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  • Social Work
Understanding Homelessness in Canada
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From the Street to the Classroom

Short Description:
Have you ever wondered about why homelessness exists in Canada? This book brings together lived experience representation and the most recent research to explore homelessness in Canada, from a range of different perspectives. Readers are challenged to think about homelessness from various academic viewpoints, including the fields of Indigenous and Canadian Studies, Mental Health and Public Health Studies, Population Studies, Social Sciences, and Health Sciences. The authors pose seemingly simple questions and then, through the use of real life scenarios, embedded interview videos, artwork, and interactive activities, demonstrate how the answers are actually rather complex. "Understanding Homelessness in Canada: From the Street to the Classroom" is a must-read for Canadians everywhere.

Long Description:
Have you ever wondered about why homelessness exists in Canada? This book brings together lived experience representation and the most recent research to explore homelessness in Canada, from a range of different perspectives. Readers are challenged to think about homelessness from various academic viewpoints, including the fields of Indigenous and Canadian Studies, Mental Health and Public Health Studies, Population Studies, Social Sciences, and Health Sciences. The authors pose seemingly simple questions and then, through the use of real life scenarios, embedded interview videos, artwork, and interactive activities, demonstrate how the answers are actually rather complex. “Understanding Homelessness in Canada: From the Street to the Classroom” is a must-read for Canadians everywhere.

Word Count: 238078

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Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
Date Added:
Understanding the Whole Child
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Prenatal Development through Primary Grades

Word Count: 117378

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Early Childhood Development
Social Science
Social Work
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Use of Cultural Brokers As an Approach to Community Engagement With African American Families in Child Welfare.
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0.0 stars

This empirically based curriculum addresses a number of issues related to disparity and disproportionality experienced by African American families involved with child welfare. It is well documented that for decades African American children have been overrepresented in child welfare throughout this country. Yet little is known about what strategies might be implemented in order to reverse this phenomenon. This curriculum is based on findings from a Community-Based Participatory Research Project that brought together African American community leaders and university faculty to examine both the historical evolution and prominent features of a cultural broker approach to promote engagement and partnership with the African American community and the county child welfare agency. This curriculum provides research highlights, historical perspectives, conceptual frameworks, approaches for community engagement, tools and experiential opportunities to strengthen social worker understanding, and knowledge and skills regarding issues related to disproportionality and disparity experienced by African American families in child welfare. It addresses five areas: the history of cultural racism and oppression in child welfare, the prevalence of racial disparities and disproportionality in child welfare, the role of community partnership and collaboration with African American families in child welfare service delivery, the cultural broker approach to community engagement in child welfare practice, and key considerations for improved child welfare partnerships with African American communities. (108 pages) Siegel, D., Jackson, M., Montana, S., & Rondero Hernandez, V. (2011).

Social Work
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Using Publicly Available Data to Engage IV-E Students in Research and Statistics: Instructional Modules.
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0.0 stars

Increasingly, public agencies are adopting models of self-assessment in which administrative data are used to guide and then continuously evaluate the implementation of programs and policies. In California, public child welfare agencies track performance outcomes spanning a range of child safety, permanency, and well-being domains, as dictated by federal and state mandates. This curriculum has been designed to provide Title IV-E and others students interested in public child welfare systems with an overview of the state’s Child Welfare Outcomes and Accountability System. Students will be provided with hands-on opportunities to become experienced and “statistically literate” users of aggregate, public child welfare data from the state’s administrative child welfare system, attending to the often missing link between data/research and practice. This curriculum is organized into five teaching modules, providing instructors with student learning activities, PowerPoint slide presentations, and other materials to support graduate IV-E students in the development of practical data analysis skills. Materials focus on publicly available data hosted through the Child Welfare Indicators Project at the University of California at Berkeley, a long-standing agency/university data partnership: http://cssr.berkeley.edu/ucb_childwelfare. CalSWEC funding for the development of this curriculum was provided to the Child Welfare Performance Indicators Project. Modules were developed to support instructors of both first- and second-year MSW research courses. Module objectives include: (a) to support student (and instructor) understanding of California's child welfare system performance goals and progress to date; (b) to develop students who have highly desirable (and practical) data analysis skills, including the ability to intelligibly distill and present numerical findings; and (c) to prepare a cohort of IV-E MSW students equipped to adopt leadership roles in county child welfare agencies, bringing with them an appreciation for how data can be used to improve practice and inform policies. Putnam-Hornstein, E., Needell, B., Lery, B., King, B., & Weigmann, W. (2013).

Social Work
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0.0 stars

Documentário "VIDAS E VOZES QUILOMBOLAS E SUAS RELAÇÕES COM O RIO LIVRAMENTO" é um Produto Educacional do Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de Ciências Ambientais - PROFCIAMB/ Polo Belém- PÁ. Esse documentário é parte integrante da dissertação de mestrado de Antônia Leonildes Lameira de Ataíde sob orientação do Prof . Dr Ronaldo Adriano Ribeiro da Silva.
A História da humanidade revela que os rios foram responsáveis pela construção e desenvolvimento das primeiras grandes civilizações. O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi o de compreender os saberes locais da Comunidade Quilombola Nossa Senhora do Livramento e suas relações com o Rio Livramento. O produto educacional resultante da investigação foi um documentário denominado Vidas e Vozes Quilombolas e suas relações com o Rio Livramento para ser usado no ensino e aprendizagem das Ciências Ambientais. Dessa maneira se propõe que as relações da Comunidade Quilombola com o Rio Livramento . O documentário narra as vozes a partir das particularidades locais e das interpretações dos sujeitos da pesquisa, protagonistas de suas histórias.

Ancient History
Applied Science
Environmental Science
Life Science
Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
Case Study
Data Set
Prof Msc Antonia Leonildes Lameira de Ataide
Prof. Dr. Ronaldo Adrianoo Ribeiro da Silva
Date Added:
Violence Domestique dans les Communautés d’Immigrants: Études de Cas
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
«La violence domestique (conjugale) dans les communautés immigrantes: étude de cas» est un recueil de presse d'eCampus Ontario en libre accès comprends des études de cas d'immigrantes victimes de violence conjugale à utiliser comme matériel pédagogique. Le livre met en évidence la complexité de la violence conjugale dans les communautés d'immigrants et les différents processus juridiques auxquels ces femmes font face pour entamer la justice et les défis auxquels elles sont confrontées pour refaire leur vie et celle de leurs enfants. Ce livre contient également des questions de réflexion; une description des processus juridiques dans le contexte de la violence domestique (conjugale) et un lexique relatif aux études de cas.

Long Description:
«La violence domestique (conjugale) dans les communautés immigrantes: étude de cas» est un recueil de presse d’eCampus Ontario librement accessible comprenant des études de cas de nouvelles arrivantes, victimes de violence conjugale, qui servira de matériel pédagogique. Cette recherche est le résultat d’une analyse de dossiers judiciaires fermés, de 15 immigrantes vivant en Ontario, victimes de violence dans leur mileu domestique. Les études de cas exhaustives qui émergent de cette recherche présentent le sujet dans toute sa complexité, mettant en évidence la vulnérabilité unique de ces femmes, face aux intersections entre leur contexte ethnoculturelle, leur genre et leur statut d’immigration. De plus, ce livre fait valoir les différents processus juridiques auxquels ces femmes doivent engendrer pour faire preuve de justice, ainsi que les défis auxquels elles sont confrontées pour rétablir leur propre vie et celle de leurs enfants. Au delà des études de cas, ce livre contient des questions de réflexion; une description des processus juridiques impliqués dans les incidences de violence conjugale et un lexique relatif aux études de cas. Ce Pressbook interactif est une ressource idéale pour le travailleurs sociaux et les juristes, y compris les étudiants en formation au sein du travail social ou en droit. Il servira à développer leur compréhension de la complexité des cas de violence domestique (conjugale) envers les femmes en milieu domestique parmi les familles immigrantes et d’élaborer des stratégies d’intervention et d’aide culturellement adaptées.

Word Count: 23186

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Cultural Geography
Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
Archana Medhekar
Bethany Osborne
Ferzana Chaze
et Purnima George
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Volunteers4Europe - An Insight into the World of Volunteering in Europe
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The comprehensive e-book "Volunteers4Europe" is the result of the European project of the same name, which was carried out from 2018 to 2020. The project, co-financed by the European funding programme Erasmus Plus, focused on the documentation of interesting volunteer activities in the participating partner countries. The project teams from Germany, Estonia, France, Italy and Sweden produced many photo reportages of volunteer activities, which are now all available in this e-book. On more than 600 pages, the multifaceted nature of volunteering in Europe becomes visible. There are examples from civil protection, nature conservation, environmental protection, nature conservation and animal welfare. In addition, many volunteer activities in social areas are presented, for example in senior citizens' work, for people with disabilities, with a migration background or with other disadvantages.
All age groups can volunteer in the most diverse areas. The project teams hope that with this e-book they will not only make visible and acknowledge the enormous achievements of many volunteers, but also that many readers will find inspiration for their own voluntary commitment.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Social Science
Social Work
Special Education
Material Type:
Case Study
Annamaria Castellan
Matthias Gessler
Nada Holt
Novella Predonzan
Pavel Smulski
Ruta Pels
Serena Bobbo
Tommaso Vaccarezza
Yulia Usova
Ruth Schmelzer
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Webinar: Engaging Families in Strength-Based Practice
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There are materials that we are asking the participants to copy and bring with them to the class. There are materials that the Resource Center will provide for participants and there are materials that we are providing to participants that we ask for them to review prior to the class that do not need to be printed

Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
Date Added:
Webinar:  Fetal Alcohol Spectrum: Our Most Challenging Clients in Probation
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0.0 stars

There are materials that we are asking the participants to copy and bring with them to the class. There are materials that the Resource Center will provide for participants and there are materials that we are providing to participants that we ask for them to review prior to the class that do not need to be printed. Thank you.

Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
Date Added:
Webinar: Finding and Engaging Natural Supports for Parents and Youth
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0.0 stars

There are materials that we are asking the participants to copy and bring with them to the class. There are materials that the Resource Center will provide for participants and there are materials that we are providing to participants that we ask for them to review prior to the class that do not need to be printed.

Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Date Added:
Webinar:  Using the Flexible Resources Process in Wraparound to Maximize Effective use of Flex Funding
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0.0 stars

There are materials that we are asking the participants to copy and bring with them to the class. There are materials that the Resource Center will provide for participants and there are materials that we are providing to participants that we ask for them to review prior to the class that do not need to be printed.

Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Date Added:
Which kind of easy to understand information people need?
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This publication contains the results of an easy to read survey to discover which kind of easy to understand information people with learning disability/low literacy skills need.
The survey involved twenty people from each of the following 6 European Countries: Italy, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal
and Spain. People with low literacy skills, with cognitive disabilities and refugees answered to the questionnaire showing an international view about people’s needs in terms of accessible information.
The questionnaire was specially created by the partners of the project Accessible Information Material (an Erasmus+ strategic partnership for innovation coordinated by Associazione Uniamoci Onlus) and adapted to the specific target of people which the organizations are most concerned with.

Business and Communication
Social Science
Social Work
Special Education
Material Type:
Data Set
Partners of the project AIM
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The Wild at Heart Adventure. An intensive course facilitated in an outdoors setting
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0.0 stars

The Wild at Heart Adventure forms part of The Manhood Experience which consists of six experiential training courses. It is the third course in this series and follows In the Heart of a Man (Part one) and Reclaiming Manhood (Part two). The Wild at Heart Adventure (Part three).  In this manual we include only the course content. Please refer to all the introductory comments, preparation notes, debriefing and follow through processes, team building, logistical details, safety procedures, and comments on the use of this material given in the accompanying The Manhood Experience training manual (Part one, course three). This information forms a vital part in the delivery of this course and is not repeated here.

Social Work
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Nic Fine
Date Added:
Workforce Development Learning Collaborative Resources
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This page features resources from the one-day day convening that followed a webinar highlighting the current Federally funded 5 year Quality Improvement Center on Workforce Development (QICWD) which is studying the impact of workforce interventions on staff retention and child outcomes with child welfare practitioners in 8 sites across the nation. The in-person convening is meant to support county sharing, implementation strategies, and organizational assessments for identifying strategies that might work in Northern California counties.For additional workforce development training, resources and consultation services, please visit the Northern Academy website.

Social Work
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Northern Academy
Date Added:
Working With Children 0-5 in Child Welfare and Why They Are Important
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0.0 stars

There are materials that we are asking the participants to copy and bring with them to the class. There are materials that the Resource Center will provide for participants and there are materials that we are providing to participants that we ask for them to review prior to the class that do not need to be printed.

Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
Case Study
Date Added:
Workplace Management and Child Welfare Policy, Planning, and Administration
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This curriculum is a standardized workplace management curriculum for training entry-level social workers in child welfare agencies in the State of California. The curriculum is composed of nine modules that may be used as separate classes or together in a single course. The modules are constructed to be suitable for three distinct groups of users: BSW students, MSW students, and child welfare agency supervisors and program managers (first and second line supervisors)--and those interested in such positions. Students can study from these sections during their matriculation, while agency employees might be exposed to them via departmental training opportunities, a local child welfare training academy, university extension or concurrent enrollment programs, or continuing education providers. (151 pages)Gilson, S., Cornet, B., & Ralph, C. (2009).

Social Work
Material Type:
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Write an Assessment and Allegation Conclusion for an Investigation Narrative
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0.0 stars

The goal of this exercise is to have a learner watch an investigative interview, record their own case notes and then practice using those notes to complete the allegation conclusion and assessment sections of an investigation narrative.  To achieve this, a video of an investigative interview is taken from a vignette and a partially completed investigation narrative template is provided. 

Social Work
Material Type:
Tim Wohltmann
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