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  • polygons
Math, Grade 7, Constructions and Angles
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Constructions and Angles

Unit Overview

Type of Unit: Concept

Prior Knowledge

Students should be able to:

Use a protractor and ruler.
Identify different types of triangles and quadrilaterals and their characteristics.

Lesson Flow

After an initial exploratory lesson involving a paper folding activity that gets students thinking in general about angles and figures in a context, the unit is divided into two concept development sections. The first section focuses on types of angles—adjacent, supplementary, complementary, and vertical—and how they are manifested in quadrilaterals. The second section looks at triangles and their properties, including the angle sum, and how this affects other figures.

In the first set of conceptual lessons, students explore different types of angles and where the types of angles appear in quadrilaterals. Students fold paper and observe the angles formed, draw given angles, and explore interactive sketches that test many cases. Students use a protractor and ruler to draw parallelograms with given properties. They explore sketches of parallelograms with specific properties, such as perpendicular diagonals. After concluding the investigation of the angle types, students move on to the next set.

In the second set of conceptual development lessons, students focus on triangles. Students again fold paper to create figures and certain angles, such as complementary angles.

Students draw, using a protractor and ruler, other triangles with given properties. Students then explore triangles with certain known and unknown elements, such as the number of given sides and angles. This process starts with paper folding and drawing and continues with exploration of interactive sketches. Students draw conclusions about which cases allow 0, 1, 2, or an infinite number of triangles. In the course of the exploration, students discover that the sum of the measure of the interior angles of a triangle is 180°. They also learn that the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a quadrilateral is 360°. They explore other polygons to find their angle sum and determine if there is a relationship to angle sum of triangles. The exploration concludes with finding the measure of the interior angles of regular polygons and speculating about how this relates to a circle.

Lastly, students solve equations to find unknown angle measures. Using their previous experience, students find the remaining angle measures in a parallelogram when only one angle measure is given. Students also play a game similar to 20 Questions to identify types of triangles and quadrilaterals. Having completed the remaining lessons, students have a four-day Gallery to explore a variety of problems.

The unit ends with a unit assessment.

Material Type:
Unit of Study
Math, Grade 7, Constructions and Angles, Classifying Triangles
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0.0 stars

Students learn to classify triangles by the size of the angles and the measures of the sides.Key ConceptsTriangles are polygons with three sides.Scalene triangles have all sides with a different length and all angles with a different measure.Isosceles triangles have two sides with the same length and two angles with the same measure.Equilateral triangles have all sides with the same length and all angles with the same measure.Acute triangles have all angles with a measure less than 90°.Obtuse triangles have one angle with a measure greater than 90°.Right triangles have one angle with a measure of 90°.ELL: Keep in mind that consistency at the beginning is very important as students begin to learn and apply math vocabulary.Goals and Learning ObjectivesExplore conditions that result in triangles.Identify types of triangles based on the measure of the angles or the measures of the sides.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
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Math, Grade 7, Constructions and Angles, Exploring Polygons
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Lesson OverviewStudents explore different polygons by drawing them, measuring angles, and manipulating interactive sketches to find the angle sum for any polygon. Students also explore the angle measures in regular polygons.Key ConceptsThe angle sum in a triangle is 180°. A quadrilateral can be composed of two triangles, so the angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.The number of triangles that compose a polygon is two less than the number of sides (angles). The sum of the interior angles in a polygon with n sides is 180° (n – 2).Goals and Learning ObjectivesFind angle sums in polygons.Generalize to find the angle sum for any polygon.Find interior angle measures for regular polygons. 

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Date Added:
Math, Grade 7, Zooming In On Figures
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Zooming In On Figures

Unit Overview

Type of Unit: Concept; Project

Length of Unit: 18 days and 5 days for project

Prior Knowledge

Students should be able to:

Find the area of triangles and special quadrilaterals.
Use nets composed of triangles and rectangles in order to find the surface area of solids.
Find the volume of right rectangular prisms.
Solve proportions.

Lesson Flow

After an initial exploratory lesson that gets students thinking in general about geometry and its application in real-world contexts, the unit is divided into two concept development sections: the first focuses on two-dimensional (2-D) figures and measures, and the second looks at three-dimensional (3-D) figures and measures.
The first set of conceptual lessons looks at 2-D figures and area and length calculations. Students explore finding the area of polygons by deconstructing them into known figures. This exploration will lead to looking at regular polygons and deriving a general formula. The general formula for polygons leads to the formula for the area of a circle. Students will also investigate the ratio of circumference to diameter ( pi ). All of this will be applied toward looking at scale and the way that length and area are affected. All the lessons noted above will feature examples of real-world contexts.
The second set of conceptual development lessons focuses on 3-D figures and surface area and volume calculations. Students will revisit nets to arrive at a general formula for finding the surface area of any right prism. Students will extend their knowledge of area of polygons to surface area calculations as well as a general formula for the volume of any right prism. Students will explore the 3-D surface that results from a plane slicing through a rectangular prism or pyramid. Students will also explore 3-D figures composed of cubes, finding the surface area and volume by looking at 3-D views.
The unit ends with a unit examination and project presentations.

Material Type:
Unit of Study
Math, Grade 7, Zooming In On Figures, Area of a Circle
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Lesson OverviewStudents will compare the formula for the area of a regular polygon to discover the formula for the area of a circle.Key ConceptsThe area of a regular polygon can be found by multiplying the apothem by half of the perimeter. If a circle is thought of as a regular polygon with many sides, the formula can be applied.For a circle, the apothem is the radius, and p is C.A=a(p2)→A=rC2→A=rπd2→A=rπ2r2→A=rπr=πr2 GoalsDerive the formula for the area of a circle.Apply the formula to find the area of circles.SWD: Consider the prerequisite skills for this lesson: understanding and applying the formula for the area of a regular polygon. Students with disabilities may need direct instruction and guided practice with this skill.Students should understand these domain-specific terms:apothemparallelogramderivationheightapproximate (estimate)scatter plotpiperimetercircumferenceIt may be helpful to preteach these terms to students with disabilities. 

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Date Added:
Math, Grade 7, Zooming In On Figures, Polygons
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Students find the area of regular polygons, recalling what they already know about the area of geometric shapes and generalizing a formula for any regular polygon.Key ConceptsStudents will recall what they already know about the area of geometric shapes and apply that to find the area of regular polygons. Any regular polygon can be divided into congruent isosceles triangles. If the length from the center to the midpoint of a side (the apothem) is known, the area of the triangles and the area of the polygon can be found. Students will see the similarities between the area of a polygon and derive the formula for the area of a circle.GoalsReview area of triangles, rectangles, and parallelograms.Find the area of regular polygons.Generalize an area formula for any regular polygon.ELL: This lesson offers students a rich opportunity to learn academic vocabulary. Display the new terms in writing somewhere visible in the classroom so that you can refer to them. Allow ELLs to use their bilingual dictionaries to help with understanding the terms. When possible, have ELLs discuss the terms in their language of choice with other ELLs who share the same primary language.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Date Added:
Math, Grade 7, Zooming In On Figures, Self Check Exercise
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0.0 stars

Students critique their work from the Self Check and redo the task after receiving feedback. Students then take a quiz to review the goals of the unit.Key ConceptsStudents understand how to find the area of figures such as rectangles and triangles. They have applied that knowledge to finding the area of composite figures and regular polygons. The area of regular polygons was extended to understand the area of a circle. Students also applied ratio and proportion to interpret scale drawings and redraw them at a different scale.GoalsCritique and revise student work.Apply skills learned in the unit.Understand two-dimensional measurements:Area of composite figures, including regular polygons.Area and circumference of circles.Interpret scale drawings and redraw them at a different scale.SWD: Make sure all students have the prerequisite skills for the activities in this lesson.Students should understand these domain-specific terms:composite figuresregular polygonsareacircumferencescale drawingstwo dimensionalIt may be helpful to preteach these terms to students with disabilities.ELL: As academic vocabulary is reviewed, be sure to repeat it and allow students to repeat after you as needed. Consider writing the words as they are being reviewed. Allow enough time for ELLs to check their dictionaries if they wish.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Date Added:
Maths on the screen
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

The lesson refers to: The circle, its circumference, its areaPi and Fi numberPolygons and the sum of their interior and exterior anglesThe Golden RatioFibonacci’s Sequence and Spiral                                  

Computer Science
Graphic Design
Ratios and Proportions
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Maria Szklarczyk
Date Added:
Módulo 3 de grado 8: Similitud
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0.0 stars

(Nota: Esta es una traducción de un recurso educativo abierto creado por el Departamento de Educación del Estado de Nueva York (NYSED) como parte del proyecto "EngageNY" en 2013. Aunque el recurso real fue traducido por personas, la siguiente descripción se tradujo del inglés original usando Google Translate para ayudar a los usuarios potenciales a decidir si se adapta a sus necesidades y puede contener errores gramaticales o lingüísticos. La descripción original en inglés también se proporciona a continuación.)

En el módulo 3, los estudiantes aprenden sobre la dilatación y la similitud y aplican ese conocimiento a una prueba del teorema de Pitagorean basado en el criterio de ángulo de ángulo para triángulos similares. El módulo comienza con la definición de dilatación, propiedades de las dilataciones y composiciones de dilaciones. Un objetivo general de este módulo es reemplazar la idea común de la misma forma, diferentes tamaños con una definición de similitud que se puede aplicar a formas geométricas que no son polígonos, como elipses y círculos.

Encuentre el resto de los recursos matemáticos de Engageny en https://archive.org/details/engageny-mathematics.

English Description:
In Module 3, students learn about dilation and similarity and apply that knowledge to a proof of the Pythagorean Theorem based on the Angle-Angle criterion for similar triangles.  The module begins with the definition of dilation, properties of dilations, and compositions of dilations.  One overarching goal of this module is to replace the common idea of “same shape, different sizes” with a definition of similarity that can be applied to geometric shapes that are not polygons, such as ellipses and circles.

Find the rest of the EngageNY Mathematics resources at https://archive.org/details/engageny-mathematics.

Material Type:
New York State Education Department
Provider Set:
Date Added:
Painting Polygons
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
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This activity asks students to calculate the area of multiple polygons, consider how much paint would need to be purchased to cover the surfaces by the polygons, and create additional polygons of specified area. Multiple solution methods may be used by students to facilitate whole class discussion of a variety of methods. The targeted math standard addressed by this activity is Standard 6.G.A.1Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and polygons by composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply these techniques in the context of solving real–world and mathematical problems.

Material Type:
Heather Bolles
Date Added:
Perimeters of Polygons -- Out Teach
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In this lesson the students will use their knowledge of measurement to determine perimeter and find missing lengths when given the total perimeter.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Out Teach
Date Added:
Perimeters of Polygons Virtual Lesson -- Out Teach
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
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In this lesson the students will use their knowledge of measurement to determine perimeter. Since this is a virtual lesson for at home learning, steps will be included for students to make an 8 inch paper ruler out of notebook paper.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Out Teach
Date Added:
PhET Simulation: Estimation
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This interactive Flash animation allows students to explore size estimation in one, two and three dimensions. Multiple levels of difficulty allow for progressive skill improvement. In the simplest level, users estimate the number of small line segments that can fit into a larger line segment. Intermediate and advanced levels offer feature games that explore area of rectangles and circles, and volume of spheres and cubes. Related lesson plans and student guides are available for middle school and high school classroom instruction. Editor's Note: When the linear dimensions of an object change by some factor, its area and volume change disproportionately: area in proportion to the square of the factor and volume in proportion to its cube. This concept is the subject of entrenched misconception among many adults. This game-like simulation allows kids to use spatial reasoning, rather than formulas, to construct geometric sense of area and volume. This is part of a larger collection developed by the Physics Education Technology project (PhET).

Applied Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
University of Colorado Boulder
Provider Set:
PhET Interactive Simulations
Michael Dubson
Mindy Gratny
Date Added:
Proportional Scaling
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

Learn about the dynamic relationships between a jet engine's heat loss, surface area, and volume in this video adapted from Annenberg Learner's Learning Math: Patterns, Functions, and Algebra.

Material Type:
PBS LearningMedia
Provider Set:
PBS Learning Media Common Core Collection
U.S. Department of Education
WGBH Educational Foundation
Date Added:
Reroofing Your Uncle's House
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

This interactive activity adapted from the Wisconsin Online Resource Center challenges you to plan, measure, and calculate the correct amount of roofing material needed to reroof a house.

Applied Science
Material Type:
PBS LearningMedia
Provider Set:
PBS Learning Media Common Core Collection
National Science Foundation
WGBH Educational Foundation
Date Added:
Skate-Off: Round One
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

In this Cyberchase video segment, the CyberSquad learns what happens to the area of a rectangle when the shape enclosed by the perimeter changes.

Material Type:
PBS LearningMedia
Provider Set:
PBS Learning Media: Multimedia Resources for the Classroom and Professional Development
U.S. Department of Education
Date Added:
Sum of Angles in a Polygon
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This problem provides students with an opportunity to discover algebraic structure in a geometric context. More specifically, the student will need to divide up the given polygons into triangles and then use the fact that the sum of the angles in each triangle is 180_.

Material Type:
Illustrative Mathematics
Provider Set:
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics
Date Added: