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  • WA.SS.SSS3.9-12.3 - Use appropriate deliberative processes in multiple settings
  • WA.SS.SSS3.9-12.3 - Use appropriate deliberative processes in multiple settings
Climate Project
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Grounded in the belief that students need to explore climate change for themselves, the high school-level Climate Project course from the OER Project equips students with the knowledge and skills to take action. The course aims to understand the climate crisis by examining facts, impacts, and solutions, fostering civic action, education, and career readiness, and promoting constructive discussion. Through an inquiry-based approach, students interrogate diverse sources, build data and digital literacy skills, and engage with timely materials. Flexible in design, the course can be taught as a comprehensive semester program or through standalone lessons, culminating in projects ranging from climate-focused careers to community civic action.

Applied Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
OER Project
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Grades 8-10: Founding of Schools and Asylums
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

These lessons are part of the Reform to Equal Rights K-12 Disability History Curriculum from Emerging America, part of the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Consortium.

An introduction to disability helps establish safe and respectful study of the topic. Lesson 1 examines the context and causes of the growth of schools and asylums in the early 19th century through analysis of images, documents, and slide presentation. Lesson 2 studies federalism and roles of government and adds the voices and perspectives of people with disabilities and journalists, including critics of mass institutions. Students may continue to research institutions in their state. These lessons lay a foundation for discussion of the difficult topic of mass institutionalization, continued in units on the Progressive Era and on Disability Rights.

Grades 6-12 - Intro Lesson: Introduction to Disability History
Grades 8-10 - Lesson 1: Disability and 19th Century Moral Reformers
Grades 8-10 - Lesson 2: Perspectives on Schools and Asylums

Reform to Equal Rights uses 250+ primary sources. Most are in the public domain. Many others come from public online collections. For the rest, Emerging America secured permission so that teachers can use all these sources in creative ways. https://www.emergingamerica.org/disability-history-curriculum.

Special Education
U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Collaborative for Educational Services
Emerging America
Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources
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Grades 8-10: How Civil War Veterans Transformed Disability
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0.0 stars

These lessons are part of the Reform to Equal Rights K-12 Disability History Curriculum from Emerging America, part of the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Consortium.

An introductory lesson calls students to use words about disability with respect. Lesson 1 generates questions about the war, using the Question Formulation Technique. Lesson 2 discusses the scale and historical context of the Union's capacity to care for injured soldiers. Students predict how disability might impact veterans and the nation. Lesson 3 analyzes a story of care for a disabled veteran. Pairs or groups analyze one of seven stories and share key points for discussion. In lesson 4, students analyze ten institutions that served veterans. In the unit assessment, students explain how the war changed ideas about government. In lesson 5, students examine experiences of disabled veterans today through video interviews from the Library of Congress Veterans History Project. Students may research veterans' needs and organize a project to support them.

Grades 6-12 - Intro Lesson: Introduction to Disability History
Grades 8-10 - Lesson 1: A Nation Shocked by War
Grades 8-10 - Lesson 2: Care for Wounded and Disabled Soldiers
Grades 8-10 - Lesson 3: Stories of Men and Women Who Served
Grades 8-10 - Lesson 4: Agents of Care
Grades 8-10 - Lesson 5: Veterans Today

Reform to Equal Rights uses 250+ primary sources. Most are in the public domain. Many others come from public online collections. For the rest, Emerging America secured permission so that teachers can use all these sources in creative ways. https://www.emergingamerica.org/disability-history-curriculum

Special Education
U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Collaborative for Educational Services
Emerging America
Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources
Date Added:
Grades 9-12: Disability in the Progressive Era
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

These lessons are part of the Reform to Equal Rights K-12 Disability History Curriculum from Emerging America, part of the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Consortium.

An introduction to disability helps establish safe and respectful study of a difficult topic. Students examine eugenics policy, including forced sterilization and examine how values change. Primary sources include challenges to eugenics from the 1930s as well as 21st century efforts to come to terms with its impacts. The grades 4-5 lesson 2 on immigration policy can provides primary sources and guiding questions that can provide solid support to expand this unit. Unit resources support optional research projects.

Grades 6-12 - Intro Lesson: Introduction to Disability History
Grades 9-12 - Lesson 1: The Dehumanizing Effects of Eugenics

Reform to Equal Rights uses 250+ primary sources. Most are in the public domain. Many others come from public online collections. For the rest, Emerging America secured permission so that teachers can use all these sources in creative ways. https://www.emergingamerica.org/disability-history-curriculum.

Special Education
U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Collaborative for Educational Services
Emerging America
Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources
Date Added:
Grades 9-12: The Long Struggle for Disability Rights
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

These lessons are part of the Reform to Equal Rights K-12 Disability History Curriculum from Emerging America, part of the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Consortium.

An introduction helps establish safe and respectful study of disability history. In lesson 1, students the Question Formulation Technique helps develop questions. Then a presentation highlights disabled advocates across American history. In lesson 2, students research the causes, goals and methods, successes and setbacks of the Disability Rights Movement. Students present research with multiple media options: talk with slides, podcast, video, essay, or poster. Lesson 4 guides a genuinely inclusive civic engagement project.

Grades 6-12 - Intro Lesson: Introduction to Disability History
Grades 9-12 - Lesson 1: The Roots of the Disability Rights Movement
Grades 9-12 - Lesson 2: Research and Share Disability Rights History
Grades 9-12 - Inclusive Civics Project - Disability Rights

Reform to Equal Rights uses 250+ primary sources. Most are in the public domain. Many others come from public online collections. For the rest, Emerging America secured permission so that teachers can use all these sources in creative ways. https://www.emergingamerica.org/disability-history-curriculum.

History, Law, Politics
Special Education
U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Collaborative for Educational Services
Emerging America
Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources
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SRVCE Curriculum Module 4: Dialogue & Respect
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

The Dialog & Respect module, from the Supporting Readiness through Vital Civic Empowerment (SRVCE) curriculum, focuses on exploring current issues from multiple perspectives, with respect for people’s lived experiences, and reflecting on how civil discourse strengthens democracy.

The 15 lessons include video, student-facing slides, a teacher toolkit and handouts. Resources are aligned with the C3 Framework for Social Studies State Standards, National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) Core Principles of Media Literacy Education, and Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) Social and Emotional Learning Competencies.

SRVCE blends inquiry-based civic learning, media literacy education, and exploration of public service careers to prepare students to be active citizens and thrive in the workforce. All SRVCE materials are free. These materials are intended solely for educational purposes. Educators may modify the materials to suit the specific needs of their students. This may include adapting the materials for various settings and purposes, provided that such changes are made within the scope of the specific educational use.

Political Science
Social Science
U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Unit of Study
Education Development Center
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