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  • Textbook
Building Community: Introduction to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Read the Fine Print
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This thought-provoking book helps us recognize systems of oppression that manifest in our society, and encourages us to work proactively, consciously, and continuously to interrupt oppression.

Long Description:
Pushing for social change is a lifelong journey that requires learning and unlearning about lived experiences that differ from our own. This thought-provoking book discusses topics like privilege (Chapter 1); intersectional oppression (Ch. 2); the psychology of conscious and unconscious biases and how to act on them (Chs. 3 and 4). This book provides readers with actionable practices and guidelines to become advocates for social and institutional changes, including how to recognize and avoid common pitfalls in EDI practice (Ch. 5), and how to use inclusive language (Ch. 6). The book unfolds the meaning of effective allyship (Ch. 7), the importance of interrupting oppression (Ch. 8), and steps to operationalize our social justice actions (Ch. 9). Finally, the book positions accessibility in an EDI context and presents a broad selection of resources to aid readers in deepening their knowledge and understanding of EDI (Ch. 10).

Word Count: 23541

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Business and Communication
Material Type:
University of Guelph
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Building Construction and Materials: An Open Educational Resource Textbook
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0.0 stars

An Open Educational Resource Textbook

Word Count: 32233

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Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Material Type:
Date Added:
Building Cost Planning: Best Practices and Insights
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0.0 stars

This book focuses on the cost planning of building construction projects with special reference to the Australian and New Zealand context. Design development and cost planning with elemental analysis are emphasised in the pre-construction cost management process in the region. This book translates the well-established practice of pre-construction cost management process in the construction industry into a published academic and professional resource which can be used for teaching higher education students and for professional training programs.

Building cost planning is considered from the client and the design team’s perspective and focuses on the functions of a cost manager. From the overview of the construction industry and the client’s team, to the detailed cost planning process and cost planning techniques at progressive stages in the pre-construction phase, this book is ideal as a guide to cost plan building construction projects. It follows an interactive style by featuring learning outcomes, self-review questions and learning activities for each chapter. It also extends theory into applications with case studies incorporated from the Australian and New Zealand construction industries. These approaches make this book useful for both students and practitioners in construction management.

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Business and Communication
Material Type:
Don Leelarathne
Dr Inoka Withana Gamage
Dr Ravindu Kahandawa
Dr Ruchini Jayasinghe
Dr Thilini Jayawickrama
Prof Rameez Rameezdeen
Date Added:
Building Democracy for All: Interactive Explorations of Government and Civic Life
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0.0 stars

Designed as a core or supplementary text for upper elementary, middle and high school teachers and students, Building Democracy for All offers instructional ideas, interactive resources, multicultural content, and multimodal learning materials for interest-building explorations of United States government as well as students’ roles as citizens in a democratic society. It focuses on the importance of community engagement and social responsibility as understood and acted upon by middle and high school students—core themes in the 2018 Massachusetts 8th Grade Curriculum Framework, and which are found in many state history and social studies curriculum frameworks around the country.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Building Information Modeling using Revit for Architects and Engineers
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This book offers a web-based multimedia platform to enable students in Architecture, Civil Engineering, and Construction Engineering to learn fundamentals of BIM using Revit and be able to create building architectural, mechanical and structural models, develop construction documentation and analyze building performance. The platform include: book chapters on detailed Revit instructions and videos.

Word Count: 26011

ISBN: 978-1-64816-005-9

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Applied Science
Material Type:
Mavs Open Press
Atefe Makhmalbaf
Date Added:
Building Information - Representation & Management
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0.0 stars

Principles and foundations for the digital era

Short Description:
The book goes beyond the surface to explain why AECO digitization matters with respect to information. It presents information in the framework of representation, introduces a semantic typology of data and connects process to information management, towards a coherent and transparent theory of building information for the digital era.

Long Description:
Digitization in AECO is in a transitional phase. On one hand, technologies like BIM finally introduce symbolic representation and, on the other, there is an unhealthy and unproductive attachment to outdated, analogue practices and documents. The book goes beyond the surface to explain why digitization matters with respect to information. It presents information in the framework of representation, introduces a semantic typology of data and connects process to information management, towards a coherent and transparent theory of building information for the digital era.

Word Count: 56989

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Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Business and Communication
Computer Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Building Information - Representation and Management: Fundamentals and Principles
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0.0 stars

The book presents a coherent theory of building information, focusing on its representation and management in the digital era. It addresses issues such as the information explosion and the structure of analogue building representations to propose a parsimonious approach to the deployment and utilization of symbolic digital technologies like BIM.

Applied Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Delft University of Technology
Alexander Koutamanis
Date Added:
Building Information - Representation and Management: Principles and Foundations for the Digital Era
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0.0 stars

The book presents a coherent theory of building information, focusing on its representation and management in the digital era. It addresses issues such as the information explosion and the structure of analogue building representations to propose a parsimonious approach to the deployment and utilization of symbolic digital technologies like BIM. It also considers the matching representation of AECO processes in terms of tasks, so as to connect to information processing and support both information management and decision taking.

