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100th Day of School Activities
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

Resources to mark the 100th day of school with math activities. Challenge students to generate 100 different ways to represent the number 100. Students will easily generate 99 + 1 and 50 + 50, but encourage them to think out of the box. Challenge them to include examples from all of the NCTM Standards strands: number sense, numerical operations, geometry, measurement, algebra, patterns, data analysis, probability, discrete math, Create a class list to record the best entries. Some teachers write 100 in big bubble numeral style and then record the entries inside the numerals.

Material Type:
Terry Kawas
Date Added:
6.4 Plate Tectonics & Rock Cycling
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

In this plate tectonics and rock cycling unit, students come to see that the Earth is much more active and alive than they have thought before. The unit launches with documentation of a 2015 Himalayan earthquake that shifted Mt. Everest suddenly to the southwest direction. Students read texts, explore earthquake and landform patterns using a data visualization tool, and study GPS data.

This unit is part of the OpenSciEd core instructional materials for middle school.

Applied Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Date Added:
7.28x Molecular Biology
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This course is an in-depth adventure through the molecular mechanisms that control the maintenance, expression, and evolution of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes. Through lectures and readings of relevant literature, students will explore gene regulation, DNA replication, genetic recombination, transcription, and mRNA translation. The quizzes are designed to build students’ experimental design and data analysis skills.
This course, based on the MIT course 7.28/7.58 Molecular Biology taken by enrolled MIT students, was organized as a three-part series on edX by MIT’s Department of Biology. It is self-paced and free as long as you enroll in the Audit Track option, which you can select after creating a free account on edX.

Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Baker, Tania
Bell, Stephen
Carr, Swati
Schafheimer, Nathaniel
Thornton, Sera
Wiltrout, Mary Ellen
Date Added:
AFNI Training Bootcamp
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0.0 stars

This training course is an introduction to the use of the AFNI software suites for the analysis of functional MRI (fMRI) data. It is not intended as an introduction to how fMRI works but is aimed at people who are already doing fMRI data analysis, or those who will be in the near future. 
AFNI (Analysis of Functional NeuroImages) is a leading software suite of C, Python, and R programs and shell scripts, primarily developed for the analysis and display of anatomical and fMRI data. It is freely available for research purposes. 
This event was organized by the Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines (CBMM) Trainee Leadership Council.
CBMM is a multi-institutional NSF Science and Technology Center headquartered at MIT that is dedicated to developing a computationally based understanding of human intelligence and establishing an engineering practice based on that understanding. CBMM brings together computer scientists, cognitive scientists, and neuroscientists to create a new field—the science and engineering of intelligence.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Chen, Gang
Glen, Daniel
Reynolds, Rick
Date Added:
ASURE Immune Response and Behavior 2020
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

Our class is part of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Research Experience (ASURE) at Indiana University Bloomington. This program, which is part of the College of Arts and Sciences, includes a two-semester lab experience where students design and conduct their own authentic research projects. All of the projects described in this eBook were designed and carried out by small groups of students in their first through second year of college as part of their course work in the ASURE Immune Response and Behavior Lab. The ASURE class of 2019-2020 certainly faced some unique challenges. In the spring of 2020, we were abruptly sent home to continue our coursework remotely. This interruption reduced the students’ time to collect data in the lab, but gave them the opportunity to learn R and other data analysis skills. In the fall of 2020, all of the students were able to return to campus and continue work on their projects, though there were several interruptions as students were forced to isolate and/or quarantine. Nevertheless, the students were very dedicated and persisted in their work, which is evident in their final projects.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Indiana University
Angelena Lara
Arianna Buehler
Audrey Coop
Ben Spector
Breanna Hartung
Camille Pushman
Colin Blackwell
Erin Heapy
Isabella Miles
Katie Sperka
Kelsie Jackson
Kyli Calhoon
Liam McGouldrick
Mackenzie Mee
Mary Huynh
Matthew Ross
Megan Murphy
Mikayla Stephens
Neha Nagaraj
Priyana Reddy
Rohan Patel
Sophia Bond
Sophie Gray
Sydney Szwed
Date Added:
Acoustic Remote Sensing and Sea Floor Mapping
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

The course treats the following topics: - Relevant physical oceanography - Elements of marine geology (seafloor topography, acoustical properties of sediments and rocks) - Underwater sound propagation (ray acoustics, ocean noise) - Interaction of sound with the seafloor (reflection, scattering) - Principles of sonar (beamforming) - Underwater acoustic mapping systems (single beam echo sounding, multi-beam echo sounding, sidescan sonar) - Data analysis (refraction corrections, digital terrain modelling) - Applications (hydrographic survey planning and navigation, coastal engineering) - Current and future developments.

Applied Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
TU Delft OpenCourseWare
dr.ir. M. Snellen
Date Added:
Activity: “A picture is worth 1,000 words”
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Expressing understanding in multiple and varied ways helps build understanding and reveal possible gaps or misconceptions. This activity supports learners to use multiple forms of expression to show data collection, data analysis, and a claim (or hypothesis) that answers a focus question.Created as part of the OASIS Coaching Support research study at CAST.

Elementary Education
Special Education
Material Type:
Kristin Robinson
Date Added:
Adjusting PERMANOVA and LDM to improve the efficiency of microbiome data analysis
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This resource is a video abstract of a research paper created by Research Square on behalf of its authors. It provides a synopsis that's easy to understand, and can be used to introduce the topics it covers to students, researchers, and the general public. The video's transcript is also provided in full, with a portion provided below for preview:

"Many microbiome studies have matched-pair or matched-set designs, in which data naturally cluster into sets, with some within-set variation in traits of interest. Statistical methods help us make sense of these data, testing hypotheses at the community or operational taxonomic unit (OTU) level. Now, researchers present a new strategy for analyzing matched-set microbial data. The method can be used with both PERMANOVA, a commonly used distance-based method for testing hypotheses at the community level, and the linear decomposition model (LDM), which unifies the community-level and OTU-level tests into one framework. An indicator variable for each set is included as a covariate to constrain comparisons between samples within a set. Simulations using this method showed that the strategy outperformed alternative strategies in a wide range of scenarios, and the flexibility of these methods to allow discrete or continuous traits or interactions to be tested was illustrated with analysis of two real datasets..."

The rest of the transcript, along with a link to the research itself, is available on the resource itself.

Life Science
Material Type:
Research Square
Provider Set:
Video Bytes
Date Added:
Adopting an Entrepreneurial Mindset - Using Census Data for Business
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Students will use the Census Business Builder: Small Business Edition data access tool to gather and analyze information that entrepreneurs may consider when opening a business. This introductory activity assumes that students have limited experience using data access tools.

Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
U.S. Census Bureau
Provider Set:
Statistics in Schools
Date Added:
Affective Priming at Short and Extremely Short Exposures
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This course is an investigation of affective priming and creation of rigorously counterbalanced, fully computerized testing paradigm. Includes background readings, study design, counterbalancing, study execution, data analysis, presentation of poster, and final paper.

Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Corkin, Suzanne
Date Added:
An Agenda for Purely Confirmatory Research
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The veracity of substantive research claims hinges on the way experimental data are collected and analyzed. In this article, we discuss an uncomfortable fact that threatens the core of psychology’s academic enterprise: almost without exception, psychologists do not commit themselves to a method of data analysis before they see the actual data. It then becomes tempting to fine tune the analysis to the data in order to obtain a desired result—a procedure that invalidates the interpretation of the common statistical tests. The extent of the fine tuning varies widely across experiments and experimenters but is almost impossible for reviewers and readers to gauge. To remedy the situation, we propose that researchers preregister their studies and indicate in advance the analyses they intend to conduct. Only these analyses deserve the label “confirmatory,” and only for these analyses are the common statistical tests valid. Other analyses can be carried out but these should be labeled “exploratory.” We illustrate our proposal with a confirmatory replication attempt of a study on extrasensory perception.

Social Science
Material Type:
Perspectives on Psychological Science
Denny Borsboom
Eric-Jan Wagenmakers
Han L. J. van der Maas
Rogier A. Kievit
Ruud Wetzels
Date Added:
Air Particulate Analysis
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0.0 stars

Phase 1: Definition of Projects and Research Teams (Homework +1 Class)

Each student is assigned the task of proposing a site to investigate within the city and the surrounding region. Students are encouraged to discuss the assignment with community members for suggestions and inspiration. Each student will produce an easel-size poster of their proposal highlighting the following:

Site location;

Reasons for selecting this site;

Potential interest to the community;

Potential logistical problems associated with the proposed site/project.

Posters will be hung in a gallery-walk format, and each student will mark the location of their proposed study site on the classroom map of New York City. The class is given time to read and comment on each of their peers' proposals, after which the instructor will lead a class discussion of the interests, merits, and obstacles associated with each proposal, with the goal of having the class settle on the set of projects on which to move forward.
Students will define groups of 2 to 4 students per project. If more than 4 students are interested in the same site, then multiple groups may develop parallel projects.

Phase 2: Data Collection and Analysis (5 weeks)

In consultation with the instructor, teams develop and implement a sampling protocol, including the documentation of terrain, human activity, and weather conditions (wind speed and direction) at the time of collection. Sample stations and prevailing wind direction are plotted on Google Earth to determine likely sources of particulates. Using binocular microscopes students document size distribution, form, color, and abundance of particulates. This data is analyzed using statistical functions in Excel. Teams use SEM-EDS analysis to determine the composition of particles, and more fully describe their form. Teams submit weekly progress reports, including personal work reports for each team member.

Phase 3: Communication of Results (1 Week)

Teams submit to their instructor a formal laboratory report: Purpose, Equipment, Method, Data Tabulation, Data Analysis, and Conclusions.
Teams prepare an oral presentation, or visual information campaign, targeted at an audience of their choice (e.g., neighbors, church group, community activist group, college administration) using discourse appropriate to that audience. Teams present in an in-class dress-rehearsal prior to their formal presentation. Teams invite members of their desired audience to the presentation (official invitations sent). On the last day of class, the instructor leads a debriefing and critique of the presentations, highlighting results and effective communication techniques.

(Note: this resource was added to OER Commons as part of a batch upload of over 2,200 records. If you notice an issue with the quality of the metadata, please let us know by using the 'report' button and we will flag it for consideration.)

Atmospheric Science
Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Wayne Powell
Date Added:
Air Pollution [Liberal Arts: Math and Science/Natural Science]
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This assignment was designed for students in the pathways introductory chemistry class and the first year seminar and aligns with the Inquiry and Problem Solving core competency. In this context, there is a focus on framing the issues (identifies and/or addresses questions and problems), evidence gathering (assembles, reviews and synthesizes evidence from several diverse sources), evidence (analyze the data to address the questions posed) and conclusions (critical thinking, reflect on the outcomes, draw conclusions and generate new knowledge). There is also a Global Learning component based on comparing data collected locally with corresponding data from other locations or countries. The assignment includes the written communication ability with a focus on "Content Development and Organization," as well as the clarity of the communication and its purpose. The overall aim of this assignment is to enhance students' conceptual learning and understanding of key issues related to society as well as their course. This assignment was developed as part of a LaGuardia Global Learning mini-grant and CUNY Experiential Learning and Research in the Classroom mini-grants.
The assignment will be scaffolded over about 3 weeks and is worth about 10% of the final grade.
To further increase the success of this assignment, instructors might want to consider the following: Use class discussions to focus on the relevance and importance of conceptual learning. In order to improve the data analysis aspect, incorporating class demonstrations of how to conduct the analysis and guide discussions about what the data means. Giving students more detailed rubrics with formal expectations of the requirements of the assignments, particularly in the written format Find ways to increase student participation in class discussions.
When this assignment has been utilized in previous semesters, students clearly displayed the capability to relate the co-curricular experiences in the data collection and its analysis to concepts and ideas covered during class. Evidence for this came from very dynamic and interactive class discussions based on air pollution as well as from the output of the written assignment, in which students were able to relate the nature, sources and chemical properties of the pollutants to their impact on the environment, health and society in general.
LaGuardia's Core Competencies and Communication Abilities
List the Program Goal(s) that this assignment targets
Global Learning based on comparing pollutant levels around the LaGuardia campus with those in other locations or countries. It is also an IPS assignment, incorporating scientific literacy and thinking, as students need to analyze the data, interpret it and reflect on the outcomes.
List the Student Learning Objective(s) that this assignment targets
Identify and apply fundamental chemical concepts and methods. Gather, analyze, and interpret data.
List the Course Objectives(s) that this assignment targets
Explore the complex connections between chemistry and society. Apply chemical principles to real world issues, including ethical aspects. Gather, analyze, and interpret data.
Write a short description of the pedagogy involved in executing this assignment
Students collect and analyze the data, interpret the results in terms of pollution levels, safety and ethics and compare with EPA standard levels and with levels in other countries.
Outside the classroom events will be organized for data collection. There will be class and group-based discussions focused on the data, its analysis and the connections to society.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Life Science
Physical Geography
Physical Science
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
CUNY Academic Works
Provider Set:
LaGuardia Community College
Alberts, Ian
Date Added:
Air Quality InQuiry (AQ-IQ)
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

Students engage in hands-on, true-to-life research experiences on air quality topics chosen for personal interest through a unit composed of one lesson and five associated activities. Using a project-based learning approach suitable for secondary science classrooms and low-cost air quality monitors, students gain the background and skills needed to conduct their own air quality research projects. The curriculum provides: 1) an introduction to air quality science, 2) data collection practice, 3) data analysis practice, 4) help planning and conducting a research project and 5) guidance in interpreting data and presenting research in professional poster format. The comprehensive curriculum requires no pre-requisite knowledge of air quality science or engineering. This curriculum takes advantage of low-cost, next-generation, open-source air quality monitors called Pods. These monitors were developed in a mechanical engineering lab at the University of Colorado Boulder and are used for academic research as well as education and outreach. The monitors are made available for use with this curriculum through AQ-IQ Kits that may be rented from the university by teachers. Alternatively, nearly the entire unit, including the student-directed projects, could also be completed without an air quality monitor. For example, students can design research projects that utilize existing air quality data instead of collecting their own, which is highly feasible since much data is publically available. In addition, other low-cost monitors could be used instead of the Pods. Also, the curriculum is intentionally flexible, so that the lesson and its activities can be used individually. See the Other section for details about the Pods and ideas for alternative equipment, usage without air quality monitors, and adjustments to individually teach the lesson and activities.

Career and Technical Education
Physical Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Ashley Collier
Ben Graves
Daniel Knight
Drew Meyers
Eric Ambos
Eric Lee
Erik Hotaling
Evan Coffey
Hanadi Adel Salamah
Joanna Gordon
Katya Hafich
Michael Hannigan
Nicholas VanderKolk
Olivia Cecil
Victoria Danner
Date Added:
Air Quality: More than Meets the Eye
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

In this module, students engage in a visual demonstration on the causes & effects of air pollutants on air quality and kinesthetic activities on particulate matter & visibility.

Atmospheric Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
University of Colorado Boulder
Provider Set:
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)
Date Added:
American Politics Group Data Projects
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

SETUPS (Empirical Teaching Unites in Political Science) data, published by the American Political Science Association, will be employed in group data analysis projects in an American Government class. Students then use results from these reports in composing an essay question on the course's final exam.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Pedagogy in Action
Steven Schier
Date Added:
An Analysis of the Millennial Generation
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Students will look at data showing how the “millennial” generation differs from other generations. They will analyze and evaluate social changes evident in the data. Then they will work with a partner to compose a newsletter.

Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
U.S. Census Bureau
Provider Set:
Statistics in Schools
Date Added: