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  • Chemistry
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Mineral Cleavage: A Practical Experiment
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0.0 stars

In this geology activity, students investigate the physical property of mineral cleavage by physically trying to break down a block of halite and describing the results. This lab addresses many misunderstandings non-majors have about the physical properties of minerals and includes a brief write up of their conclusions.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Process of Science
Sharon Browning
Date Added:
Mineral composition using XRF (EDS or microprobe)
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0.0 stars

At the end of this exercise you will be able to calculate chemical formula of a mineral based on weight percent oxides, and evaluate the extent of solid solution between end member compositions.

(Note: this resource was added to OER Commons as part of a batch upload of over 2,200 records. If you notice an issue with the quality of the metadata, please let us know by using the 'report' button and we will flag it for consideration.)

Physical Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Wendy Panero
Date Added:
Modeling Earth's Temperature
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0.0 stars

Students use the STELLA program to create hierarchies of models of increasing complexity to understand the absorption of solar energy by the Earth and its radiation of that energy back to space.

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Life Science
Measurement and Data
Physical Science
Space Science
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Kirsten Menking
Date Added:
Modeling Exsolution (and Perthite Formation) as an Example of Complex-System Behavior
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0.0 stars

Show Caption
Hide This diagram shows the relationship of Gibbs Free Energy to composition. In this diagram there are two minima represented for free energy which is achieved by unmixing of two distinct phases each with definite composition. The dashed line, which is tangential to the two minima in the free energy curves, gives the composition of the coexisting minerals at a specific temperature. From: Klein, C., and Dutrow, B., Manual of Mineral Science, 23rd ed., J. Wiley and Sons. Used with permission. The phenomenon of solid solution is common in many rock-forming minerals. At high temperatures, thermal vibrations permit accomodation of ions with size differences on the order of 15-30%. However, as physical conditions change, ions no longer fit into similar sites which creates internal (lattice) strain energy. Consequently, the mineral composition must adjust to relieve this strain energy and minimize the Gibbs Free Energy of the system. One possible response of the system is for elements in a crystal to move from one chemical site to another via intracrystalline diffusion. This results in segregated domains that are enriched in one element or another--this is a process called exsolution.
A good example of this process can be seen in the alkali feldspar mineral group. At high temperature the mineral anorthoclase (K,Na)AlSi3O8 shows complete solid solution, i.e. there is a random distribution of K and Na in the alkali sites of the crystal. Upon cooling, Na and K segregate into more ordered domains creating areas that are rich in albite NaAl Si3O8 and microcline KAlSi3O8(see Figure 1).
The purpose of this exercise is to provide a number of activities to demonstrate how exsolution works and to demonstrate complex-system behavior in this relatively common natural phenomenon.

Part I: Images of naturally occurring perthite.
The following images show minerals that have undergone exsolution at different scales. The image on the top left shows exsolution as viewed with a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM; field of view is 10 microns). The image on the top right is a photomicrograph of exsolution in microcline as seen in thin section (cross-polarized light, field of view is 2 mm). The picture on the bottom left is a hand sample of perthitic microcline as seen in hand sample (field of view is 10 cm). The picture on the bottom right is a picture of plagioclase feldspar showing the "schiller" effect. This is caused by sub-microscopic unmixing of two distinct plagioclase phases in the compositional range of labradorite (An50 - An70) which results in the beautiful play of colors seen in this photo; (field of view of 20 centimeters). This series of pictures is a good example of scale invariance of this physical phenomenon.
Examine perthite textures from hand samples and thin sections from your own mineralogy collection. We can easily envision unmixing of two immiscible fluids--for example oil and vinegar salad dressing. The same thing happens when we unmix (i.e. exsolve) solid phases--the process just takes a bit longer as atoms have to migrate in the crystal lattice by intracrystalline diffusion! How can such a common feature as perthite be understood in terms of complex-system behavior?

Exsolution observed on a sub-microscopic scale in this TEM picture; this microstructure shows unmixing of labradorite in very fine essentially parallel lamellae. From Champness, P.E., and G.W Lorimer, 1976. Exsolution in silicates. Chapter 4.1 in Electron Microscopy in Mineralogy. H.R. Wenk, ed. Springer-Verlag, New York. Field of view is 10 microns.

