This 9-minute video lesson looks at why housing prices went up so …
This 9-minute video lesson looks at why housing prices went up so much from 2000-2006 even though classical supply/demand would not have called for it. [Core Finance playlist: Lesson 13 of 184]
The semester-long personal finance course covers all of the essential personal finance …
The semester-long personal finance course covers all of the essential personal finance topics necessary to become a financially capable student. By the end of this course, students will have a thorough understanding of personal finance topics and be prepared to handle the financial responsibilities that exist after graduation.
International finance covers some of the most complex but also important topics …
International finance covers some of the most complex but also important topics in economics. How are exchange rates determined? When if ever are ongoing trade deficits harmful? Are fixed or floating exchange rates better? What are the roots of the euro crisis and what resolution can we expect? Does China manipulate its exchange rate and if so how does that matter? We cover all of these topics and more, with an eye toward what a person really might want to know. There is no use of mathematics in this course beyond the very basic.
Economics for Leaders (EFL) is designed to introduce young individuals to an …
Economics for Leaders (EFL) is designed to introduce young individuals to an economic way of thinking about national and international issues, and to promote excellence in economic education by helping teachers of economics become more effective educators. The curriculum materials, including background outlines for teachers and classroom-ready simulations and activities to engage students, support the teaching of critical thinking skills by equipping students with the tools of the economic reasoning. Five economic reasoning propositions for the foundation for teaching and learning the economic way of thinking.
Short Description: FUNDAMENTALS OF BUSINESS, 3rd edition is an open education resource …
Short Description: FUNDAMENTALS OF BUSINESS, 3rd edition is an open education resource intended to serve as a no-cost, instructor-customizable primary text for one-semester undergraduate introductory business courses. It covers the following topics in business: Teamwork; economics; ethics; entrepreneurship; business ownership, management, and leadership; organizational structures and operations management; human resources and motivating employees; managing in labor union contexts; marketing and pricing strategy; hospitality and tourism, accounting and finance, and personal finances. The textbook was adapted for use in Virginia Tech’s Pamplin College of Business' introductory level business course, MGT1104 Foundations of Business.NewParaVirginia Tech Publishing
Word Count: 120320
Included H5P activities: 51
ISBN: 978-1-949373-87-5
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)
This self-paced training provides an overview of the process of buying a …
This self-paced training provides an overview of the process of buying a business and provides resources to help you decide if buying a business is right for you. Topics include how and what to research, how to determine the value, and how to transfer ownership of a business.
The Trimester Course uses 41 of the Semester Course’s lessons and features …
The Trimester Course uses 41 of the Semester Course’s lessons and features an additional 7 unique lessons to guarantee there are no content gaps. By the end of this course, students will have a thorough understanding of personal finance topics and be prepared to handle the financial responsibilities that exist after graduation.
International Finance Theory and Policy is built on Steve Suranovic's belief that …
International Finance Theory and Policy is built on Steve Suranovic's belief that to understand the international economy, students need to learn how economic models are applied to real world problems. It is true what they say, that ”economists do it with models.“ That's because economic models provide insights about the world that are simply not obtainable solely by discussion of the issues.
The objective of this course is to learn the financial tools needed …
The objective of this course is to learn the financial tools needed to make good business decisions. The course presents the basic insights of corporate finance theory, but emphasizes the application of theory to real business decisions. Each session involves class discussion, some centered on lectures and others around business cases.
This episode is near the end of this series, but entrepreneurship isn’t …
This episode is near the end of this series, but entrepreneurship isn’t a linear journey. You might need funding to accomplish any of the steps to build a business, not just when you’re ready to take a product or service to market.
Some people look for money for their minimum viable product. Some market their product or service once everything is set up. And if you believe Silicon Valley legends, a few people get funding with just an idea. But where should we look?
Identify and arrange medium- and long-term finance for an overseas buyer (internal/external) …
Identify and arrange medium- and long-term finance for an overseas buyer (internal/external) to allow the buyer extended terms while providing cash payment to a seller without recourse.MSU Global has teamed with experts in the international finance field to create resources to help increase international skills in the business community. These materials address the need of the international trade practitioner for knowledge and information that is specific to trade finance by providing a means for educators and business practitioners to transfer knowledge, skills, and understanding of the global marketplace to a number of prospective learners. These resources were created around the framework developed by the NASBITE International Certified Global Business Professional Program.
This course is designed as a survey course that will expose you …
This course is designed as a survey course that will expose you to business terminology, concepts, and current business issues, with the intent of helping students develop a viable business vocabulary, foster critical and analytical thinking, and refine business decision-making skills.
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