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  • WA.ET.6-8.CC.6c - Students communicate complex ideas clearly using various digital tools...
  • WA.ET.6-8.CC.6c - Students communicate complex ideas clearly using various digital tools...
Analyzing and Evaluating Media Lesson
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The goal for this unit is to have students analyze a variety of sources on a current events subject of their interest, identify the different perspectives, and defend their own position.This is one lesson from a larger unit on Evaluating Media. This unit will also cover identifying credible sources, analyzing fake news and the role of propaganda, identifying the different ways news is communicated in different communities. This unit will take place in the beginning of the school year to help instill evaluative and critical thinking research skills as we discuss and explore our big ideas throughout the school year. The end goal is to have students create a digital resource for their topic that we can share out as an educational tool for others. We’ll be creating a padlet that links to all of their presentations (students will have their choice in medium, as long as it is digital) that we will share with our school community and ideally can connect and share with other schools and students. There is also a possibility of using PenPalSchools to share out final resources, but that would depend on getting approval from the district to utilize that website.

Social Science
Material Type:
Chelsea Leonard
Date Added:
Hands-On AI Projects for the Classroom: A Guide for Secondary Teachers
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This guide provides student-driven projects that can directly teach subject area standards in tandem with foundational understandings of what AI is, how it works, and how it impacts society. Several key approaches were taken into consideration in the design of these projects. Understanding these approaches will support both your understanding and implementation of the projects in this guide, as well as your own work to design further activities that integrate AI education into your curriculum.

Project 1: AI Chatbots
Project 2: Developing a Critical Eye
Project 3: Using AI to Solve Environmental Problems
Project 4: Laws for AI

Visit the ISTE website with all the free practical guides for engaging students in AI creation: https://www.iste.org/areas-of-focus/AI-in-education

Applied Science
Computer Science
Educational Technology
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
General Motors
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
Date Added: