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  • Elementary Education
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  • Community College / Lower Division
Webinar: What is AEM? Why Does AEM Matter?
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Georgeann HartyLow Incidence Disabilities SpecialistOregon Department of EducationOffice of Enhancing Student Opportunities | Debra FitzgibbonsCoordinator, Oregon Technology Access Programand Regional and Statewide Services for Students with Orthopedic ImpairmentDouglas ESD | Session Description: This introductory AEM session builds a foundation for understanding the meaning of Accessible Educational Materials and how they support inclusion of all learners, across the lifespan.Timely provision of AEM, Accessible Educational Materials ensures learners with disabilities can get the same information, engage in meaningful participation, and enjoy the same services as non-disabled students, with the same ease of use. This session will establish common vocabulary, discuss the POUR Principles and reference relevant state and national legislation that pertains to AEM.It is never too early to help learners explore and discover what works for them. They will grow to advocate for these tools that lead to independence. When we make these choices available to all learners, no one stands out. Intentional planning, conversations and collaborations ensure we ask ourselves “Who am I leaving out?”

Educational Technology
Elementary Education
Higher Education
Special Education
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Chandra Pinnock
Debra Fitzgibbons
Georgeann Harty
OTAP-RSOI Programs
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Which Comes First Assessment or Instruction?
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Which comes first assessment or instruction? Have you ever wondered about the relationship between assessment and instruction?At the end of this module, participants will be able to decompose or deconstruct content standards, apply high-quality assessment designs to appreciate the differences of each learner,  and create sound reasoning to employ a wide range of information and communication technology to meet the needs of K-6 grade learners. 

Early Childhood Development
Elementary Education
Measurement and Data
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Dr. Betty Liverman
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The Whole Child: Development in the Early Years
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This text gives an overview of development, beginning in the mother’s womb through about the age of eight. It starts with a look at perspectives of early childhood, including how children have been viewed historically as well as cross-culturally. Following this chapter, there is a complete overview of the important theorists that have helped to deepen and bring clarity to how children develop. These theories include psychodynamic, behavioral, social cognitive theory, cognitive theory, humanistic, multiple intelligence, growth mindset, and Bloom’s taxonomy. Understanding the implications of each theory is important foundational knowledge for the study of development.

Chapters Three and Four give an overview of the domains of development, followed by an overview of the developing brain. Chapter Five takes a look at the prenatal period, including the birth and postpartum process. Chapter Six describes development in infancy, and Chapter Seven describes the toddler years, including safety considerations that are critical for this period. Chapter Eight looks at the preschool years, including the role of peers, play, and television (and other electronics) in development. Chapter Nine concludes the text with a brief look at the start of what is known as the school-age years, universally recognized as between the ages of five and eight.

Early Childhood Development
Elementary Education
Material Type:
Remixing Open Textbooks through an Equity Lens (ROTEL) Project
Deirdre Budzyna
Doris Buckley
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