Perthite observed in thin section. Field of view is 2 mm.

Perthite observed in hand sample. Field of View is 10 cm.

Unmixing of parallel lamellae, as observed in a hand specimen of labradorite from Madagascar. These lamellae act as diffraction grating for white light, producing spectral colors known as labradorescence or the "schiller effect"; the field of view is 20 cm. Photo by B. Dutrow; used by permission.]

Part II: Exsolution Puzzle Exercise.
This exercise is done in groups of 2-3 students. Coins are initially randomly distributed on a chessboard, and are then subsequently moved to create domains of increasing order (regions that are dominated by either pennies or nickels). This is a kinesthetic learning exercise that creates a physical model that simulates how the exsolution process works. (Inspired by Greg Marfleet, Carleton College)

Randomly distribute 20 pennies and 20 nickels on the attached 7x7 chessboard (Microsoft Word 33kB Dec1 10). The random distribution of pennies and nickels is analogous to the random distribution of Na and K in the high temperature alkali feldspar, anorthosite. (See Figure 1)
The goal is to have a given coin completely surrounded by similar neighbors (i.e. 8 nearest neighbors of the same type of coin located on adjacent edges and the diagonal squares. Each student will sequentially move a coin into an adjacent open position (horizontal, vertical and diagonal moves are allowed) to achieve this desired configuration. Perfect ordering of nickels and pennies into discrete domains is analogous to perfectly ordered crystals of albite and microcline. [NOTE: in this exercise we are modeling the diffusivity of only the alkali elements, Na and K. The ordering of Si and Al in the tetrahedral sites of a feldspar crystal is a related, but entirely different process].
Systems tend to minimize Gibbs Free Energy (see Figure 2) on their way towards a state of equilibrium. In this example, the surface area surrounding domains of the segregated compositions (nickels/Na and pennies/potassium) is proportional to the excess Gibbs Free Energy of those domains. As clusters of similar coins evolve (segregate) and get bigger, the bounding surface areas are minimized and the energetics of the system are decreased.


For the initial random state, determine the area surrounding each type of element; do this by assuming the unit length along each edge is 1 and add all the surfaces surrounding Na/nickel and K/potassium coins or aggregates of coins. Count any edges that are not adjacent to another similar coin (i.e. count all nickel-penny interfaces, and any edge where a nickel or penny is adjacent to an open space. Do not count the external edges on the outer border of the chessboard).
Make 10 moves of the coins (always moving into an adjacent open space either right, left, up, down, or on a diagonal) and again determine the bounding surface areas. Record these surface area values for pennies and nickels. Repeat after 20, 30, 40, 50, and 100 moves.
After each set of moves, report your surface area measurements for both pennies and nickels to your instructor; record these values on a spread sheet for later plotting and analysis.
This part of the exercise should take about 45 minutes to complete the sets of movements and measurement of the surface areas.

Here is an example experiment showing the progressive ordering of pennies (potassium) and nickels (sodium). Show pictures of the 2-D distribution of pennies and nickels after 10,20, 30, 40, 50 and 100 successive moves

Original random distribution of coins.

Distribution of coins after 10 moves.

Distribution of coins after 20 moves.

Distribution of coins after 30 moves.

Distribution of coins after 40 moves.

Distribution of coins after 50 moves.

Distribution of coins after 100 moves; perfect order.

Plot your results. Assume that each move requires 1 unit of time.

Plot your data on a X-Y plot with surface area on the Y axis and time on the X-axis. What is the distribution of your data? (Try plotting data for pennies, nickels, their sum, and their averages). Create a "best fit" curve through the data as plotted on this X-Y diagram (easily done with functions programmed into Excel). . What type of mathematical function is represented by a curve that has a steep slope to begin (left side of the plot), and becomes asymptotic to the X-axis away from the origin? Did you notice that the first set of coin moves produced the largest change in surface area, and that subsequent sets of moves produced smaller and smaller changes to the surface area?
Have you seen other plots with similar profiles from your other studies in Earth Science?
Show Answer:
Hide radioactive decay; longitudinal profile of rivers.... It appears that many processes in Earth Science may follow the same mathematical laws.
Now plot your data on a log-log plot with surface area on the ordinate (Y-axis) and time on the abscissa (X-axis). Create a "best fit" curve through these data (easily done with functions programmed into Excel). What is the shape of this curve? Does this relationship demonstrate a) an exponential function? b) a power law?
Here is an example dataset (Excel 74kB Dec1 10) for 12 experiments completed by the spring 2010 Mineralogy class at Montana State University. Raw data and corresponding graphs are presented in the attached spreadsheet file. Compare your results with those shown in this example exercise.

