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  • blended-learning
Self-directed multimodal learning in higher education
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Openly published book
Title: Self-directed multimodal learning in higher education
Editor: Jako Olivier
Publisher: AOSIS, Cape Town, South Africa
ISBN: 978-1-928523-42-0
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/aosis.2020.BK210
Date of publication: 2020

This book aims to provide an overview of theoretical and practical considerations in terms of self-directed multimodal learning within the university context. Multimodal learning is approached in terms of the levels of multimodality and specifically blended learning and the mixing of modes of delivery (contact and distance education). As such, this publication will provide a unique snapshot of multimodal practices within higher education through a self-directed learning epistemological lens. The book covers issues such as what self-directed multimodal learning entails, mapping of specific publications regarding blended learning, blended learning in mathematics, geography, natural science and computer literacy, comparative experiences in distance education as well as situated and culturally appropriate learning in multimodal contexts.
This book provides a unique focus on multimodality in terms of learning and delivery within the context of self-directed learning. Therefore, the publication would not only advance the scholarship of blended and open distance learning in South Africa, but also the contribute to enriching the discourse regarding self-direction. From this book readers will get an impression of the latest trends in literature in terms of multimodal self-directed learning in South Africa as well as unique empirical work being done in this regard.

Educational Technology
Material Type:
Aosis Scholarly Books
Jako Olivier
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Standing up against a Dystopian Society
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During this problem-based learning unit, students will explore dystopian societies of past and in short stories in order to identify dystopian elements in today’s society.  In turn, students will have a choice between multiple product outputs in which they will apply what they have learned to modern day life and provide ideas of how to improve our society by combating these dystopian elements.*Students will need some prior knowledge of Nazi Germany, Civil Rights America in 1930’s, Present Day China, and Sierra Leone in order to make connections to why these societies have dystopian elements.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Blended Learning Teacher Practice Network
Date Added:
Terms & Definitions: Student-Centered Learning Initiative
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The Student-Centered Learning Initiative in Pennsylvania aims to standardize key terms and instructional frameworks related to student-centered learning concepts.  Led by educational leaders from Pennsylvania Intermediate Units and school districts, with support from Penn State University, the initiative promotes interoperability among professional learning facilitators and designers.  Key concepts include student-centered learning, online and distance learning, blended learning, and personalized learning, all with the goal of improving educational outcomes by empowering students and creating equitable, meaningful learning experiences tailored to individual needs.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Rebecca Henderson
Pamela Dinan
Kendy Schiffert
Amanda Fair
Date Added:
Toward Understanding the Role of Web 2.0 Technology in Self-Directed Learning and Job Performance, Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 2018
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This paper serves as an exploration and thick description of job performance outcomes based upon the manner in which self-directed learning activities of employees are conducted, mediated by the use of Web 2.0 technologies in organizational settings. It provides a collective view of the role that Web 2.0 technology plays in self-directed workplace learning and job performance outcomes to benefit employees, organizations, and human resource development professionals. To expand further the knowledge base of adult learning and self-directed learning activities, this paper places its focus on the role of Web 2.0 technology in adult learners' engagement in self-directed learning. Part of the discussion focuses on learners' preferences in relation to the emergence of Web 2.0 technology. This discussion of learner preferences explores learning environments that participants engaged in and the motivation behind their engagement. This paper contributes to the field of human resource development by providing a new lens that views the role of Web 2.0 technology in self-directed learning and job performance within an organizational setting, thereby enabling its integration into a blended-learning site. A practical application resulting from this paper is to provide insight to human resource development professionals into best practices and recommendations for the adoption and application of Web 2.0 technology.

Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Educational Technology
Material Type:
Case Study
Caruso Shirley J
Date Added:
Trainer’s Toolbox – TIBL Project
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Web-based application which supports the trainer in the logical and organisational development of the training.

The tool works interactively – trainers give an input to the system (using interactive forms) and get individually created guidelines, plans, checklists and course creation instructions. The tool will handle requests dealing with the pedagogical framework, the embedded quality enhancement framework, the use of multimedia, and assessment helps. Furthermore, specific sets of checklist can be created, supplying trainers in the creating, performing, and evaluation of the courses.

This Toolbox has been produced as an intellectual output of the TIBL Project (Technical Innovation in Blended Learning), co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission. Here you will find some useful tools that will help you design, organise and carry out quality blended courses for adult learners on any field. Welcome to the site and enjoy your teaching!

Disclaimer: This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Educational Technology
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Ebba Ossianilson
Luca Reitano
Maria Joao Loureiro
Peter Mazohl
Carlos Guerrero Herrero
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Transferability and Evaluation Guide – TIBL-Project
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The transferability and evaluation guide is a supporting document for the target group and stakeholders on how to use and take maximum advantage of the developed and proven courses and the learning materials produced by the project.

It is a set of interactive documents integrating descriptive multimedia material (an enhanced eBook).

The guide supports the correct implementation and evaluation of the training material and tools created. It offers it proposals and guides to transfer the created Blended Learning courses in an efficiently and stringently defined way as well.

This Intellectual Output provides detailed information, description and practical advice on how the created project results can be transferred from the specific countries (or specific pilot test group) to other Educational fields as well to other European countries.
The transfer guide provides all tools and information for effective further use of the project results also for other enterprises and organisations in the field of C-VET. Additional, the transfer guide contains all material and the necessary documentation for a transfer of the training to other educational fields, for example in Adult Education, School Education, and partly to Higher Education.

Educational Technology
Material Type:
Carlos Guerrero Herrero
Ebba Ossianilson
Luca Reitano
Maria Joao Loureiro
Peter Mazohl
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UDL and Blended Learning Book Study
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This resource is a facilitation guide for a professional learning book study on the text, UDL and Blended Learning by Katie Novak and Catlin Tucker.  

Material Type:
Unit of Study
Eric Lech
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WISE - The Web-Based Inquiry Science Environment
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The Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE) is a free on-line science learning environment for students in grades 4-12. In WISE, students work on exciting inquiry projects on topics such as genetically modified foods, earthquake prediction, and the deformed frogs mystery. Students learn about and respond to contemporary scientific controversies through designing, debating, and critiquing solutions, all via the internet. Curriculum projects are complete and ready to use in the classroom. The projects are designed to meet standards and complement existing science curricula. The Teacher Area lets instructors explore new projects and grade students' work on the web, as well as to collaborate with other teachers and researchers.

Applied Science
Educational Technology
Environmental Science
Forestry and Agriculture
Life Science
Physical Science
Space Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
ComPADRE Digital Library
Provider Set:
ComPADRE: Resources for Physics and Astronomy Education
National Science Foundation
Technology Enhanced Learning in Science (TELS)
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What Makes us Human?
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In this problem-based, blended learning mondule, students will investigate what is the single - most defining trait that makes  us human? Is it our highly developed speech, our imagination, creativity, or our upright walking posture?  Humans have mastered fire, developed tools, art, music, recorded our history, and accomplished a countless number of other things. In this module, students will explore genetics concepts regarding inheritance, natural selection, biology of the human brain, and our hominid evolution over the last two hundred thousand years. Students will utilize guided research, and independent work to formulate an argumentative essay, and substantiating their claim with evidence from their research. When the argumentative essay is completed, students will create a project from a choice board that demonstrates their understanding of one of the concepts of our humanity.

Environmental Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Blended Learning Teacher Practice Network
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What Route is Best for ME to Buy a Vehicle?
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     This problem-based learning module is designed to link a student’s real-life problem to learning targets in the subjects of math, social studies and language arts.  The problem being, what route is best for me to buy a vehicle?  The students will prepare, research and present findings about their own personal finances relating to buying a vehicle.  The students will create two equations based on two purchasing plans they will be comparing.  At the conclusion, students will be able to decide which plan is best for them based on research and mathematical practices.  Students will present to their peers, teachers, administrators, and most importantly their parents in an attempt to convince them of their chosen plan.    This blended module includes teacher led instruction, student led rotations, community stakeholder collaboration and technology integration.

Measurement and Data
Numbers and Operations
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Blended Learning Teacher Practice Network
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What do my numbers say about my health?
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This problem-based learning module is students will be collecting their personal health numbers in a station rotation format.  After choosing their health numbers to compare, the students will create a scatter plot and line of best fit using class data. Students will do a gallery walk to compare their health numbers with their peers. The students will then create a presentation for a health fair to bring awareness to health numbers based on their personal findings and facts.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Blended Learning Teacher Practice Network
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What is the most responsible way to deal with electronic waste?
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The growing number of electronics that are becoming obsolete is staggering. The responsible disposal of these materials remains to be a highly debated topic and is one that does not have an easy answer. In this problem-based learning module, students will research this growing issue and provide them opportunities to determine what actions to take. Students will then take their findings and use their research data as evidence to support their position. Groups will create a finished product in the form of a speech, radio broadcast, presentation or persuasive essay to help solve this problem.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Blended Learning Teacher Practice Network
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What’s gonna happen to me, is my future environmentally challenged?
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In this problem-based learning module students will connect these standards to their personal life by completing a random sample from their environment in the area of careers to investigate to see if their own career is environmentally challenged.  Students will work independently as well as with a partner. Students will also complete a reflection in the form of a final product to make an inference and draw a conclusion about the population of their area in relation to careers.  The final product will be presented to their peers and teachers, but also can be exhibited to their families.    This blended module includes teacher-led instruction, student-led stations, partner comparisons and technology integrated investigations.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Blended Learning Teacher Practice Network
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Where do we find trash in relationship to recycling centers?
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Geospatial data analysis is a growing field in science with practical applications in government and industry.   This problem-based learning module guides learners through exploring the relationship between the amount of trash found relative to the location of waste receptacles in their community. Recording the location of identified items of trash/recyclables and placing them on a map allows students to identify if there is a correlation between the amount of trash and the distance away from waste receptacles.  While this module uses trash, almost any item can be tracked and plotted for analysis.  Some other ideas were: locations of Pokemon in Pokemon Go, animal migration, safety devices, various plant species, texting and driving are just a few examples.  

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Blended Learning Teacher Practice Network
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Why Do I Judge a “Life” Book by its Cover?
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This problem-based learning module is designed to bring “Awareness” to students about being judgemental and pre-judging people.  Students will become aware of their own judgmental issues and develop a presentation that will bring awareness to their audience on the topic.    This module is developed with instruction based on whole group discussions, station rotations, partner research as well as final presentation. This module is created with the ELA standards of W.7.6, W.7.2 , SL.7.1 and the history standard of 7.16 as the focus.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Blended Learning Teacher Practice Network
Date Added:
Why Do People Move?
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In this problem-based learning module, students will investigate the following question: Does the state of Ohio suffer from “Brain Drain?”If so why is this, where are people going, & what can be done to stop it?If not, what is keeping/bringing people here?After researching and learning about some of the push-pull factors that drove 19th century European immigration to the United States, student groups will be formed in order research, create, and share their findings to determine whether or not Ohio is a “push” or “pull” state.After the launch activity, students will spend the first two days gaining background knowledge on the historical components and content related to the topic.  Beginning on Day 4, students will be grouped into teams to begin research and development of the “BIG IDEA” question of: Does the state of Ohio suffer from “Brain Drain?”If so why is this, where are people going, & what can be done to stop it?If not, what is keeping/bringing people here?Once the groups have determined their position on the problem, they will begin researching information to be able to share out their findings.The final products will be presented to an authentic audience consisting of District Administration (i.e., media relations), Local Administration (elected officials), and possibly, local Chamber of Commerce members

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Blended Learning Teacher Practice Network
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