

Screen Shot 1. SHERPA/RoMEO Simple Search Bar

·   Whereas the advance search extent the search option to SHERPA/RoMEO colour, Publisher ID etc. Even the search funding level search is available through the advanced search option. The list of funding agencies is presently limited to the names listed in JULIET journal to know its publisher's policies, by default the search with exact title will help the user to find out the same. Even the user fails to find his/er title he can change the search settings to ‘start with’ or ‘’contain’ to get the desired title.

·  RSS feed web service is provided by SHERPA, which updates the user on the new addition of publisher on SHERPA/RoMEO.

·  The publisher’s policies are provided in the native language of the publishers. Currently, RoMEO support English, Hungarian, Portuguese, and Spanish languages

·   RoMEO uses various colour codes to highlight the archiving policies of the publishers.

1. Green    : pre-print and post-print archive

2. Blue      : post-print (i.e. final draft post-refereeing) archive

3. Yellow  : pre-print (i.e. pre-refereeing) archive

4. White    :  Archiving not formally supported


Screen Shot 02. SHERPA/RoMEO colour codes
2.pngScreen Shot 02. SHERPA/RoMEO colour codes

Screen Shot 02. SHERPA/RoMEO colour codes

Every publisher's record in RoMEO is entre using the color codes. Sometimes larger publisher place different archiving rights for its different journals. But the colour coding of RoMEO journal says that if a publisher wants to give a colour code to its publication than it has to be uniform to all its content. Example- if a publisher applies ‘Green’ colour coding for archive rights than he has to give ‘Green’ archive rights across its journals. 

·   The RoMEO site list out the imposed condition and restrictions of a publisher for archiving rights or activities. Following publisher, condition terms help the author in archiving their work without any hindrance. A very basic condition is in work the publisher copyright has to be acknowledged. When it comes to restrictions they are more prohibitive in nature and wants some additional action from the author like putting research output under an embargo period or password controlled access. Hence the site notes the partial archiving rights but does not put full-colour categorization. 


1.      SHERPA RoMEO. (2017). Retrieved from 

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