Intracrystalline Diffusion and Fick's Law
The rate of transport of mass (and energy) through a fixed medium can be described mathematically by Fick's Law of Diffusion. Show details about Fick's Law of Diffusion
The fundamental expression of Fick's First Law of Diffusion can be written as:

J = -D( -- c/ -- x)

Jis the flux of a material along a compositional gradient (e.g. mol / length2time1 ), the amount of material (e.g. atoms or moles) that will flow through a small area during a fixed time interval.
Dis the diffusion coefficient (length2 time -1);
c is the concentration (amount of material per volume, mol/m3), and
x is the length (m)
Fick's Law shows that the flux of an ion diffusing through a stationary medium (like the crystalline lattice in our example) is proportional to the concentration gradient ( -- c/ -- x). As diffusion proceeds, the concentration is always changing, and thus, the flux is always changing. Can you see why this process exhibits non-linear behavior and must be represented as a power law?
Note that The diffusivity, D, scales with temperature:

D ~ (kT/h) exp(-Q*/RT)

where k is Boltzmann's constant, h is Planck's constant, and Q* is an activation energy. This means that the rate of diffusion decreases with temperature. Consequently, exsolution will ultimately grind to a halt as temperature decreases. This is why we can observe perthite development in alkali feldspars in a wide variety of igneous and metamorphic rocks...the perthite texture gives us information about the cooling history of the mineral up to a point, but then exsolution will slow to a stop and the perthite will continue to exist in a metastable state at the surface of the earth.
Different types of diffusion pathways include: intragranular (volume) diffusion, grain boundary diffusion, diffusion in a bulk fluid, and diffusion related to crystal defects. In our example of perthite exsolution, intragranular (volume) diffusion is the operative process. This process is most effective at high temperatures.

Note that generally material tends to move in a direction from high to low concentrations, and thus, compositional gradients tend to be minimized by diffusion. However, in the case of exsolution and perthite development during cooling of a high-temperature, homogeneous alkali feldspar (anorthite), just the opposite effect happens--segregated domains of albite and microcline become more stable at lower temperatures. Why is this the case? The answer lies in the overall energetics of the system. It turns out that lattice strain that is induced upon cooling of anorthite results in large excess energy in the system. To minimize this excess energy, a single homogeneous grain of anorthite (stable at high temperature), will undergo "spinodal" decomposition upon cooling. This results in two energy minima, one for each phase, as illustrated in Figure 2. Upon further cooling, these energy minima continue to separate, thus resulting in two stable phases whose compositions increasingly approach the end member compositions of albite and microcline. A more complete description of this process can be found in Chapters 5 and 7 of Putnis A. and McConnell J.D.C. Principles of Mineral Behaviour 258pp. Blackwell Scientific Publications. Oxford. 1980.
Part III: Computer Simulation

Model output from the NetLogo "segregation"program; 2000 objects achieved 70% similarity.The computer program NetLogo can be used to model complex system behavior. This computer program was developed by Uri Wilensky (1999) at the Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University. Evanston, IL. For this exercise, we will use the pre-programmed function for Segregation

Experiment with this program by changing the input parameters to try to reproduce a) the pattern you developed in the puzzle model above, and b) perthite patterns observed in the natural microcline crystals.

Part IV: Visualization of the Development of Exsolution

The binary solvus phase diagram for the alkali feldspar system at low pressure. Figure provided by Dexter Perkins, used with permission.The binary "solvus" phase diagram (showing the relation of temperature to composition) is typically used to show the phase relations for alkali feldspars. A single homogeneous alkali feldspar occurs at high temperatures (Figure 1a), but as the system cools eventually the phase boundary (solvus) is intersected and the exsolution (unmixing) process begins. "Underneath" the solvus a single feldspar is no longer thermodynamically stable, and the system begins to separate into two phases that become increasingly Na-rich or K-rich upon further cooling. This visualization demonstrates the cooling history of an alkali feldspar, including use of the "lever rule" to calculate phase composition (mineral) and relative proportions. Examine the accompanying illustrations and track the "state" of the system as temperature changes. Binary Solvus for the Alkali Feldspar System. The accompanying illustrations on the right show the "state of the system" in terms of the relative proportions of the phases present for each assigned temperature.
Relate these products and processes to natural occurrences of perthite, and think about the changes that have to take place on the atomic scale to produce the mesoscopic features that are visible in hand samples.

Part V: Thought Questions

Driving forces: in equilibrium thermodynamics, the system always drives towards the lowest Gibbs Free Energy. At equilibrium, chemical potential is zero. This typically means there are no compositional gradients. Why does this system drive towards segregated domains that are rich in Na and K?
Consider entropy "in the system". What do we mean by "the system"?
Refer to Ilya Prigogine's (winner of the 1977 Nobel Prize for Chemistry) classic work on this subject: Order out of Chaos, Man's New Dialogue with Nature (1984, Bantam Books, 394 pp.)

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Physical Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Barb Dutrow
Dave Mogk
Date Added:
Molarity Determination of a Solution | Assignment for OpenStax Chemistry: Atoms First 2e | Chapter 6: Composition of Substances and Solutions
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This chemistry activity was created to enhance student learning around determining the molarity of solutions. It guides students through Phet simulations and then asks comprehension questions thereafter.

Material Type:
Colleen Gallagher
Date Added:
Mole %, Weight %, Compositions and Projections
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0.0 stars

This activity is a stand-alone problem set that involves converting mineral formulas to mole and weight %. The results are plotted on diagrams, some of which require projections. Students are asked to consider when they would use such diagrams, and also the shortcomings of projections.

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Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Dexter Perkins
Date Added:
Molecular Formulas & Bond-Line Structures Worksheet
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A short worksheet that teaches students how to determine the molecular formula for a compound when given the bond-line structure. Examples are included that explain the process.

This shortcut is useful when determining whether or not compounds are structural isomers, and when analyzing mass spectra (where the structures, formulas, and masses of many different fragments need to be determined).

Physical Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Molecular Menagerie
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

Small molecules are chemicals that can interact with proteins to affect their functions. Learn about the structure and biological functions of various small molecules like sugar and caffeine. Also featured on the HHMI DVD, Scanning Life's Matrix: Genes, Proteins, and Small Molecules. Available free from HHMI.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Data Set
Science and Math Informal Learning Educators (SMILE)
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Date Added:
Molecular Self-Assembly
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

In this activity, students interact with 12 models to observe emergent phenomena as molecules assemble themselves. Investigate the factors that are important to self-assembly, including shape and polarity. Try to assemble a monolayer by "pushing" the molecules to the substrate (it's not easy!). Rotate complex molecules to view their structure. Finally, create your own nanostructures by selecting molecules, adding charges to them, and observing the results of self-assembly.

Applied Science
Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Data Set
Lecture Notes
Concord Consortium
Provider Set:
Concord Consortium Collection
The Concord Consortium
Date Added:
Molecular Structure | Assignment for OpenStax Chemistry: Atoms First 2e | Section 4.6 Molecular Structure and Polarity
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This chemistry activity was created to enhance student learning about molecular structure. It guides students through Phet simulations and then asks comprehension questions thereafter.

Material Type:
Colleen Gallagher
Date Added:
Molecular Workbench
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

Created by the Concord Consortium, the Molecular Workbench is "a modeling tool for designing and conducting computational experiments across science." First-time visitors can check out one of the Featured Simulations to get started. The homepage contains a number of curriculum modules which deal with chemical bonding, semiconductors, and diffusion. Visitors can learn how to create their own simulations via the online manual, which is available here as well. The Articles area is quite helpful, as it contains full-text pieces on nanoscience education, quantum chemistry, and a primer on how transistors work. A good way to look over all of the offerings here is to click on the Showcase area. Here visitors can view the Featured simulations, or look through one of five topical sections, which include Biotech and Nanotechnology. Visitors will need to install the free Molecular Workbench software, which is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac.

Applied Science
Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Concord Consortium
Provider Set:
Concord Consortium Collection
Concord Consortium Inc.
Date Added:
The Mole in Chemistry: How do you determine the number of atoms or molecules in everyday items?
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0.0 stars

Spreadsheets across the Curriculum Module. Students build spreadsheets to practice converting between moles, grams, and atomic mass units.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Pedagogy in Action
Christina Stringer
Date Added:
The Mountain View area of the Stillwater Complex as a field teaching model
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0.0 stars

Two sections in the Mountain View of the Stillwater Complex are readily accessible for field-based teaching of petrologic and geochemical principles: (a) a section through the Ultramafic series in the vicinity of the old Mouat Chrome Mine and (b) a section through the Banded series exposed on the mine road  mile south of the junction with the West Fork USFS road. Both sections provide ideal field settings to demonstrate a number of relatively simple concepts that we commonly discuss in abstract terms in the classroom. To this end, the Mountain View field site has many advantages: it is readily accessible to large numbers of students, the rocks are well exposed and unaltered, detailed maps are readily available, there is a very large petrologic and geochemical database, a number of seminal papers on this area have been published, the mineralogy is simple and the constituent minerals in all rock types are easily identified with a simple 10x hand lens. In addition, this area demonstrates the importance of the Stillwater Complex as a major economic resource.

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Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Date Added:
Natural Sciences Open Educational Resources Portal
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The courses on this portal are or will be Zero-Textbook-Cost courses. Course faculty are creating and adopting teaching, learning and research materials that permit no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions.

The following course pages provide links to the syllabus and open course content, websites and learning tools:

SCB 201 – General Biology I
SCC 110 – Foundations of Chemistry
SCC 201 – General Chemistry I
SCC 202 – General Chemistry II
Physics and Astronomy
SCP 101 – Topics in Physics
SCP 105 – Life in the Universe
SCP 140 – Topics in Astronomy
SCP 201 – Fundamentals of Physics I
SCP 202 – Fundamentals of Physics II

Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
LaGuardia Community College
Allyson Sheffield
Amit Aggarwal
Joshua Tan
Kevin Mark
Lucia Fuentes
Maria Entezari
Marta Kowalcyzk
Philippe Mercier
Roman Senkov
Van Bich Tran
Xin Gao
Date Added:
Non-traditional and under-represented students in hydrogeology: Learning by discovery in an urban environment
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0.0 stars

In my experience, I have discovered many common roadblocks to non-traditional and under-represented student participation in hydrogeology:
Time constraints -- many students have complicated schedules and demands on their time that a traditional undergraduate does not have. For example, many of these students are working full time, and required experiences outside of the classroom often pose scheduling conflicts for students.

Communication skills -- many under-represented students arrive in the classroom with communication skills that are not fully developed. Students are often learning English as they are learning the complex vocabulary of hydrogeology.

Math skills -- many students are under prepared in math and/or have math phobias

Funding -- many students are unable to pay laboratory and field trip fees.

I currently teach at minority serving institution. Here, I find that hands-on practice is the most successful learning experience for students. Students grasp concepts such as discharge, flux, and residence time more effectively when they are active participants in the learning process. The most effective method I have found for addressing these issues and encouraging under represented student participation in hydrogeology is to create student-designed group research projects. I used this strategy three quarters in a row, and the same students (as well as new students they recruit) continue to sign up for these courses. This trend, in addition to students' growing confidence in engaging in the scientific method, is my primary evidence for success.

Resources are very limited at my institution, so here are a couple of suggestions that work well.
Borrow equipment -- from other universities, from consulting companies, from colleagues.

Simplify analyses -- many interesting conclusions can be drawn from simply pH, conductivity, and temperature data. But, there are also relatively inexpensive test kits on the market that are sufficient for class purposes (ex. LaMotte urban water test kit ~$30).

Everyone will have different class sizes, student preparation levels, and goals when attempting an exercise like this, so I will provide general information, which others can modify to meet their needs. Below I briefly outline the steps I take the students through during the project and highlight ideas for improving success for the targeted groups.

Form groups -- depending on class size, 2-4 students per group (I try to ensure the groups are balanced based on skills and student interests)
Choose topic -- I usually provide a list of possible topics and have students adapt a topic from the list that interests them. Students require a lot of guidance at this stage to assure selection of a manageable topic for a quarter-long project. This is the most important step - guiding students into a topic they are passionate about and where they can be successful is key. Students usually have no shortage of questions they want to answer about water in an urban environment! Since most of the students have spent their whole lives in an urban situation, they are deeply passionate about these issues.
Research literature -- students perform a background search for previous work on their topic to help guide them. I provide a laboratory session on how to search the library and databases for related information, as well as provide a list of recommended journals and websites. In addition, students locate supporting data (discharge, well levels, precipitation)
Plan study -- we discuss study design, sample types, sampling location, frequency. During this phase, students use maps, study weather patterns, and determine site accessibility.
Collect data -- we set aside lab periods for collecting data together. These are the sessions where you should be prepared to answer all sort of questions. Once the students begin implementing their study, many new questions come up.
Analyze and interpret results -- multiple lab periods are used to analyze data; student data are the basis of the remainder of labs. Techniques discussed are applied to their group projects.
Present findings -- students assemble posters and present results to their classmates.

Urban topics
Below is a short list of topics to stimulate ideas. Equipment required includes pH meter, conductivity meter, flow meter, Lamotte test kits.
Sources of N and P to the Los Angeles River
Contribution of golf courses to urban runoff
Extent of tidal influence on Ballona Creek
Metal fluxes from storm drains to the ocean
Relationship of land use to water quality
Relationship of population demographics to water quality

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Business and Communication
Physical Science
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Laura Rademacher
Date Added:
OCLUE: Organic Chemistry, Life, the Universe & Everything
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon and carbon-containing compounds. Since the core structural, catalytic, information storage, and retrieval systems of organisms are carbon-based macromolecules, organic chemistry is of direct relevance to the life sciences. Just as importantly, the properties of carbon make possible an amazing range of molecules with unique properties, from small molecules to complex plastics and even more complex biomolecules.

Long Description:
The essence of organic chemistry is how carbon atoms interact with other atoms and groups of atoms to produce an astounding array of complex and interesting molecules. The basics of bonding and intermolecular interactions are introduced in the general chemistry version of CLUE (Chemistry, Life, the Universe & Everything), along with how the structure of a molecule affects its properties, how the energy changes associated with chemical and physical changes can be predicted and explained, and how chemical systems can be stabilized or perturbed by changing conditions. These four core ideas (structure-property relationships, bonding and interactions, energy, and stability, and change) are continued on into OCLUE and are deepened and expanded as we discover and explain ever more complex chemical systems.

Word Count: 52755

ISBN: 978-1-62610-102-9

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Physical Science
Material Type:
Michigan State University
Melanie M. Cooper
Michael W. Klymkowsky
Date Added:
OER-UCLouvain: Vidéo et fiche pédagogique : expérience d'oxydoréduction - Cu(s) dans différentes solutions
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0.0 stars

La ressource consiste en une fiche pédagogique portant sur une expérience d'oxydoréduction. Celle-ci propose des informations pratiques à l'enseignant ainsi qu'une explication pédagogique de l'expérience. La ressource contient également une vidéo de l'expérience.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Université catholique de Louvain
Provider Set:
DE KESEL, Myriam
Date Added:
OER-UCLouvain: Vidéo et fiche pédagogique : expérience d'oxydoréduction - Oxydation de la laine de fer sur une balance
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0.0 stars

La ressource consiste en une fiche pédagogique portant sur une expérience d'oxydoréduction. Celle-ci propose des informations pratiques pour l'enseignant ainsi qu'une explication pédagogique de l'expérience. La ressource contient également deux vidéos de l'expérience, une version complète et une version incomplète.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Université catholique de Louvain
Provider Set:
DE KESEL, Myriam
Date Added:
OER-UCLouvain: Vidéo et fiche pédagogique : expérience d'oxydoréduction - Pile de Daniell
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0.0 stars

La ressource consiste en une fiche pédagogique portant sur une expérience d'oxydoréduction. Celle-ci propose des informations pratiques pour l'enseignant ainsi qu'une explication pédagogique de l'expérience. La ressource contient également une vidéo de l'expérience.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Université catholique de Louvain
Provider Set:
DE KESEL, Myriam
Date Added: