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California History-Social Science Project
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
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The necessity of teaching LGBTQ history has never been more apparent than in the current political climate. Over the past year, hundreds of anti-LGBTQ laws have been proposed across the country. Several have specifically attempted to prohibit teaching about these topics. California educators remain committed to an inclusive curriculum and continue to lead the charge modeling best practices in teaching LGBTQ history.

But, the path has not always been clear. When California educators started to implement this flagship law, SB48, otherwise known as the FAIR Act, which called for inclusion of LGBTQ Americans in U.S. history courses at the K-12 level, so many questions arose. Most of the discussion has centered around how to make our curriculum more inclusive while efficiently managing our limited instructional time.

One of the key issues has been about whether to create stand-alone or integrated lessons. Stand-alone lessons are significant because they allow students to do a deep dive into a specific topic. This can be useful when addressing big issues in the LGBTQ past. Here are a few examples of lessons that do just that:

Gender and Sexuality Studies
Social Science
U.S. History
Material Type:
University of California, Davis
Provider Set:
California History-Social Science Project
Beth Slutsky
Wendy Rouse
Date Added: