This OER was made possible through the support of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Open Educational Resources Initiative (ASCCC OERI). This textbook was developed with the intention to support customizability and allow instructors to adopt and adapt the materials to fit their own course needs through the use of an open license and open resources. Because of this, this textbook can be transferred fully or as chapters (modules). It is meant to be used as you (the instructor) see fit. Alignment to Library Support Staff Certification (LSSC): At the beginning of each module chapter, learning objectives and LSSC competency sets are listed that the content aligns to. This is done to provide further insight into how the material can best support your course. In the appendixes, you will also find perspectives from students and professionals that can be incorporated into your classroom discussions about the profession. These insights were gathered by alumni of LSS certificate programs, advisory board members of LSS programs, and other library community members. This text was also written with the intention to not just highlight EDI efforts and priorities for libraries, but also with EDI practice in mind - meaning, we wanted to use and incorporate resources that provided a diverse range of experiences and perspectives as well. This includes checking for accessibility and usability.
- Subject:
- Applied Science
- Information Science
- Material Type:
- Full Course
- Provider:
- Academic Senate of California Community Colleges
- Provider Set:
- OER Initiative
- Date Added:
- 12/06/2022