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Material Type:
Delft University of Technology
Alexander Koutamanis
Date Added:
Building Maintenance & Construction: Tools and Maintenance Tasks (Interactive)
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Long Description:
Peer Reviewer Comments

Phil Johnson, Architectural Project Manager, Maui, Hawaii “The book is a wealth of information. It is very clearly and logically presented.” “While basic knowledge level differs from trade to trade, I believe that if a student mastered information presented in this book, they would be several steps above “entry Level”.” “Even beginning trade apprentices may find some of the areas challenging.” “This Book would be a good resource and reference for teaching introductory trade course.”

Rick Rutiz, Executive Director, Ma Ka Hana Ka ‘Ike Building Program “Cliff is a repository of building and construction techniques, skills, and information, all of which is found in this book. But the real strength of his teaching ability is the rapport he creates with his students. As the director of the vocational training program Ma Ka Hana Ka ‘Ike, I’ve had the privilege of watching Cliff bring construction theory to life — not just with great expertise, but with heart. Now he’s put this knowledge in book form to share with all of you.”

Word Count: 45404

ISBN: 9781948027021

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Applied Science
Material Type:
Clifford Rutherford
Date Added:
Building Relationships With Business Communication
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Building Relationships With Business Communication combines some of the best available open access content for introductory courses in business communication and supplements this content with new material on personal and social identity; rhetorical listening; inclusive language; storytelling; and territorial Land Acknowledgements. The textbook is focused on a Canadian audience of first-year Commerce students. H5P interactive content, the infusion of real world examples, and an engaging layout make this textbook highly readable for this audience. INSTRUCTORS: If you adopt Building Relationships with Business Communication in part or in whole, as a core or supplemental resource, please report your adoption to https://forms.office.com/r/MDgAuHisSP. Thank you!

Long Description:
Building Relationships With Business Communication is aimed at first-year students of Commerce. The book presents material from Business Communication for Success [Author removed at request of original publisher]; Web Literacy for Student Fact-Checkers by Mike Caulfield; Business Presentation Skills by Lucinda Atwood and Christian Westin; Professional Communications by Jordan Smith, Melissa Ashman, eCampusOntario, Brian Dunphy, Andrew Stracuzzi; and APA Style Citation Tutorial by Sarah Adams and Debbie Feisst. This material is supplemented with new material on personal and social identity; rhetorical listening; inclusive language; storytelling; and territorial Land Acknowledgments. The principles of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion are woven throughout the textbook. Interactive H5P content enhances the student experience.

Part I includes chapters on developing business relationships. The first two chapters explain the importance of effective business communication and the responsibilities the students will have as business communicators. Next, students consider the ways in which the communication context, the purpose of the message, the audience for the communication, and the channel of communication impact their writing or presenting strategy. The final chapter of Part 1 considers the importance of inclusive language in developing and maintaining business relationships.

Part 2 presents tools for effective communication and primarily focuses on rhetoric. Rhetorical listening and visual rhetoric are often overlooked elements of persuasion. These strategies are discussed as well as the classical rhetorical strategies of logos, ethos, and pathos.

Part 3 focuses on preparing and delivering business presentations. This section addresses speech anxiety, ways to alleviate this anxiety through clear presentation structures, and the importance of storytelling in engaging an audience.

Part 4 concerns written forms of communication including email, memos, letters, and reports. Techniques to develop and maintain a positive audience relationship are addressed throughout. An additional resource on APA Style referencing is provided in Part 5.

INSTRUCTORS: If you adopt Building Relationships with Business Communication in part or in whole, as a core or supplemental resource, please report your adoption to https://forms.office.com/r/MDgAuHisSP. Thank you!

Word Count: 72357

ISBN: 978-1-7781696-5-6

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Business and Communication
Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Dalhousie University
Linda Macdonald
Date Added:
Building Resilient Rural Communities
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0.0 stars

Responding to Climate Change & Ecosystem Disruption

Word Count: 97221

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Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Cultural Geography
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Social Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Building Strategy and Performance
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This book uses a balanced blend of frameworks and illustrations to teach you how to tackle the challenge of driving performance into the future.

Kim Warren takes special care with this new textbook, Building Strategy and Performance, to ensure that it delivers instruction on how to deliver strategy powerfully over a sustained period of time.

This book helps you to show your students where the levers are that they can control and how to choose what to do, when, and how much to achieve their specific goals.

This book effectively outlines the dynamics of strategy, how one drives performance - past, today and into the future. It shows what causes performance to improve or deteriorate and what your students can do to change this trajectory for the better.

But don't take our word for it, review the book now to see if it can help you to deliver the kind of tactical strategy course you desire for your students.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
The Saylor Foundation
Provider Set:
Saylor Textbooks
Kim Warren
Date Added:
Building Sustainable Communities: Collaboration
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Module 3: Collaboration

Short Description:
Collaboration is the third module in this course, Building Sustainable Communities: The Impact of Engagement, and highlights the importance of collaboration or working together, in relation to sustainable community building. The first lesson within this module will introduce you to the different terminology associated with collaboration and we will explain why it is so imperative when it comes to navigating the contemporary problems our communities face. In the second lesson we will examine how collaboration occurs and then explore the qualities that are important for collaboration. Lesson three will help to answer questions such as, what makes some collaboration efforts fruitful and fun, while others are painful and unproductive? Lastly, in the final lesson we will provide you with three real-world case studies that address the benefits and challenges of collaboration. Overall, this module will provide with you additional building blocks required to navigate along the path of this course through the remaining two modules. 

Word Count: 8346

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Career and Technical Education
Environmental Studies
Material Type:
Date Added:
Building Sustainable Communities: Creating Connections for the Future
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Module 5: Creating Connections for the Future

Short Description:
The fifth module in this course Building Sustainable Communities: The Impact of Engagement connects the building blocks you’ve learned about throughout Modules 1 to 4.presents building sustainable communities and provides a conclusion to the course. Lesson one highlights ‘making connections to engage’. This lesson discusses how connections between previous core components help to build sustainable communities in the real world and how different types of community engagement are appropriate in different settings. The final lesson of the course presents future considerations for building sustainable communities and how to move knowledge into action for a sustainable future. At the end of this module you will have naviaged the full course pathway.

Word Count: 6211

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Career and Technical Education
Environmental Studies
Material Type:
Date Added:
Building Sustainable Communities: Information Gathering and Sharing
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Module 2: Information Gathering and Sharing

Short Description:
Information Gathering and Sharing is the second module in this course, Building Sustainable Communities: The Impact of Engagement, and highlights the importance of gathering and sharing information in order to engage with communities. The first lesson discusses why you may consider collecting community data and ethical considerations that need to be made when consultation occurs within a community. In the second lesson we will dive into methods to consider when collecting important information about community sustainability. In the third lesson we will describe Knowledge Mobilization (KMb) for you and the roles it plays in building sustainability communities. Lastly, lesson four provides case study examples of successful knowledge mobilization efforts within communities pertaining to both health and environmental research. Overall, this module will provide with you additional building blocks required to navigate along the path of this course through the remaining three modules. 

Word Count: 6301

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Career and Technical Education
Environmental Studies
Material Type:
Date Added:
Building Sustainable Communities: Monitoring and Evaluation
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Module 4: Monitoring and Evaluation

Short Description:
Monitoring and Evaluation is the fourth module in this course, Building Sustainable Communities: The Impact of Engagement, and highlights research and real-world experiences on the subject of monitoring and evaluation (also referred to as M&E), in relation to sustainable community building. In the first lesson we will provide you with an overview of M&E, including origins and definitions, as well as its importance for building sustainable communities. In the next lesson, the spectrum of approaches to accomplish M&E is examined, specifically we look at two opposing ends of the spectrum: conventional and participatory M&E. In the third lesson we will focus on the use of citizen science as a mechanism for building sustainable communities. Here we define citizen science, develop an understanding of how it can be used in conventional or participatory M&E, and discuss innovative tools to support it. The final lesson covers the common benefits and challenges experienced across all M&E approaches, and surfaces key tensions surrounding M&E as a field of practice and research. By the conclusion of this module, it is our hope that you are beginning to see how these pieces along the path to building sustainable communities connect.

Word Count: 12027

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Career and Technical Education
Environmental Studies
Material Type:
Date Added:
Building Sustainable Communities: The Impact of Engagement
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Module 1: Introduction to Community Engagement

Short Description:
Introduction to Community Engagement is the first module in this course, Building Sustainable Communities: The Impact of Engagement, and it will provide you with an introduction to sustainable communities and an in-depth look at community engagement. In lesson one we will define and discuss components of sustainable communities. Lesson two will provide you with an overview of how community engagement has evolved over time. While lesson three will highlight who is involved in community engagement and different ways to ethically engage with community actors. Lastly, lesson four discusses why engaging actors is essential to navigating current challenges confronting communities. Ultimately, this first module will provide you with the foundational learning required to navigate along the path through the remaining four modules.

Word Count: 6111

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Career and Technical Education
Environmental Studies
Material Type:
Date Added:
Building a Competitive First Nation Investment Climate
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This is the first edition of the open text book Building a Competitive Investment Climate on First Nation Lands. This textbook is for students who are First Nation and tribal government employees or students who would like to work for or with First Nation and tribal governments. The purpose of this textbook is to help interested First Nation and tribal governments build a competitive investment climate. Work began on this text book in early 2012 with a generous grant from the Donner Canadian Foundation. Financial support was also provided by the First Nations Tax Commission and the Tulo Centre.

Business and Communication
Social Science
Material Type:
Provider Set:
BCcampus Open Textbooks
Tulo Centre of Indigenous Economics
Date Added:
Building a Medical Terminology Foundation
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Building a Medical Terminology Foundation is an OER that focuses on breaking down medical terms into their word parts, pronouncing medical terms, and learning the meaning of medical terms within the context of introductory anatomy and physiology. This resource is targeted for health office administration and health services students in the first year of their college programs.

Word Count: 114455

ISBN: 978-1-77897-027-6

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Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Date Added: